15 research outputs found

    Bimbingan Teknis Penulisan Soal HOTS Bagi Pendidik di SDK 086 Nangahaledoi

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para pendidik di SDK 086 Nangahaledoi terkait teknik penyusunan soal yang memenuhi kriteria High Older Thinking Skill (HOTS). Kegiatan ini didasari pada masih rendahnya kompetensi pendidik yang dikeluhkan sehubungan dengan cara menyusun soal yang berkategori HOTS. Kegiatan ini diadakan pada tanggal 16 dan 17 November 2020 bertempat di SDK 086 Nangahaledoi Kecamatan Waigete Kabupaten Sikka. Metode pelaksanaan PKM ini adalah kaji tindak partisipasif. Metode ini berarti pengikutsertaan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu atau pengambilan bagian dari sesuatu yang harus dilakukan oleh pelakunya. Jadi, peserta terlibat secara aktif dalam kegiatan penyusunan soal HOTS. Hasil dari kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan kompetensi pendidik dalam menyusun soal HOTS yakni semua peserta didik dapat mengembangkan materi dari KD, merumuskan indikator sesuai level kognitif, dan menulis butir soal sesuai indikator soal


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    ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat masalah mengenai penggunaan media kado ilmu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis cerpen pada peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu jenis penelitian tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitataif yaitu pengumpulan data berupa data yang ditemukan pada saat melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan media kadoilmu pada pesertadidik. Teknik yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik non tes berupa observasi (pengamatan) terhadap peserta didik dan pendidik, dan teknik tes berupa hasil pekerjaan peserta didik yang di lakukan untuk mengetahui presentase ketuntasan hasilbelajar peserta didik. Teknik analisis data yaitu data hasil pekerjaan peserta didik yang dianalisis dengan cara membaca, memeriksa, dan menilai. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media kado ilmu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam menuli scerpen, yakni dengan adanya ketuntasan belajar peserta didik pada siklus 1 yang tuntas 8 orang atau 28,57%, yang tidak tuntas 20 orang atau 71,43% sedangkan pada siklus II jumlahpeserta didik yang tuntasmeningkat menjadi 27 orang atau 96,42%, dengan 1 orang atau 4,00% yang menunjukan tidak tuntas.KATA KUNCI: Media Kadoilmu,Cerpen,Pesertadidik.  THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC MEDIA MEDIA IN IMPROVING THE WRITING ABILITY OF STUDENTS IN EDUCATION ABSTRACT: This study aims to raise the issue of the use of science gift media in improving short story writing skills in students. This research is one type of Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research uses descriptive qualitative method that is data collection in the form of data found at the time of conducting research using gift items on students. The techniques used in this study are non-test techniques in the form of observations (observers) of students and educators, and test techniques in the form of student work done to determine the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes. Data analysis technique is the data of students' work which is analyzed by reading, checking, and assessing. So based on the results of the study it was concluded that learning by using science gift media can improve the ability of students in writing scerpenes, namely by completing the learning of students in cycle 1 which is complete 8 people or 28.57%, which is not completed 20 people or 71, 43% while in the second cycle the number of students who completed completed increased to 27 people or 96.42%, with 1 person or 4.00% who showed incomplete.KEYWORDS: Kadoilmu Media, Short Stories, Islamic Education Participant

    Offshore Stratigraphic Architecture of the Miocene to Actual Deposits in the Southern Margin of Rio-Del-Rey (South Cameroon)

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    The study of the geometric deposits in a basin allows the reconstitution of its tectonic and eustatic history. The Rio-del Rey basin, upon which this study is being carried out, constitutes one of the two Cameroon margin basins located North of the Cameroon volcanic line. To study the stratigraphic architecture of the Miocene deposits consists in characterizing the deposits geometry by discriminating the controlling factors. This study is based on data, made up of 13 seismic lines and 07 wells and then on various methods related on seismostratigraphy and diagraphies. The obtained lithologies in the study area constituted essentially of sandy and clayey deposits from Paleocene to Recent. They are grouped differently in to Akata, Agbada and Benin Formations, and the Isongo Member. These deposits are set up in marines (bathyal and neritic), deltaics, turbiditic cones slope and fluvial channels environments. Three second-orders sequences were identified (S1, S2 and S3), they are made up of deposits presenting variable geometries along the basin. They are prograding, aggrading, in domes and synclinal. The disposition of the deposits was influenced by tectonic structures such as folds and faults. The isochronal map allows understand the sedimentary flow impact on topographic evolution of the basin in the upper- Miocene. It turns out that, deposits of this basin present various geometric tectonics control (subsidence and uplift) that constitute a major influential factor, being marked by the presence of synclines (gravity tectonics), domes (argilocinesis) and syn-sedimentary faults. The fall in marine level eustatism gives rise to progradations, whereas, a rise in marine level is responsible for retrogradations and aggradations. Thus, the sedimentary flow exerts a secondary control. It is related to the above two major factors

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menulis Berbagai Jenis Teks Bertema Kearifan Lokal Sikka Bagi Siswa SMP

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    Abstrak Menulis merupakan keterampilan berbahasa yang diajarkan secara terpadu dengan ketiga keterampilan berbahasa lainnya.Dalam kurikulum 2013, pembelajaran yang dilakukan berbasis teks, tetapi sumber bahan ajar masih terbatas pada buku siswa terbitan Depdiknas.Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bertema kearifan lokal dengan pendekatan kontekstual bagi siswa SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan prototipe bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bertema kearifan lokal Sikka dengan pendekatan kontekstual sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru, (2) menguji hasil kelayakan prototipe bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bertema kearifan lokal Sikka dari segi bentuk dan isi, dan (3) menguji efektivitas bahan ajar menulis dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis peserta didik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Data berupa kebutuhan bahan ajar menulis, produk prototipe bahan ajar, dan tulisan siswa. Sumber data berasal dari siswa, guru, budayawan Sikka, dan ahli. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa  (1) Prototipe bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bermuatan kearifan lokal Sikka dengan pendekatan kontekstual sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru meliputi model teks, struktur teks, strategi pengembangan tulisan, latihan soal, pedoman penilaian dan suplemen berupa EYD. Adapun pendekatan kontekstual terintegrasi dalam proses pembelajaran. (2) Hasil penilaian validator ahli dengan rerata skor 77,45 atau Layak, sedangkan validator pengguna dengan  rerata skor 85, 53 atau Amat Layak.  (3) Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar menulis teks secara efektif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis peserta didik ditandai dengan persentasi daya serap mencapai 80% secara kelompok dan 80% siswa mampu mengembangkan teks sesuai dengan struktur, isi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan penggunaan huruf kapital. Kata Kunci: bahan ajar, jenis teks, kearifan lokal   ABSTRAC Writing is language skills in which integrated preached with the third other skills. In curriculum 2013, the learning done based on the text, but the sources of teaching materials still limited on students’ book published by Department of Education National. So that, it’s needed to developed teaching materials Writing Various Type of Text Themed Local Wisdom of Sikka Regency, NTT by Using Contextual Approach for The Junior High School Student. This research is aims to (1) identify prototype teaching materials writing various type of text themed Sikka local wisdom as students’ and teacher’s needed, (2) knowing the result of prototype expediency writing various type themed Sikka local wisdom in terms of and the contents of, and (3) knowing the effectiveness writing teaching materials to improving the learner’s ability in writing. This research is R& D. The data are collected by using questionnaire to identifies the necessity of teaching materials and to examine prototype expediency of teaching materials. Besides the data also are collected from Students’ result of study toward the ability in writing text themed Sikka local wisdom to examine effectiveness of product. This research indicates that (1) prototype teaching materials writing various type of text themed Sikka local wisdom by using contextual approach based on students’ and teacher’s necessity included:  text model, structure of the text, strategy of writing development, exercises, rating directive and supplement EYD. There is also contextual approach integrated in learning process, (2) the rating result of validation expert on the average score is 77, 45 (good) mean while the rating result of validation user average score is 85, 53 (excellent) and (3) teaching materials writing text effectively can develop the ability of students’ writing shown by the percentage of students’ classical completeness 80% in groups and 80% students can develop the text based on structure, content, spelling, punctuations and the use of capital letter. Key words: teaching materials, kinds of text, local wisdom, contextual approac

    Bidirectional push–pull/H‐bridge converter for low‐voltage energy storage system

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    Abstract A bidirectional push–pull/H‐bridge DC/DC converter for a low‐voltage energy storage system is proposed in this paper. It comprises the push–pull converter, the phase‐shifted H‐bridge converter, and the transformer. The push–pull converter is connected to the low‐voltage side, and it is controlled by 0.5 fixed duty ratio. The phase‐shifted H‐bridge converter is connected to the high‐voltage side, and it is controlled by an extended phase shift scheme with zero voltage switching (ZVS). Compared with the conventional dual active bridge (DAB) DC/DC converter, the proposed converter has a simple structure—there are only two power switches with a common ground and simple gate‐driving circuits in the low‐voltage side. The 600‐W laboratory prototype was developed to confirm the theoretical analysis and the validity of the proposed converter

    Highly Efficient Single-Stage DAB Microinverter Using a Novel Modulation Strategy to Minimize Reactive Power

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    This article proposes a highly efficient single-stage dual-active-bridge (DAB) microinverter with a novel modulation strategy to minimize the reactive power flow of DAB converter. Using the proposed modulation, the DAB microinverter achieves good controllability and high efficiency with the following features. First, the variable-frequency control algorithm linearizes the nonlinear function of the phase shift angle, enabling a simple closed-loop control for the sinusoidal trajectory tracking. Second, the proposed modulation strategy minimizes the reactive power flow during the switching period while guaranteeing the zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) turn-on of all switches. With minimized reactive power, current stress and power losses are significantly reduced. Thus, the DAB microinverter achieves a maximum efficiency of 96.87%. Third, the proposed phase shift angles and switching frequency are obtained in an analytic form, thereby that they are computationally simple and easy to implement. The operation principle of the proposed modulation strategy is theoretically analyzed and verified. Experimental results based on a 330-W prototype module are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed inverter and to verify the analysis.11Nsciescopu

    Characterisation of different parts from

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    Fatty acids, amino acids, as well as total phenolic content and antioxidant activities, were presented from Moringa oleifera different parts (whole seeds, kernels, coats, pods and leaves). The investigated parts were a good source of protein (29.2, 37.8, 11.9, 10.1 and 22.8 g/100 g for whole seeds, kernels, coats, pods and leaves, respectively) with isoleucine, leucine, arginine, glycine, glutamine and tyrosine as amino acids in sufficient amount to meet the nutritional needs. Moringa seeds are also rich in oil. Oleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid in moringa seeds (66.2 and 65.8% for whole seeds and kernels, respectively). Leaves were rich in minerals such as P, K, Mg and Fe with the highest amount of total phenolic content. 70% ethanol, 80% methanol or water showed the highest yield with of total phenolic content from leaves reaching 11.8, 11.3 and 8.9 mg GAE/g, respectively. The lowest ED50 values were reported for extracts of leaves obtained by 70% ethanol and 80% methanol (0.51 and 0.54 mg), respectively, indicating more antioxidant activity than for the other solvents. For the ß-carotene-linoleic acid assay, leaves extract showed also the strongest effect for delaying the oxidation followed by extracts from pods and coats in a comparison with the control without antioxidants. From this comprehensive investigation of the different parts of MO, an assessment of the raw materials regarding their application as food is possible

    Oxidative stability of

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    Enhancement of the oxidative stability of cactus seeds oil by blending with moringa seeds oil was investigated during storage period for four weeks at 50 °C. Blends (25, 50 and 75%) of moringa seeds oil with cactus seeds oil were prepared. Fatty acids composition, induction period, peroxide value, specific extinction coefficients (K232 and K270) and tocopherols were studied. Blending moringa seeds oil with cactus seeds oil at 25:75% increases the induction period to 4.06 h while it was 3.16 h in 100% cactus seeds oil. Peroxide values decreased due to increase moringa seeds oil amount in blends. Also, adding moringa seeds oil to cactus seeds oil caused a decrease in K232 and K270 values during the storage period in comparison with 100% cactus seeds oil. α-tocopherol values decreased during storage for all oil blends, while the content of Îł-tocopherol in all samples (except moringa seeds oil) increased during storage period reaching the highest level after the third week then it started to decrease. Therefore, the obtained results provided a potential approach to utilize moringa oil to increase the oxidative stability of edible oils