55 research outputs found

    LISA: Accurate reconstruction of cell trajectory and pseudo-time for massive single cell RNA-seq data.

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    Cell trajectory reconstruction based on single cell RNA sequencing is important for obtaining the landscape of different cell types and discovering cell fate transitions. Despite intense effort, analyzing massive single cell RNA-seq datasets is still challenging. We propose a new method named Landmark Isomap for Single-cell Analysis (LISA). LISA is an unsupervised approach to build cell trajectory and compute pseudo-time in the isometric embedding based on geodesic distances. The advantages of LISA include: (1) It utilizes k-nearest-neighbor graph and hierarchical clustering to identify cell clusters, peaks and valleys in low-dimension representation of the data; (2) Based on Landmark Isomap, it constructs the main geometric structure of cell lineages; (3) It projects cells to the edges of the main cell trajectory to generate the global pseudo-time. Assessments on simulated and real datasets demonstrate the advantages of LISA on cell trajectory and pseudo-time reconstruction compared to Monocle2 and TSCAN. LISA is accurate, fast, and requires less memory usage, allowing its applications to massive single cell datasets generated from current experimental platforms

    Noncoding RNA Landmarks of Pluripotency and Reprogramming

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    Noncoding RNAs have emerged as important determinants of pluripotency and reprogramming. In this issue of Cell Stem Cell, Kosik and colleagues now provide a detailed map of microRNA expression patterns to infer the biological states of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells

    PRAS: Predicting functional targets of RNA binding proteins based on CLIP-seq peaks.

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    RNA-protein interaction plays important roles in post-transcriptional regulation. Recent advancements in cross-linking and immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (CLIP-seq) technologies make it possible to detect the binding peaks of a given RNA binding protein (RBP) at transcriptome scale. However, it is still challenging to predict the functional consequences of RBP binding peaks. In this study, we propose the Protein-RNA Association Strength (PRAS), which integrates the intensities and positions of the binding peaks of RBPs for functional mRNA targets prediction. We illustrate the superiority of PRAS over existing approaches on predicting the functional targets of two related but divergent CELF (CUGBP, ELAV-like factor) RBPs in mouse brain and muscle. We also demonstrate the potential of PRAS for wide adoption by applying it to the enhanced CLIP-seq (eCLIP) datasets of 37 RNA decay related RBPs in two human cell lines. PRAS can be utilized to investigate any RBPs with available CLIP-seq peaks. PRAS is freely available at http://ouyanglab.jax.org/pras/

    Deciphering the role of RNA structure in translation efficiency.

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    BACKGROUND: RNA secondary structure has broad impact on the fate of RNA metabolism. The reduced stability of secondary structures near the translation initiation site/start codon of the coding region promotes the efficiency of translation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic species. However, the inaccuracy of in silico folding and the focus on the coding region limit our understanding of the global relationship between the whole mRNA structure and translation efficiency. Leveraging high-throughput RNA structure probing data in the transcriptome, we aim to systematically investigate the role of RNA structure in regulating translation efficiency. RESULTS: Here, we analyze the influences of hundreds of sequence and structural features on translation efficiency in the mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and zebrafish developmental stages. Our findings reveal that overall in vivo RNA structure has a higher relative importance in predicting translation efficiency than in vitro RNA structure in both mESCs and zebrafish. Also, RNA structures in 3\u27 untranslated region (UTR) have much stronger influence on translation efficiency compared to those in coding regions or 5\u27 UTR. Furthermore, strong alternation between in vitro and in vivo structures in 3\u27 UTR are detected in highly translated mRNAs in mESCs but not zebrafish. Instead, moderate alteration between in vitro and in vivo RNA structures in the 5\u27 UTR and proximal coding regions are detected in highly translated mRNAs in zebrafish. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest the openness of the 3\u27 UTR promotes the translation efficiency in both mice and zebrafish, with the in vivo structure in 3\u27 UTR more important in mice than in zebrafish. This reveals a novel role of RNA secondary structure on translational regulation

    Exon arrays provide accurate assessments of gene expression

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    We have developed a strategy for estimating gene expression on Affymetrix Exon arrays. The method includes a probe-specific background correction and a probe selection strategy in which a subset of probes with highly correlated intensities across multiple samples are chosen to summarize gene expression. Our results demonstrate that the proposed background model offers improvements over the default Affymetrix background correction and that Exon arrays may provide more accurate measurements of gene expression than traditional 3' arrays

    A new graph-based clustering method with application to single-cell RNA-seq data from human pancreatic islets.

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    Traditional bulk RNA-sequencing of human pancreatic islets mainly reflects transcriptional response of major cell types. Single-cell RNA sequencing technology enables transcriptional characterization of individual cells, and thus makes it possible to detect cell types and subtypes. To tackle the heterogeneity of single-cell RNA-seq data, powerful and appropriate clustering is required to facilitate the discovery of cell types. In this paper, we propose a new clustering framework based on a graph-based model with various types of dissimilarity measures. We take the compositional nature of single-cell RNA-seq data into account and employ log-ratio transformations. The practical merit of the proposed method is demonstrated through the application to the centered log-ratio-transformed single-cell RNA-seq data for human pancreatic islets. The practical merit is also demonstrated through comparisons with existing single-cell clustering methods. The R-package for the proposed method can be found at https://github.com/Zhang-Data-Science-Research-Lab/LrSClust
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