15 research outputs found

    Efficient Thermodynamic Description of Multi-Component One-Dimensional Bose Gases

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    We present a new method of obtaining nonlinear integral equations characterizing the thermodynamics of one-dimensional multi-component gases interacting via a delta-function potential. In the case of the repulsive two-component Bose gas we obtain a simple system of two NLIE allowing for an efficient numerical implementation in contrast with the infinite number of coupled equations obtained by employing the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. Our technique makes use of the Quantum Transfer Matrix and the fact that in a certain continuum limit multi-component gases can be obtained from appropriate anisotropic spin chains.Comment: 4.3 pages, RevTeX 4.

    One-Dimensional Impenetrable Anyons in Thermal Equilibrium. IV. Large Time and Distance Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlation Functions

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    This work presents the derivation of the large time and distance asymptotic behavior of the field-field correlation functions of impenetrable one-dimensional anyons at finite temperature. In the appropriate limits of the statistics parameter, we recover the well-known results for impenetrable bosons and free fermions. In the low-temperature (usually expected to be the "conformal") limit, and for all values of the statistics parameter away from the bosonic point, the leading term in the correlator does not agree with the prediction of the conformal field theory, and is determined by the singularity of the density of the single-particle states at the bottom of the single-particle energy spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, RevTeX

    One-Dimensional Impenetrable Anyons in Thermal Equilibrium. II. Determinant Representation for the Dynamic Correlation Functions

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    We have obtained a determinant representation for the time- and temperature-dependent field-field correlation function of the impenetrable Lieb-Liniger gas of anyons through direct summation of the form factors. In the static case, the obtained results are shown to be equivalent to those that follow from the anyonic generalization of Lenard's formula.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX

    One-Dimensional Impenetrable Anyons in Thermal Equilibrium. I. Anyonic Generalization of Lenard's Formula

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    We have obtained an expansion of the reduced density matrices (or, equivalently, correlation functions of the fields) of impenetrable one-dimensional anyons in terms of the reduced density matrices of fermions using the mapping between anyon and fermion wavefunctions. This is the generalization to anyonic statistics of the result obtained by A. Lenard for bosons. In the case of impenetrable but otherwise free anyons with statistical parameter κ\kappa, the anyonic reduced density matrices in the grand canonical ensemble is expressed as Fredholm minors of the integral operator (1−γθ^T1-\gamma \hat \theta_T) with complex statistics-dependent coefficient γ=(1+e±iπκ)/π\gamma=(1+e^{\pm i\pi\kappa})/ \pi. For κ=0\kappa=0 we recover the bosonic case of Lenard γ=2/π\gamma=2/\pi. Due to nonconservation of parity, the anyonic field correlators \la \fad(x')\fa(x)\ra are different depending on the sign of x′−xx'-x.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX

    One-Dimensional Impenetrable Anyons in Thermal Equilibrium. III. Large distance asymptotics of the space correlations

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    Using the determinant representation for the field-field correlation functions of impenetrable anyons at finite temperature obtained in a previous paper, we derive a system of nonlinear partial differential equations completely characterizing the correlators. The system is the same as the one for impenetrable bosons but with different initial conditions. The large-distance asymptotic behavior of the correlation functions is obtained from the analysis of the Riemann-Hilbert problem associated with the system of differential equations. We calculate both the exponential and pre-exponential factors in the asymptotics of the field-field correlators. The asymptotics derived in this way agree with those of the free fermions and impenetrable bosons in the appropriate limits, κ→1\kappa\to 1 and κ→0\kappa\to 0, of the statistics parameter κ\kappa, and coincide with the predictions of the conformal field theory at low temperatures.Comment: 25 pages, RevTeX

    Correlation Functions of One-Dimensional Lieb-Liniger Anyons

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    We have investigated the properties of a model of 1D anyons interacting through a δ\delta-function repulsive potential. The structure of the quasi-periodic boundary conditions for the anyonic field operators and the many-anyon wavefunctions is clarified. The spectrum of the low-lying excitations including the particle-hole excitations is calculated for periodic and twisted boundary conditions. Using the ideas of the conformal field theory we obtain the large-distance asymptotics of the density and field correlation function at the critical temperature T=0 and at small finite temperatures. Our expression for the field correlation function extends the results in the literature obtained for harmonic quantum anyonic fluids.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX

    Universality and quantum criticality of the one-dimensional spinor Bose gas

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    We investigate the universal thermodynamics of the two-component one-dimensional Bose gas with contact interactions in the vicinity of the quantum critical point separating the vacuum and the ferromagnetic liquid regime. We find that the quantum critical region belongs to the universality class of the spin-degenerate impenetrable particle gas which, surprisingly, is very different from the singlecomponent case and identify its boundaries with the peaks of the specific heat. In addition, we show that the compressibility Wilson ratio, which quantifies the relative strength of thermal and quantum fluctuations, serves as a good discriminator of the quantum regimes near the quantum critical point. Remarkably, in the Tonks-Girardeau regime, the universal contact develops a pronounced minimum, reflected in a counterintuitive narrowing of the momentum distribution as we increase the temperature. This momentum reconstruction, also present at low and intermediate momenta, signals the transition from the ferromagnetic to the spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid phase and can be detected in current experiments with ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices

    Universal Tan relations for quantum gases in one dimension

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    Temperature-driven crossover in the Lieb-Liniger model

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