106 research outputs found

    On Gelfand-Zetlin modules

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    summary:[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]\par Let {\germ g}\sb k be the Lie algebra {\germ gl}(k,\mathcal{C}), and let U\sb k be the universal enveloping algebra for {\germ g}\sb k. Let Z\sb k be the center of U\sb k. The authors consider the chain of Lie algebras {\germ g}\sb n\supset {\germ g}\sb{n-1}\supset\dots\supset {\germ g}\sb 1. Then Z=\langle Z\sb k\mid k=1,2,\dots n\rangle is an associative algebra which is called the Gel'fand-Zetlin subalgebra of U\sb n. A {\germ g}\sb n module VV is called a GZGZ-module if V=\sum\sb x\oplus V(x), where the summation is over the space of characters of ZZ and V(x)=\{v\in V\mid(a-x(a))\sp mv=0, m\in\mathcal{Z}\sb +, aZ}a\in\mathcal{Z}\}. The authors describe several properties of GZGZ- modules. For example, they prove that if V(x)=0V(x)=0 for some xx and the module VV is simple, then VV is a GZGZ-module. Indecomposable GZGZ- modules are also described. The authors give three conjectures on GZGZ- modules and

    On the Classification of Automorphic Lie Algebras

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    It is shown that the problem of reduction can be formulated in a uniform way using the theory of invariants. This provides a powerful tool of analysis and it opens the road to new applications of these algebras, beyond the context of integrable systems. Moreover, it is proven that sl2-Automorphic Lie Algebras associated to the icosahedral group I, the octahedral group O, the tetrahedral group T, and the dihedral group Dn are isomorphic. The proof is based on techniques from classical invariant theory and makes use of Clebsch-Gordan decomposition and transvectants, Molien functions and the trace-form. This result provides a complete classification of sl2-Automorphic Lie Algebras associated to finite groups when the group representations are chosen to be the same and it is a crucial step towards the complete classification of Automorphic Lie Algebras.Comment: 29 pages, 1 diagram, 9 tables, standard LaTeX2e, submitted for publicatio

    Discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group and Camassa-Holm family

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    We show that the continuous limit of a wide natural class of the right-invariant discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group gives the family of integrable PDE's containing Camassa-Holm, Hunter-Saxton and Korteweg-de Vries equations. This family has been recently derived by Khesin and Misiolek as Euler equations on the Virasoro algebra for Hα,β1H^1_{\alpha,\beta}-metrics. Our result demonstrates a universal nature of these equations.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, AMS-LaTeX. Version 2: minor changes. Version 3: minor change

    Lagrangian multiform structure for the lattice Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy

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    The lattice Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy was introduced by Nijhoff, Papageorgiou, Capel and Quispel in 1992 as the family of partial difference equations generalizing to higher rank the lattice Korteweg-de Vries systems, and includes in particular the lattice Boussinesq system. We present a Lagrangian for the generic member of the lattice Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy, and show that it can be considered as a Lagrangian 2-form when embedded in a higher dimensional lattice, obeying a closure relation. Thus the multiform structure proposed in arXiv:0903.4086v2 [nlin.SI] is extended to a multi-component system.Comment: 12 page

    Cohomology of groups of diffeomorphims related to the modules of differential operators on a smooth manifold

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    Let MM be a manifold and TMT^*M be the cotangent bundle. We introduce a 1-cocycle on the group of diffeomorphisms of MM with values in the space of linear differential operators acting on C(TM).C^{\infty} (T^*M). When MM is the nn-dimensional sphere, SnS^n, we use this 1-cocycle to compute the first-cohomology group of the group of diffeomorphisms of SnS^n, with coefficients in the space of linear differential operators acting on contravariant tensor fields.Comment: arxiv version is already officia

    Cohomology of the Lie Superalgebra of Contact Vector Fields on R11\mathbb{R}^{1|1} and Deformations of the Superspace of Symbols

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    Following Feigin and Fuchs, we compute the first cohomology of the Lie superalgebra K(1)\mathcal{K}(1) of contact vector fields on the (1,1)-dimensional real superspace with coefficients in the superspace of linear differential operators acting on the superspaces of weighted densities. We also compute the same, but osp(12)\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)-relative, cohomology. We explicitly give 1-cocycles spanning these cohomology. We classify generic formal osp(12)\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)-trivial deformations of the K(1)\mathcal{K}(1)-module structure on the superspaces of symbols of differential operators. We prove that any generic formal osp(12)\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)-trivial deformation of this K(1)\mathcal{K}(1)-module is equivalent to a polynomial one of degree 4\leq4. This work is the simplest superization of a result by Bouarroudj [On sl\mathfrak{sl}(2)-relative cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields and differential operators, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., no.1, (2007), 112--127]. Further superizations correspond to osp(N2)\mathfrak{osp}(N|2)-relative cohomology of the Lie superalgebras of contact vector fields on 1N1|N-dimensional superspace

    A spinor-like representation of the contact superconformal algebra K'(4)

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    In this work we construct an embedding of a nontrivial central extension of the contact superconformal algebra K'(4) into the Lie superalgebra of pseudodifferential symbols on the supercircle S^{1|2}. Associated with this embedding is a one-parameter family of spinor-like tiny irreducible representations of K'(4) realized just on 4 fields instead of the usual 16.Comment: 19 pages, TeX. Corrections to the references in the paper to be published in J. Math. Phys. v 42, no 1, 200

    Magnetic hydrodynamics with asymmetric stress tensor

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    In this paper we study equations of magnetic hydrodynamics with a stress tensor. We interpret this system as the generalized Euler equation associated with an abelian extension of the Lie algebra of vector fields with a non-trivial 2-cocycle. We use the Lie algebra approach to prove the energy conservation law and the conservation of cross-helicity

    Contact complete integrability

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    Complete integrability in a symplectic setting means the existence of a Lagrangian foliation leaf-wise preserved by the dynamics. In the paper we describe complete integrability in a contact set-up as a more subtle structure: a flag of two foliations, Legendrian and co-Legendrian, and a holonomy-invariant transverse measure of the former in the latter. This turns out to be equivalent to the existence of a canonical RRn1\R\ltimes \R^{n-1} structure on the leaves of the co-Legendrian foliation. Further, the above structure implies the existence of nn contact fields preserving a special contact 1-form, thus providing the geometric framework and establishing equivalence with previously known definitions of contact integrability. We also show that contact completely integrable systems are solvable in quadratures. We present an example of contact complete integrability: the billiard system inside an ellipsoid in pseudo-Euclidean space, restricted to the space of oriented null geodesics. We describe a surprising acceleration mechanism for closed light-like billiard trajectories