287 research outputs found

    Approximation of the effective conductivity of ergodic media by periodization

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    This paper is concerned with the approximation of the effective conductivity σ(A,μ)\sigma(A,\mu) associated to an elliptic operator xA(x,η)x\nabla_x A(x,\eta) \nabla_x where for xRdx\in \R^d, d1d\geq 1, A(x,η)A(x,\eta) is a bounded elliptic random symmetric d×dd\times d matrix and η\eta takes value in an ergodic probability space (X,μ)(X,\mu). Writing AN(x,η)A^N(x,\eta) the periodization of A(x,η)A(x,\eta) on the torus TNdT^d_N of dimension dd and side NN we prove that for μ\mu-almost all η\eta limN+σ(AN,η)=σ(A,μ) \lim_{N\to +\infty}\sigma(A^N,\eta)=\sigma(A,\mu) We extend this result to non-symmetric operators x(a+E(x,η))x\nabla_x (a+E(x,\eta)) \nabla_x corresponding to diffusions in ergodic divergence free flows (aa is d×dd\times d elliptic symmetric matrix and E(x,η)E(x,\eta) an ergodic skew-symmetric matrix); and to discrete operators corresponding to random walks on Zd\Z^d with ergodic jump rates. The core of our result is to show that the ergodic Weyl decomposition associated to \L^2(X,\mu) can almost surely be approximated by periodic Weyl decompositions with increasing periods, implying that semi-continuous variational formulae associated to \L^2(X,\mu) can almost surely be approximated by variational formulae minimizing on periodic potential and solenoidal functions.Comment: published version. The approximation result is given for general non linear semi-continuous variational formula

    Averaging versus Chaos in Turbulent Transport?

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    In this paper we analyze the transport of passive tracers by deterministic stationary incompressible flows which can be decomposed over an infinite number of spatial scales without separation between them. It appears that a low order dynamical system related to local Peclet numbers can be extracted from these flows and it controls their transport properties. Its analysis shows that these flows are strongly self-averaging and super-diffusive: the delay τ(r)\tau(r) for any finite number of passive tracers initially close to separate till a distance rr is almost surely anomalously fast (τ(r)r2ν\tau(r)\sim r^{2-\nu}, with ν>0\nu>0). This strong self-averaging property is such that the dissipative power of the flow compensates its convective power at every scale. However as the circulation increase in the eddies the transport behavior of the flow may (discontinuously) bifurcate and become ruled by deterministic chaos: the self-averaging property collapses and advection dominates dissipation. When the flow is anisotropic a new formula describing turbulent conductivity is identified.Comment: Presented at Oberwolfach (October 2002), CIRM (March 2003), Lisbonne (XIV international congress on mathematical physics: July 2003). Submitted on October 2002, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics. 45 pages, 7 figure

    Bayesian Numerical Homogenization

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    Numerical homogenization, i.e. the finite-dimensional approximation of solution spaces of PDEs with arbitrary rough coefficients, requires the identification of accurate basis elements. These basis elements are oftentimes found after a laborious process of scientific investigation and plain guesswork. Can this identification problem be facilitated? Is there a general recipe/decision framework for guiding the design of basis elements? We suggest that the answer to the above questions could be positive based on the reformulation of numerical homogenization as a Bayesian Inference problem in which a given PDE with rough coefficients (or multi-scale operator) is excited with noise (random right hand side/source term) and one tries to estimate the value of the solution at a given point based on a finite number of observations. We apply this reformulation to the identification of bases for the numerical homogenization of arbitrary integro-differential equations and show that these bases have optimal recovery properties. In particular we show how Rough Polyharmonic Splines can be re-discovered as the optimal solution of a Gaussian filtering problem.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulatio

    Homogenization of Parabolic Equations with a Continuum of Space and Time Scales

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    This paper addresses the issue of the homogenization of linear divergence form parabolic operators in situations where no ergodicity and no scale separation in time or space are available. Namely, we consider divergence form linear parabolic operators in ΩRn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n with L(Ω×(0,T))L^\infty(\Omega \times (0,T))-coefficients. It appears that the inverse operator maps the unit ball of L2(Ω×(0,T))L^2(\Omega\times (0,T)) into a space of functions which at small (time and space) scales are close in H1H^1 norm to a functional space of dimension nn. It follows that once one has solved these equations at least nn times it is possible to homogenize them both in space and in time, reducing the number of operation counts necessary to obtain further solutions. In practice we show under a Cordes-type condition that the first order time derivatives and second order space derivatives of the solution of these operators with respect to caloric coordinates are in L2L^2 (instead of H1H^{-1} with Euclidean coordinates). If the medium is time-independent, then it is sufficient to solve nn times the associated elliptic equation in order to homogenize the parabolic equation

    Metric based up-scaling

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    We consider divergence form elliptic operators in dimension n2n\geq 2 with LL^\infty coefficients. Although solutions of these operators are only H\"{o}lder continuous, we show that they are differentiable (C1,αC^{1,\alpha}) with respect to harmonic coordinates. It follows that numerical homogenization can be extended to situations where the medium has no ergodicity at small scales and is characterized by a continuum of scales by transferring a new metric in addition to traditional averaged (homogenized) quantities from subgrid scales into computational scales and error bounds can be given. This numerical homogenization method can also be used as a compression tool for differential operators.Comment: Final version. Accepted for publication in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. Presented at CIMMS (March 2005), Socams 2005 (April), Oberwolfach, MPI Leipzig (May 2005), CIRM (July 2005). Higher resolution figures are available at http://www.acm.caltech.edu/~owhadi

    Qualitative Robustness in Bayesian Inference

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    The practical implementation of Bayesian inference requires numerical approximation when closed-form expressions are not available. What types of accuracy (convergence) of the numerical approximations guarantee robustness and what types do not? In particular, is the recursive application of Bayes' rule robust when subsequent data or posteriors are approximated? When the prior is the push forward of a distribution by the map induced by the solution of a PDE, in which norm should that solution be approximated? Motivated by such questions, we investigate the sensitivity of the distribution of posterior distributions (i.e. posterior distribution-valued random variables, randomized through the data) with respect to perturbations of the prior and data generating distributions in the limit when the number of data points grows towards infinity

    Numerical Homogenization of the Acoustic Wave Equations with a Continuum of Scales

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    In this paper, we consider numerical homogenization of acoustic wave equations with heterogeneous coefficients, namely, when the bulk modulus and the density of the medium are only bounded. We show that under a Cordes type condition the second order derivatives of the solution with respect to harmonic coordinates are L2L^2 (instead H1H^{-1} with respect to Euclidean coordinates) and the solution itself is in L(0,T,H2(Ω))L^{\infty}(0,T,H^2(\Omega)) (instead of L(0,T,H1(Ω))L^{\infty}(0,T,H^1(\Omega)) with respect to Euclidean coordinates). Then, we propose an implicit time stepping method to solve the resulted linear system on coarse spatial scales, and present error estimates of the method. It follows that by pre-computing the associated harmonic coordinates, it is possible to numerically homogenize the wave equation without assumptions of scale separation or ergodicity.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, Submitte