18 research outputs found

    Abus sexuels et nĂ©gligence : mĂȘmes causes, mĂȘmes effets, mĂȘme traitement?

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    Les problĂ©matiques de Tabus sexuel et de la nĂ©gligence sont rarement mises en parallĂšle par les chercheurs ou les praticiens. À l'aide d'une revue de la documentation ainsi que d'une analyse prĂ©liminaire de donnĂ©es recueillies lors de deux enquĂȘtes, l'article propose une comparaison de ces deux situations. En bref, il apparaĂźt que l'abus sexuel et la nĂ©gligence ne diffĂ©rent pas fondamentalement lorsqu'il s'agit d'Ă©tablir l'Ă©tat de santĂ© des victimes au moment de l'Ă©valuation et de l'orientation et de choisir un type d'intervention psychosociale. Les recherches s'attardent cependant Ă  des facteurs de risque trĂšs diffĂ©rents lors de l'analyse de l'environnement familial et des caractĂ©ristiques des acteurs impliquĂ©s.The issues surrounding sexual abuse and negligence are rarely examined in parallel by researchers and social workers. Based on a review of relevant literature and on a preliminary analysis of data collected during two surveys, the authors present in this article a comparison of these two subjects. In short, sexual abuse and negligence do not seem to differ fundamentally when it is a matter of establishing the state of health of victims once under the care of authorities and of choosing a type of psychosocial intervention. However, the researchers do look closely at very different risk factors when analyzing the family environment and the characteristics of the actors involved

    Human Trafficking: Canadian Government Policy and Practice

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    A recent study undertaken by the authors (Oxman-Martinez and Martinez 2000) examined the Canadian government’s response to the traffic of human beings. Information from twenty-one government and ngo informants and a thorough review of state agency policies and international conventions revealed that trafficking and refugee movements have many links. The question raised by the Metropolis Project—Is clandestine entry to Canada a crime or a new form of migration?—is important, given that trafficking may be the only option available to legitimate refugees waiting to escape dangerous or oppressive situations. Rather than seeking to ease the migration of refugees or addressing the structural causes of trafficking or its social implications, however, Canada’s response is focused on the prevention of “irregular movements” (through immigration and border control) and prosecution of the few traffickers successfully apprehended. Preliminary evidence suggests that border control will fail to adequately address the exploitation of women, children, and men—often refugees— within our frontiers. The temporarily defunct Bill c- 31 (with its measures to control the borders and restrict immigration) threatens the rights of refugees while doing little to prevent human trafficking, protect its victims, or prosecute those who profit from trafficking.Une Ă©tude rĂ©cente faite par les auteurs (Oxman-Martinez et Martinez 2000) s’est penchĂ©e sur la rĂ©action du gouvernement canadien au trafic de personnes. Des informations reçues de 21 informateurs se trouvant au gouvernement et dans des ong, ainsi qu’un rĂ©examen en profondeur des politiques suivies par les agences gouvernementales et des conventions internationales ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’il existait des liens multiples entre le flot de rĂ©fugiĂ©s et le trafic de personnes. La question posĂ©e par le Projet Metropolis, c.Ă -d. « L’entrĂ©e clandestine au Canada est-elle un crime ou une nouvelle forme de migration ? » est importante, Ă©tant donnĂ© que le trafic est possiblement l’une des seules options dont disposent les rĂ©fugiĂ©s lĂ©gitimes dĂ©sirant fuir des situations dangereuses ou abusives. Cependant, au lieu d’essayer d’attĂ©nuer le flot de rĂ©fugiĂ©s ou de s’attaquer aux causes structurelles du trafic ou Ă  ses implications sociales, la rĂ©action du Canada est consacrĂ©e Ă  empĂȘcher les « dĂ©placements irrĂ©guliers » (contrĂŽle de l’immigration et contrĂŽle aux frontiĂšres), et la poursuite en justice des rares trafiquants qu’on arrive Ă  apprĂ©hender. Des indications prĂ©liminaires suggĂšrent que le contrĂŽle aux frontiĂšres ne parviendra pas Ă  s’attaquer de façon satisfaisante au problĂšme que constitue l’exploitation, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur mĂȘme de nos frontiĂšres, de femmes, d’enfants et d’hommes qui sont souvent des rĂ©fugiĂ©s. Le projet de loi c-31 — temporairement dĂ©funt — avec ses mesures pour contrĂŽler nos frontiĂšres et limiter l’immigration, menace les droits des rĂ©fugiĂ©s, sans pour autant faire beaucoup pour empĂȘcher le trafic humain, protĂ©ger ses victimes ou traduire en justice ceux qui en profitent

    Les abus sexuels envers les enfants. Jalons dans la formation d’un partenariat

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    L'objectif de cet article consiste Ă  exposer les rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires d'un processus de consultation et de concertation entre cinq Centres jeunesse et cinq chercheurs, au moment de la crĂ©ation d'un partenariat autour de la problĂ©matique de l'abus sexuel Ă  l'endroit des enfants. AprĂšs avoir rappelĂ© diverses statistiques sur la prĂ©valence du phĂ©nomĂšne, les auteurs prĂ©sentent les rĂ©sultats d'une recension des Ă©crits sur le profil psychosocial des diffĂ©rents acteurs dans l'abus sexuel (la victime, le ou les parents non abuseurs, l'abuseur et la famille) et sur la rĂ©ponse institutionnelle, telle que : le choix des mesures, le placement de l'enfant ainsi que les multiples formes de thĂ©rapie. Ils discutent des prioritĂ©s des recherches descriptive et Ă©valuative, de mĂȘme que des multiples dĂ©fis Ă  surmonter afin de mener des recherches d'une rigueur scientifique qui auront des retombĂ©es immĂ©diates pour les intervenants dans ce domaine de pointe.This article summarizes the consultation process that led to the creation of a «Partenariat» on child sexual abuse of five youth services districts in QuĂ©bec and five researchers. Statistics on the prevalence of abuse, research on the description of the multiple actors involved in abuse (the victim, the non-abusive parent(s), the abuser and the family), as well as the institutional response to sexual abuse are summarized. A series ofresearch projects are outlined that will respond to clinicians' priorities and meet the multiple methodological hurdles that have plagued research in this area

    La dynamique triangulaire dans le processus d’incorporation des demandeurs d’asile, les politiques migratoires et le rîle des organismes communautaires

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    This article analyses how the present system for the integration of asylum seekers in Canada, as seen in policies and in actual practice, either facilitates or impedes the integration of asylum seekers right from the moment of their arrival in Quebec. The authors examine how advocates from community organizations perceive the obstacles inherent to the temporary status of asylum seekers. The article further analyses the political dynamics that are entangled in social activities where asylum seekers and members of the host community interact. The study is based on data and results from a literature review and interviews conducted with advocacy groups and representatives of the various levels of government.Cet article analyse comment le rĂ©gime d’incorporation au Canada, Ă  travers ses politiques et ses pratiques, facilite ou met Ă  l’épreuve l’incorporation des demandeurs d’asile dĂšs leur arrivĂ©e au QuĂ©bec. Les auteurs examinent comment les intervenants des organisations communautaires perçoivent les obstacles dressĂ©s par le statut provisoire des demandeurs d’asile. Les dynamiques politiques enchevĂȘtrĂ©es dans l’activitĂ© sociale oĂč interagissent les demandeurs d’asile et les membres de la sociĂ©tĂ© d’accueil sont aussi analysĂ©es. L’étude se fonde sur les donnĂ©es et les rĂ©sultats issus d’une revue documentaire et des entrevues faites auprĂšs des intervenants et des reprĂ©sentants des diffĂ©rents paliers gouvernementaux

    Predictors of emotional problems and physical aggression among children of Hong Kong Chinese, Mainland Chinese and Filipino immigrants to Canada

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    Background and study aims: Data from the New Canadian Children and Youth Study (NCCYS), a national study of immigrant children and youth in Canada, are used to examine the mental health salience of putatively universal determinants, as well as of immigration-specific factors. Universal factors (UF) include age, gender, family and neighbourhood characteristics. Migration-specific (MS) factors include ethnic background, acculturative stress, prejudice, and the impact of region of resettlement within Canada. Methods: In a sample of children from Hong Kong, the Philippines and Mainland China, the study examined the determinants of emotional problems (EP), and physical aggression (PA). A two-step regression analysis entered UF on step 1, and MS variables on step 2. Results: Universal factors accounted for 12.1% of EP variance. Addition of MS variables increased explained variance to 15.6%. Significant UF predictors: parental depression, family dysfunction, and parent\u27s education. Significant MS variables: country of origin, region of resettlement, resettlement stress, prejudice, and limited linguistic fluency. UF accounted for 6.3% of variance in PA scores. Adding migration-specific variables increased variance explained to 9.1%. UF: age, gender, parent\u27s depression, family dysfunction. MS: country of origin, region of resettlement, resettlement stress, and parent\u27s perception of prejudice. Conclusions: Net of the effect of factors affecting the mental health of most, if not all children, migration-specific variables contribute to understanding immigrant children\u27s mental health

    La recherche sociale au service de la pratique ?

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    À quelles conditions la recherche sociale permet-elle le transfert des connaissances et le renouvellement des pratiques ? VoilĂ  la question posĂ©e au dĂ©part. Pour y rĂ©pondre, l'auteure s'arrĂȘte d'abord sur l'Ă©tat de la recherche sociale Ă  l'Ă©poque de la Commission Castonguay-Nepveu, en rappelant combien elle Ă©tait alors peu dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Puis, elle montre comment, au cours des annĂ©es 70 et 80, s'est posĂ©e la question des rapports entre la thĂ©orie et la pratique, entre les producteurs et les utilisateurs de connaissance, entre les ressources de la communautĂ© acadĂ©mique et celles du rĂ©seau de la santĂ© et des services sociaux. Enfin, en s'appuyant sur des expĂ©riences de recherche vĂ©cues ces derniĂšres annĂ©es au Centre de services sociaux Richelieu, l'auteure avance des propositions concrĂštes qui valorisent la mise en oeuvre de formes de concertation entre chercheurs, gestionnaires et praticiens. Cette concertation est souhaitable Ă  la fois au moment de la planification, de la rĂ©alisation et de la diffusion des activitĂ©s de recherche

    La traite des personnes et la famille : un lien négligé, incontournable dans tout travail de prévention et de protection

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    Le prĂ©sent article aborde un nouveau sujet de prĂ©occupation : l’influence que les familles des victimes ont sur celles-ci, soit en les rendant vulnĂ©rables Ă  la traite des personnes, soit en constituant un obstacle Ă  leurs efforts pour Ă©chapper aux trafiquants, une fois qu’elles sont prises au piĂšge. Lorsqu’une femme ou un enfant sont objets de la traite, la situation familiale prend une importance de premier plan en matiĂšre de protection. Que les victimes s’inquiĂštent pour leur famille ou qu’elles craignent de continuer Ă  ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es par celle-ci, il n’en demeure pas moins que les problĂšmes reliĂ©s Ă  la famille devraient ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration et offrir de nouvelles pistes de recherche.The present article addresses a new subject of concern: the impact of their families on victims, either by rendering them vulnerable to human trafficking, or by constituting an obstacle to the victim's attempts to escape the traffickers, once caught in their net. When a woman or child are trafficked, their family situation is of prime importance as far as protection is concerned. Whether these victims fear for their families, or whether they are afraid that they will continue to be exploited by them, it is still essential that family-related problems should be taken into account and provide new avenues for research

    La traite des personnes et la famille : un lien négligé, incontournable dans tout travail de prévention et de protection

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    Le prĂ©sent article aborde un nouveau sujet de prĂ©occupation : l’influence que les familles des victimes ont sur celles-ci, soit en les rendant vulnĂ©rables Ă  la traite des personnes, soit en constituant un obstacle Ă  leurs efforts pour Ă©chapper aux trafiquants, une fois qu’elles sont prises au piĂšge. Lorsqu’une femme ou un enfant sont objets de la traite, la situation familiale prend une importance de premier plan en matiĂšre de protection. Que les victimes s’inquiĂštent pour leur famille ou qu’elles craignent de continuer Ă  ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es par celle-ci, il n’en demeure pas moins que les problĂšmes reliĂ©s Ă  la famille devraient ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration et offrir de nouvelles pistes de recherche.The present article addresses a new subject of concern: the impact of their families on victims, either by rendering them vulnerable to human trafficking, or by constituting an obstacle to the victim's attempts to escape the traffickers, once caught in their net. When a woman or child are trafficked, their family situation is of prime importance as far as protection is concerned. Whether these victims fear for their families, or whether they are afraid that they will continue to be exploited by them, it is still essential that family-related problems should be taken into account and provide new avenues for research

    Newcomer Children: Experiences of Inclusion and Exclusion, and Their Outcomes

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    This article explores the potential inclusion and exclusion factors affecting the developmental outcomes of immigrant children, and examines the influence of inclusive school environment, social/psychological isolation, and perceived discrimination by peers and teachers on the psychosocial and academic adjustment of immigrant children. Our study is based on a subset of data from the New Canadian Children and Youth Study (NCCYS), a national longitudinal survey including 515 foreign-born immigrant children (11 to 13 years) from three ethnic groups (Mainland China, Hong Kong, the Philippines) living in the Montreal and Toronto metropolitan areas, Canada. The results show that after controlling for socio-demographic background variables, teachers’ discriminatory attitudes and psychological isolation contribute to the prediction of risk for immigrant children’s self-esteem, social competence, and academic performance. Inclusive school environment has a significant effect on social competence and academic performance of immigrant children. Peer discrimination is also associated with self-esteem and social competence. These findings suggest that inclusive school environment, social/psychological isolation, and discrimination are critical factors affecting the developmental outcomes of immigrant children that, in turn, are connected to future prospects for their eventual inclusion and participation in other social, economic, and political venues of the host country

    Newcomer Children: Experiences of Inclusion and Exclusion, and Their Outcomes

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    This article explores the potential inclusion and exclusion factors affecting the developmental outcomes of immigrantchildren, and examines the influence of inclusive school environment, social/psychological isolation, and perceived discriminationby peers and teachers on the psychosocial and academic adjustment of immigrant children. Our study isbased on a subset of data from the New Canadian Children and Youth Study (NCCYS), a national longitudinal survey including515 foreign-born immigrant children (11 to 13 years) from three ethnic groups (Mainland China, Hong Kong, thePhilippines) living in the Montreal and Toronto metropolitan areas, Canada. The results show that after controlling forsocio-demographic background variables, teachers’ discriminatory attitudes and psychological isolation contribute tothe prediction of risk for immigrant children’s self-esteem, social competence, and academic performance. Inclusiveschool environment has a significant effect on social competence and academic performance of immigrant children.Peer discrimination is also associated with self-esteem and social competence. These findings suggest that inclusiveschool environment, social/psychological isolation, and discrimination are critical factors affecting the developmentaloutcomes of immigrant children that, in turn, are connected to future prospects for their eventual inclusion and participationin other social, economic, and political venues of the host country