81 research outputs found

    Meat: The Future Series - Alternative Proteins

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    New research prepared by the Oxford Martin School, Oxford University for the World Economic Forum’s Meat: the Future dialogue series finds that balancing meat consumption with alternative sources of protein can lead to significant health and environmental benefits

    Food and farming A new future

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    Proceedings of the Food and Farming Conference, 10th November 2001, Oxford Brookes UniversityAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:6321. 0135(no 7) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Data from: Genomic landscapes of divergence among island bird populations: evidence of parallel adaptation but at different loci?

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    When populations colonise new environments they may be exposed to novel selection pressures but also suffer from extensive genetic drift due to founder effects, small population sizes, and limited interpopulation gene flow. Genomic approaches enable us to study how these factors drive divergence, and disentangle neutral effects from differentiation at specific loci due to selection. Here, we investigate patterns of genetic diversity and divergence using whole-genome resequencing (> 22X coverage) in Berthelot’s pipit (Anthus berthelotii), a passerine endemic to the islands of three north Atlantic archipelagos. Strong environmental gradients, including in pathogen pressure, across populations in the species range, make it an excellent system in which to explore traits important in adaptation and/or incipient speciation. Firstly, we quantify how genomic divergence accumulates across the speciation continuum, i.e., among Berthelot’s pipit populations, between subspecies across archipelagos, and between Berthelot’s pipit and its mainland ancestor, the tawny pipit (Anthus campestris). Across these colonisation timeframes (2.1 million – ca. 8,000 years ago), we identify highly differentiated loci within genomic islands of divergence and conclude that the observed distributions align with expectations for non-neutral divergence. Characteristic signatures of selection are identified in loci associated with craniofacial/bone and eye development, metabolism, and immune response between population comparisons. Interestingly, we find limited evidence for repeated divergence of the same loci across the colonisation range but do identify different loci putatively associated with the same biological traits in different populations, likely due to parallel adaptation. Incipient speciation across these island populations, in which founder effects and selective pressures are strong, may therefore be repeatedly associated with morphology, metabolism, and immune defence.Martin, Claudia et al. (2024). Data from: Genomic landscapes of divergence among island bird populations: evidence of parallel adaptation but at different loci? [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.1g1jwsv4

    Remarkable preservation of brain tissues in an Early Cretaceous iguanodontian dinosaur

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    Supplementary information from the paper "Remarkable preservation of brain tissues in an Early Cretaceous iguanodontian dinosaur", features in a Geological Society Publication in memory of Professor Martin Brasier, University of Oxford. Datasets comprise: -- A single zipped image stack from two aligned concatenated CT scans of the specimen. -- A .7z split zip file of the dataset as a Drishti volume, used to render the images in the paper. -- SEM images of the specimen

    Data accompanying Milodowski et al. (Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021): "The impact of logging on vertical canopy structure across a gradient of tropical forest degradation intensity in Borneo"

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    LiDAR point cloud data: LiDAR point clouds for the GEM inventory plots across SAFE, Maliau Conservation Area and Danum Valley in Malaysian Borneo. The georeferenced point clouds were produced following a survey by the Natural Environment Research Council Airborne Research Facility in 2014, noise points were removed and ground points classified using Lastools. Digital terrain models (DTM) were produced from classified ground points at 10 m resolution. Point clouds were normalised (through ground subtraction) to produce point heights relative to the local ground elevation. Crown surveys: In each plot, the positions and heights of all trees with a stem diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 10 cm were mapped using ground-based Field-Map technology (IFER, Ltd., Jílové u Prahy, Czech Republic) in 2016. We mapped individual tree crowns by measuring 5-30 spatial positions, representing the boundary of a crown projected onto the horizontal plane. Crown projections were smoothed using the "smooth contour line" feature of Field-Map software v.11. Small stem inventories: At SAFE and Maliau Basin, DBH was measured for all stems >2 cm for 4-5 of the subplots in each GEM plot in 2012-2013 (in the manuscript, we used the average stem size distributions to estimate canopy volume contributions for the un-surveyed subplots). At the Danum Valley sites, DBH was measured for all subplots in a stem census comprising all stems >1 cm in 2011=2012 (DAN-04) and 2013-2014 (DAN-05), as part of the ForestGEO 50 ha inventory plot. Full data from Danum Valley is available, subject to conditions of usage, from the ForestGEO data portal: http://ctfs.si.edu/datarequest/

    Data accompanying Milodowski et al. (Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021): "The impact of logging on vertical canopy structure across a gradient of tropical forest degradation intensity in Borneo"

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    Description: LiDAR point cloud data: LiDAR point clouds for the GEM inventory plots across SAFE, Maliau Conservation Area and Danum Valley in Malaysian Borneo. The georeferenced point clouds were produced following a survey by the Natural Environment Research Council Airborne Research Facility in 2014, noise points were removed and ground points classified using Lastools. Digital terrain models (DTM) were produced from classified ground points at 10 m resolution. Point clouds were normalised (through ground subtraction) to produce point heights relative to the local ground elevation. Crown surveys: In each plot, the positions and heights of all trees with a stem diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 10 cm were mapped using ground-based Field-Map technology (IFER, Ltd., Jílové u Prahy, Czech Republic) in 2016. We mapped individual tree crowns by measuring 5-30 spatial positions, representing the boundary of a crown projected onto the horizontal plane. Crown projections were smoothed using the "smooth contour line" feature of Field-Map software v.11.Small stem inventories: At SAFE and Maliau Basin, DBH was measured for all stems >2 cm for 4-5 of the subplots in each GEM plot in 2012-2013 (in the manuscript, we used the average stem size distributions to estimate canopy volume contributions for the un-surveyed subplots). At the Danum Valley sites, DBH was measured for all subplots in a stem census comprising all stems >1 cm in 2011=2012 (DAN-04) and 2013-2014 (DAN-05), as part of the ForestGEO 50 ha inventory plot. Full data from Danum Valley is available, subject to conditions of usage, from the ForestGEO data portal: http://ctfs.si.edu/datarequest/.Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Biodiversity and land-use impacts on tropical ecosystem function (BALI): Quantifying functional trait distributions across the disturbance gradientFunding: These data were collected as part of research funded by: Natural Environmental Research Council (Human Modified Tropical Forests Consortium Grant, NE/K016377/1)This dataset is released under the CC-BY 4.0 licence, requiring that you cite the dataset in any outputs, but has the additional condition that you acknowledge the contribution of these funders in any outputs.Permits: These data were collected under permit from the following authorities:Sabah Biodiversity Council (Research licence (Research licence Unknown))XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available hereFiles: This dataset consists of 2 files: data_archive_for_JApplEcol_Milodowski_2021.xlsx, Carbon_plot_point_cloud_buffer.lasdata_archive_for_JApplEcol_Milodowski_2021.xlsxThis file contains dataset metadata and 6 data tables:Attribute table for GEM plot crown surveys (described in worksheet GEM_crown_surveys)Description: Field inventory of GEM plots with measurement of positions, heights, DBH and individual tree crowns for trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) > 10 cm.Number of fields: 15Number of data rows: 4155Fields: SAFEPlotName: SAFE plot name (Field type: location)Plot: GEM plot name (Field type: id)Subplot: Subplot ID (Field type: id)FieldMap_census_date: Date of survey (Field type: date)X_m_FieldMapcensus: Relative location within subplot (Field type: numeric)Y_m_FieldMapcensus: Relative location within subplot (Field type: numeric)Z_m_FieldMapcensus: Relative location within subplot (Field type: numeric)DBH_cm_FieldMapcensus: DBH (Field type: numeric)Height_m_FieldMapcensus: Tree height (Field type: numeric)CrownProjection_Area_m2_FieldMapcensus: Projected Area of Crown (Field type: numeric)Note_FieldMapcensus: Field notes (Field type: comments)Standing_dead_FieldMapcensus: Standing dead trees labelled with Y (other trees with N) (Field type: categorical)Broken_dead_FieldMapcensus: Broken dead trees labelled with Y (other trees with N) (Field type: categorical)Lying_dead_FieldMapcensus: Fallen dead trees labelled with Y (other trees with N) (Field type: categorical)Broken_live_FieldMapcensus: Broken, but alive trees labelled with a Y (other trees with N) (Field type: categorical)Attribute table for small stem surveys at SAFE/Maliau GEM plots (described in worksheet SAFE_small_tree_census)Description: Small stem survey data for the small tree census carried out for subplots at SAFE and Maliau GEM plotsNumber of fields: 20Number of data rows: 2181Fields: SAFEPlotName: SAFE plot name (Field type: location)Plot: GEM plot name (Field type: id)SUBPLOT: Subplot ID (Field type: id)CensusDate: Date of census (Field type: date)Observers: Observers (Field type: comments)TreeTagNumber: Tree Identification Number (Tag number) (Field type: id)D.POM_NSdirection: Diameter at point of measurement (POM) in north-south direction (Field type: numeric)D.POM_EWdirection: Diameter at point of measurement (POM) in east-west direction (Field type: numeric)H.POM: Height of the diameter measurement (default is 1.3 m) (Field type: numeric)HEIGHT: Height of tree (Field type: numeric)FLAG1: Census flag (status of the tree) (Field type: comments)COMMENTS: Comments from field survey (Field type: comments)DH_Liana_NSdirection: Additional diameter measurements for lianas (Field type: comments)DH_Liana_EWdirection: Additional diameter measurements for lianas (Field type: numeric)DMax_Liana_NSdirection: Additional diameter measurements for lianas (Field type: numeric)DMax_Liana_EWdirection: Additional diameter measurements for lianas (Field type: numeric)LeafSampleCollected: Flag to specify whether leaf sample taken (Y-yes; P-photo; N-not possible) (Field type: categorical)Comments_DataEntry: Comment on data entry (Field type: comments)CombinedCode: Combined tree code (plot and tree number) (Field type: id)Species: Species ID (Field type: comments)Attribute table for stem surveys at DAN04 (described in worksheet Danum_census_DAN04)Description: Stem survey data for DAN04 (SAFE plot name: Car_D1)Number of fields: 19Number of data rows: 4590Fields: SAFEPlotName: SAFE plot name (Field type: location)Plot: GEM plot name (Field type: id)Subplot: Subplot number (Field type: id)Date: Date measured (Field type: date)x_coord: Relative x coordinate within subplot (Field type: numeric)y_coord: Relative y coordinate within subplot (Field type: numeric)Tag_6digit: Tree identification tag (Field type: id)Species_6char: Species code (Field type: id)NumberOfStem: Number of stems (Field type: numeric)Diameter_MainStem_mm: Diameter of main stem (Field type: numeric)Codes: Further flags (Field type: comments)Notes: Field notes (Field type: comments)Diameter_Stem1_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem2_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem3_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem4_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem5_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem6_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem7_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Attribute table for stem surveys at DAN05 (described in worksheet Danum_census_DAN05)Description: Stem survey data for DAN05 (SAFE plot name: Car_D2)Number of fields: 16Number of data rows: 5562Fields: SAFEPlotName: SAFE plot name (Field type: location)Plot: GEM plot name (Field type: id)Subplot: Subplot number (Field type: id)Date: Date measured (Field type: date)x_coord: Relative x coordinate within subplot (Field type: numeric)y_coord: Relative y coordinate within subplot (Field type: numeric)Tag_6digit: Tree identification tag (Field type: id)Species_6char: Species code (Field type: id)NumberOfStem: Number of stems (Field type: numeric)Diameter_MainStem_mm: Diameter of main stem (Field type: numeric)Codes: Further flags (Field type: comments)Notes: Field notes (Field type: comments)Diameter_Stem1_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem2_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem3_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)Diameter_Stem4_mm: Additional stem diameters (for multiple stems) (Field type: numeric)GEM plot coordinates (described in worksheet GEM_plot_GPS_corner_coordinates)Description: Corner coordinates for the GEM plot, measured with GPSNumber of fields: 6Number of data rows: 40Fields: SAFEPlotName: Location (Field type: location)Plot: Plot name (Field type: id)x_relative: x coordinate relative to plot origin (Field type: numeric)y_relative: y coordinate relative to plot origin (Field type: numeric)x_utm: x coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)y_utm: y_coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)GEM plot subplot coordinates (described in worksheet GEM_subplot_fitted_coordinates)Description: GEM subplot coordinates derived from corner GPS locations, using least squares affine transformationNumber of fields: 13Number of data rows: 200Fields: SAFEPlotName: SAFE plot name (Field type: location)Plot: GEM plot name (Field type: id)Subplot: Subplot number (Field type: id)x11: x coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)y11: y coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)x12: x coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)y12: y coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)x22: x coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)y22: y coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)x21: x coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)y21: y coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)x11_close: x coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)y11_close: y coordinate in UTM 50N (Field type: numeric)Carbon_plot_point_cloud_buffer.lasDescription: las file containing GEM carbon plot point clouds clipped SAFE, Maliau Basin and Danum Valley monitoring sitesThis file contains 1 data tables:Attribute table for lidar point cloud (described in worksheet GEM_plot_lidar)Description: GEM carbon plot point clouds for SAFE, Maliau Basin and Danum Valley monitoring sitesNumber of fields: 1Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).Fields: Carbon_plot_point_cloud_buffer: LiDAR point cloud data covering the GEM plots (Field type: numeric)Date range: 2001-09-15 to 2016-10-23Latitudinal extent: 4.6000 to 5.0000Longitudinal extent: 116.9000 to 117.900
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