84 research outputs found


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    Obesity, resulting from energy imbalance caused by an increased ratio of caloric intake to energy expenditure is a global health problem. This study investigated the effects of Sorghum bicolor leaf extracts (SBE) on blood lipid levels in high fat diet-induced obese rats. Sorghum bicolor leaf was extracted with 70% ethanol using Soxhlet extractor. Male Wistar rats (n=36) divided into six groups: (A) normal control, (B) obese control (High Fat Diet – HFD), (C) HFD+150 mg/kg body weight SBE (first treatment), (D) HFD+300 mg/kg body weight SBE (second treatment), (E) HFD+600 mg/kg body weight SBE (third treatment) and (F) HFD+ 1200 mg/kg body weight SBE (fourth treatment) were used. The SBE was administered orally to the animals daily for 28 days. Body weight was taken weekly and Lee index was calculated alongside. Plasma, erythrocytes and lipoproteins' lipid profiles were determined using spectrophotometric methods. Results from the study revealed that generally, SBE significantly reduced (p<0.05) the levels of cholesterol, phospholipids, triacylglycerol by varying levels, in the various blood compartments of the obese animals. It was observed that SBE caused a significant (p<0.05) decrease in plasma cholesterol level of the fourth treatment group. Also, SBE significantly (p<0.05) reduced the elevated atherogenic and coronary risk indices by 50%. This study suggests that SBE might be useful in the management of obesity and its co-morbid conditions

    Globalization and Organization Performance in Nigeria —A Review of Literature

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    This study examined globalization and organization performance in Nigeria, a review of literature. Globalization has become an experience that has turned the entire world into a global business village that can not be ignored by any organization if maximum or improve performance is to be achieved. This study was conducted using data from a single source. Information was obtained from magazines, articles, journals, periodicals, textbooks, the internet, and other unpublished materials applicable to the work written by different authors on the current topical issue. The secondary source of data collection was therefore adopted with the data examined using the content analysis approach due to its dependence on the secondary source data


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    This paper examines the attitudes and the practice of documentation of indigenous knowledge by the traditional health practitioners (THP) in Kwara State, Nigeria. Indigenous knowledge has been playing significant roles most especially in the primary health of the people in rural areas. This important knowledge is prone to attrition due to non-documentation and the World Bank has warned that if the knowledge is not documented, it will be lost. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and utilized questionnaire to collect data for the study. 30 traditional health practitioners were purposively selected based on their experience for the study. Simple percentage and frequency count were used to analyse the biographic variables while the research questions were answered using means and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using Pearson Correlation. The result of the study shows that there were more male traditional health practitioners than female, the higher percentage of them were elderly and highly experienced in the practice. The practitioners had positive attitudes to documentation of their IK and there is significant relationship between attitudes and documentation of IK. Writing and storytelling are the most prominent practice of documentation and that lock of formal education, fear of loss of ownership of the knowledge, misuse of the documented knowledge among others are challenges facing documentation of Ik in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study concludes that THP should be helped to overcome these challenges so that they will be encouraged to document their IK to prevent it from going into extinction

    Emerging Trends in Lifelong Learning: The Covenant University Perspective

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    In the last few decades, lifelong concept of education has resonated with other concepts such as the knowledge society, new knowledge economy, open courseware, open source, wikieconomics, and technology enabled learning. Embedded in all of these concepts and emerging from them is the notion that access to knowledge and learning is a universal right. Infact, knowledge is increasingly regarded as the solution to individual and collective, social and economic problems. In other words, lifelong learning is an essential part in the community development process, where community members acquire their life skills, soft skills and vocational skills throughout their lifespan to take part in their social, cultural, vocational and professional life. It is indeed an intervention tool for socioeconomic empowerment in a globalizing world to stay ahead in a competitive world with knowledge superiority. In this connection, the purpose of this paper is to share the lifelong learning management experience of Covenant University in terms of its programmes, processes and strategies adopted to cope with some internal and external constraints within the context of key global trends in lifelong learning. This may be of value to lifelong learning community because Covenant University is already becoming a global brand in higher education. The idea is to provide some lessons for global lifelong learning managers as well as expose them to issues and challenges confronting lifelong learning in our own part of the globe. This exposure will further show how lifelong learning has been planned, not only to bridge the knowledge gaps between university curricula corporate practices, but also between information rich and information poor citizens, particularly for the citizens who cannot afford formal education due to socio-economic backwardness

    An Investigation of the Effects of Manufacturing Parameters On Properties of Binderless Boards Produced from Abura (Mitragyna Ciliata) Sawdust

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    The production of particle boards without the use of synthetic binders is desirable to prevent environmental problems. This study has produced experimental binderless boards from untreated sawdust from Abura wood using a laboratory press. Box-Behnken experimental design was utilized to investigate the effects of the pressing variables including pressure, temperature and pressing time. The density of the boards produced ranged between 523.69 and 738 kg/m3 which was within the range specified for medium density fibreboards . The maximum values for Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Internal Bonding Strength (IB) were 100.4 MPa, 1.1 MPa and 0.049 MPa, respectively. It was shown that, for the range of factors studied, pressure and the pressing temperature were the more significant factors in determining the density, MOE and IB. This study showed that the sawdust can potentially be used for the production of binderless boards

    An Investigation of the Effects of Manufacturing Parameters On Properties of Binderless Boards Produced from Abura (Mitragyna Ciliata) Sawdust

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    The production of particle boards without the use of synthetic binders is desirable to prevent environmental problems. This study has produced experimental binderless boards from untreated sawdust from Abura wood using a laboratory press. Box-Behnken experimental design was utilized to investigate the effects of the pressing variables including pressure, temperature and pressing time. The density of the boards produced ranged between 523.69 and 738 kg/m3 which was within the range specified for medium density fibreboards . The maximum values for Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Internal Bonding Strength (IB) were 100.4 MPa, 1.1 MPa and 0.049 MPa, respectively. It was shown that, for the range of factors studied, pressure and the pressing temperature were the more significant factors in determining the density, MOE and IB. This study showed that the sawdust can potentially be used for the production of binderless boards


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    This paper deals with the feasibility study and efficient utilization of wind energy in Nigeria. Twenty (20) years hourly wind data at 10 m height were collected for 2 stations in each of the 6 geographical zones of Nigeria. The selected stations were: Abeokuta, Osogbo, Calabar, Port Harcourt, Owerri, Enugu, Sokoto, Kano, Jos, Abuja, Maiduguri and Yola. A wind map of Nigeria was modelled using ArcView© Geographical Iinformation System. The study revealed that Jos, Kano and Sokoto have wind energy potential sufficient to generate electrical power that could be connected to the national grid, while Enugu and Maiduguri have enough wind energy potential that could be used to power irrigation devices and other agricultural activities. The establishment of wind power plants for excellent stations such as Jos, Kano and Sokoto for the generation of electricity which could be integrated with the present national grid is recommended


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    Corrosion is a degradation of metallic materials under the action of the environment which requires oxygen and moisture to occur. This research work determined the corrosion performance of 1014 low carbon and 304 austenitic stainless steels in different concentration of acidic media. Corrosion tests were carried out using gravimetric technique. One hundred and eighty samples of the metals were prepared and immersed in containers of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) at 1, 2 &amp; 3 M. The samples were then removed every three days for a period of 15 days to measure the weight loss. These were used to calculate the corrosion rates. The chemical analysis was determined using an Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX).&nbsp; Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to determine the texture of the samples. The results showed that the corroded samples had pitting corrosion damage and cracks propagated generally on the sample surfaces. The corrosion rates of the samples increased with increase in molarities of the reagents, Stainless steel samples had the least corroded surfaces. The study concluded that the higher the level of concentration of acidic media (1 to 3 M), the higher the corrosion rates of samples in increasing order of HNO3, HCl and H2SO4 especially for mild steel sample (4.35 to 17.90, 0.21 to 2.90 and 10.37 to 0.64 mm/y) after 360 hours of immersion respectively. &nbsp

    Socioeconomic Uses of Non-Timber Forest Products among Urban Dwellers in Oyo State, Nigeria.

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    This study assessed the socioeconomic importance of   Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) among  the urban dwellers  in Oyo State. Two hundred and thirty (230) structured questionnaires were administered at household level. Both random and proportionate sampling techniques were adopted. Data were sourced on the basis of senatorial districts. The three senatorial districts are Oyo South, Oyo Central and Oyo North with a population size of 1,764,217, 1,906,814 and 1,909,863 respectively. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents; the multiple regression analysis was employed to determine the factors affecting the utilization of NTFPs. The result of the multiple regression coefficient of 0.79 indicates that 79% of the independent variables explain the dependent variable. Therefore educational level, marital status, household size and household income explain significant variation in the level of utilization of NTFPs in the study area, while variables such as age and sex were not significant in determining the variation in the level of the utilization of NTFPs. Some of the reasons given by the respondents for using the NTFPs include cheapness, availability and accessibility and some of the sources where they obtain the NTFPs were given as market, hawkers, forest and friends. Efforts should therefore be made by government and relevant research institutes to train the people on the domestication of these NTFPs to achieve sustainability, Pharmaceutical involvement to make more refine herbal or medicinal products, and  create more awareness about efficacy of  NTFPs in nutrition and  medicine. Keywords: Nontimber forest products, Utilization, Urban Dwellers
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