106 research outputs found

    Pensar questões de exclusão a partir de Madame Bovary

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    O regresso ao romance de adultério que Madame Bovary também é, revisitando questões que se prendem com o papel e condição da mulher no espaço social ou a sua relação com o corpo e com o desejo, permite pensar práticas e memórias de exclusão com prolongamentos até ao presente, de novo lembrando que alguns modelos produtivos inquestionáveis, como esta obra de Gustave Flaubert, podem ainda contribuir para a reflexão em torno de dinâmicas atuais.Returning to the adultery novel that Madame Bovary is as well, and revisiting issues related to the role and condition of women in the social space or their relationship with the body and desire, allow us to think about practices and memories of exclusion with extensions to the present, once again remembering that some unquestionable productive models like this work by Gustave Flaubert can still contribute to the reflection around current dynamics

    Ontem e hoje : as invasões francesas nas páginas da imprensa periódica portuguesa

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    Considering the theoretical framework of imagology, in this present paper we will elect a corpus of periodicals chronologically situated during the Napoleonic wars and related to the bicentennial celebrations of French invasions, in order to detect and analyze the images of the foreigner Other. Considering the importance of journalism as an history of the present and also considering its role in the construction and/or dissemination of cultural representations with various impacts towards the readers, such an approach of the chosen texts enables to highlight several driven dynamics between cultures and, in this case, the Luso-French relations, through the reflection on the relational attitudes that may be ranged from phobia to mania

    Post-memoire et histoire a partir d'une revisitation d'experiences exiliques : voyages en postcolonies de Benjamin Stora

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    FR: Quand il s'agit d'approcher Voyages en postcolonies, la question que l'on peut seposer, c'est précisément de savoir quel rôle le récit de voyage joue, témoin qu'il est d'un temps etexpérience postcoloniale vécus par Stora. Si l'on s'attarde sur les comptes rendus critiques deVoyages en postcolonies, on s'aperçoit que, plutôt que de considérer ce livre comme un simpleensemble de récits de voyage, il est surtout question d'enjeux mémoriels et d'approchesméthodologiques dans le domaine disciplinaire de l'histoire. Dans Voyages en postcolonies on estface à un narrateur à triple condition, celle du voyageur-témoin-historien. Il s'agira donc deréfléchir sur des questions de post-mémoire et histoire que les récits-essais-interventionscitoyennes de Voyages en postcolonies soulèvent, ancrés qu'ils sont sur des expériences viatiqueset exiliques.When it comes to approaching Voyages en postcolonies, the question that can beasked is precisely what role the travel narrative plays, witness that it is of a time and postcolonialexperience lived by Stora. If one dwells on the critical reviews of Voyages en postcolonies, onerealizes that, rather than considering this book as a simple set of travel stories, it is above all amatter of memory issues and methodological approaches in the disciplinary field of History. InVoyages en postcolonies we are faced with a triple condition narrator, that of the travellerwitness-historian. Therefore we aim to reflect on questions of post-memory and history that thestories-essays-citizenship interventions of Voyages en postcolonies raise, anchored that they areon travel and exilic experiences

    Da necessidade de fazer balanços: viajando ao longo do século XX, na Europa, com Geert Mak

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    Às portas de um novo milénio, Geert Mak, jornalista que foi distinguido, em 2008, com o Prémio do Livro de Leipzig para a Compreensão Europeia e, em 2021, com a Medalha Carlos Magno para os Média Europeus, decide fazer um périplo de um ano pela Europa que resultará na publicação, em 2004, de In Europa. Reizen door de Twintigste Eeuw. Tratava-se com essa viagem europeia de responder à questão: qual a situação da Europa no fim do século XX? Uma narrativa, em torno de uma viagem na geografia física europeia, mas também uma viagem nos sinais sobre um devir europeu identificados no espaço percorrido, será ocasião de balanços que permitirão ao viajante pensar a Europa. A presente intervenção procurará atentar nas linhas de reflexão nesta obra traçadas.On the threshold of a new millennium, Geert Mak, a journalist who was awarded the Leipzig Book Prize for European Understanding in 2008, and, in 2008, the Carlos Magno Medal for European Media in 2008, decides to take a one-year tour of Europe that will result in the publication in 2004 of In Europa. Reizen door de Twintigste Eeuw. The aim of this European journey was to answer the question: what was the situation in Europe at the end of the twentieth century? A narrative, based on a journey through the physical geography of Europe, but also a journey on the signs of a European future identified in the space travelled, will be an opportunity for balances that will allow the traveller to think about Europe. This intervention will seek to pay attention to the lines of reflection outlined in this work

    Literatura de viagens e outras deslocações: deambulações reflexivas

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    Partindo da revista Granta, trata-se de atentar num feixe de questões que parecem acompanhar, de modo constante, o itinerário da literatura de viagens num quadro transnacional, procurando contribuir para voltar a lembrar, no espaço da academia, questões e desafios que se erguem neste campo quer no plano da produção, quer no plano da receção.Taking as a starting point the Granta magazine, we aim to address a set of subjects that seem to constantly follow the itinerary of travel literature in a transnational framework, seeking to contribute to remembering, within the academy space, issues and challenges that arise in this field and at the level production and reception