5 research outputs found

    CropGym: a Reinforcement Learning Environment for Crop Management

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    Nitrogen fertilizers have a detrimental effect on the environment, which can be reduced by optimizing fertilizer management strategies. We implement an OpenAIGym environment where a reinforcement learning agent can learn fertilizationmanagement policies using process-based crop growth models and identify policies with reduced environmental impact. In our environment, an agent trainedwith the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm is more successful at reducingenvironmental impacts than the other baseline agents we present

    Graphene nano-heterostructures for quantum devices

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    Ten years ago, the exfoliation of graphene started the field of layered two-dimensional materials. Today, there is a huge variety of two-dimensional materials available for both research and applications. The different dimensionality compared to their bulk relatives is responsible for a wealth of novel properties of these layered two-dimensional materials. The true strength of two-dimensional materials is however the possibility to stack different layers on top of each other to engineer new heterostructures with specifically tailored properties. Known as van-der-Waals heterostructures, they enable the experimental observation of a variety of new phenomena. By patterning the individual layers laterally into nanostructures, additional functionality can be added to the devices. This review provides a glimpse at the future opportunities offered by van-der-Waals stacked nanodevices.ISSN:1369-702