11 research outputs found

    Identification and molecular characterization of the first complete genome sequence of Human Parechovirus type 15

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    International audienceUsing a metagenomics approach, we have determined the first full-length genome sequence of a human parechovirus type 15 (HPeV15) strain, isolated from a child with acute flaccid paralysis and co-infected with EV-A71. HPeV15 is a rarely reported type. To date, no full-length genome sequence of HPeV15 is available in the GenBank database, where only limited VP1 sequences of this virus are available. Pairwise comparisons of the complete VP1 nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences revealed that the study strain belongs to type 15 as it displayed 79.6% nucleotide and 93.4% amino acid identity with the HPeV15 prototype strain. Comparative analysis of available genomic regions and phylogenetic analysis using the P2 and P3 coding regions revealed low nucleotide identity to HPeV reference genomes. Phylogenetic and similarity plot analyses showed that genomic recombination events might have occurred in the UTRs and nonstructural region during HPeV15 evolution. The study strain has high similarity features with different variants of HPeV3 suggesting intertypic recombination. Our data contributes to the scarce data available on HPeVs in Africa and provides valuable information for future studies that aim to understand the evolutionary history, molecular epidemiology or biological and pathogenic properties of HPeV15

    Emergence of Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses during Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak, Guinea, 2014–2015

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    During the 2014–2015 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Guinea, 13 type 2 circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs) were isolated from 6 polio patients and 7 healthy contacts. To clarify the genetic properties of cVDPVs and their emergence, we combined epidemiologic and virologic data for polio cases in Guinea. Deviation of public health resources to the Ebola outbreak disrupted polio vaccination programs and surveillance activities, which fueled the spread of neurovirulent VDPVs in an area of low vaccination coverage and immunity. Genetic properties of cVDPVs were consistent with their capacity to cause paralytic disease in humans and capacity for sustained person-to-person transmission. Circulation ceased when coverage of oral polio vaccine increased. A polio outbreak in the context of the Ebola virus disease outbreak highlights the need to consider risks for polio emergence and spread during complex emergencies and urges awareness of the challenges in polio surveillance, vaccination, and diagnosis

    Genetic Characterization of Enterovirus A71 Circulating in Africa

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    We analyzed whole-genome sequences of 8 enterovirus A71 isolates (EV-A71). We confirm the circulation of genogroup C and the new genogroup E in West Africa. Our analysis demonstrates wide geographic circulation and describes genetic exchanges between EV-A71 and autochthonous EV-A that might contribute to the emergence of pathogenic lineages

    Discours d’Afrique

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    L’Afrique a connu la traite des noirs, la colonisation, les indépendances, la mondialisation. Aujourd’hui les représentations des peuples africains ont considérablement évolué. En prenant en compte toutes les vicissitudes historiques qui ont marqué le continent, on peut se demander comment une identité si gravement menacée ou déformée se manifeste dans le discours africain postérieur à la décolonisation. En déplaçant la problématique de l’identité telle qu’elle est posée en sciences humaines et sociales d’une part et dans les études littéraires d’autre part, et en articulant systématiquement cette problématique à celles du discours, les contributions ici rassemblées ont abordé la question des identités africaines sous l’angle de formes rhétoriques propres repérables dans le discours (politique, médiatique ou quotidien) ainsi que sous l’angle d’une revendication identitaire d’ordre ethnique, politique ou corporatif qui prend la forme écrite ou orale sur différentes scènes. Les réflexions sur la problématique d’une identité africaine fragmentée et mouvante contenues dans cet ouvrage sont nourries par les contributions de spécialistes de plusieurs domaines étudiés dans le cadre interdisciplinaire de la première manifestation scientifique internationale organisée par le Réseau de recherche Discours d’Afrique