116 research outputs found

    Constraining Ω0{\Omega_{0}} from X-ray properties of Clusters of Galaxies at high redshift

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    Properties of high redshift clusters are a fundamental source of information for cosmology. It has been shown by Oukbir and Blanchard (1997) that the combined knowledge of the redshift distribution of X-ray clusters of galaxies and the luminosity-temperature correlation, LX−TXL_X-T_X, provides a powerful test of the mean density of the Universe. In this paper, we address the question of the possible evolution of this relation from an observational point of view and its cosmological significance. We introduce a new indicator in order to measure the evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation with redshift and take advantage of the recent availability of temperature information for a significant number of high and intermediate redshift X-ray clusters of galaxies. From our analysis, we find a slightly positive evolution in the LX−TXL_X-T_X relation. This implies a high value of the density parameter of 0.85±0.20.85\pm0.2 . However, because the selection of clusters included inour sample is unknown, this can be considered only as a tentative result. A well-controlled X-ray selected survey would provide a more robust answer. XMM will be ideal for such a program.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures,5 tables, accepted by A&

    Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity With the Abundance of High Redshift Clusters

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    We show how observations of the evolution of the galaxy cluster number abundance can be used to constrain primordial non-Gaussianity in the universe. We carry out a maximum likelihood analysis incorporating a number of current datasets and accounting for a wide range of sources of systematic error. Under the assumption of Gaussianity, the current data prefer a universe with matter density Ωm≃0.3\Omega_m\simeq 0.3 and are inconsistent with Ωm=1\Omega_m=1 at the 2σ2\sigma level. If we assume Ωm=1\Omega_m=1, the predicted degree of cluster evolution is consistent with the data for non-Gaussian models where the primordial fluctuations have at least two times as many peaks of height 3σ3\sigma or more as a Gaussian distribution does. These results are robust to almost all sources of systematic error considered: in particular, the Ωm=1\Omega_m=1 Gaussian case can only be reconciled with the data if a number of systematic effects conspire to modify the analysis in the right direction. Given an independent measurement of Ωm\Omega_m, the techniques described here represent a powerful tool with which to constrain non-Gaussianity in the primordial universe, independent of specific details of the non-Gaussian physics. We discuss the prospects and strategies for improving the constraints with future observations.Comment: Minor revisions to match published ApJ version, 14 pages emulateap

    Testing Cosmological Models With A \lya Forest Statistic: The High End Of The Optical Depth Distribution

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    We pay particular attention to the high end of the \lya optical depth distribution of a quasar spectrum. Based on the flux distribution (Miralda-Escud\'e et al 1996), a simple yet seemingly cosmological model -differentiating statistic, Δτ0\Delta_{\tau_0} -- the cumulative probability of a quasar spectrum with \lya optical depth greater than a high value τ0\tau_0 -- is emphasized. It is shown that two different models -- the cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant and the mixed hot and cold dark matter model, both normalized to COBE and local galaxy cluster abundance -- yield quite different values of Δτ0\Delta_{\tau_0}: 0.13 of the former versus 0.058 of the latter for τ0=3.0\tau_0=3.0 at z=3z=3. Moreover, it is argued that Δτ0\Delta_{\tau_0} may be fairly robust to compute theoretically because it does not seem to depend sensitively on small variations of simulations parameters such as radiation field, cooling, feedback process, radiative transfer, resolution and simulation volume within the plausible ranges of the concerned quantities. Furthermore, it is illustrated that Δτ0\Delta_{\tau_0} can be obtained sufficiently accurately from currently available observed quasar spectra for τ0∼3.0−4.0\tau_0\sim 3.0-4.0, when observational noise is properly taken into account. We anticipate that analyses of observations of quasar \lya absorption spectra over a range of redshift may be able to constrain the redshift evolution of the amplitude of the density fluctuations on small-to-intermediate scales, therefore providing an independent constraint on Ω0\Omega_0, Ω0,HDM\Omega_{0,HDM} and Λ0\Lambda_0.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press, substantial changes have been made from the last versio

    A New Robust Low-Scatter X-ray Mass Indicator for Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present comparison of X-ray proxies for the total cluster mass, including the spectral temperature (Tx), gas mass measured within r500 (Mg), and the new proxy, Yx, which is a simple product of Tx and Mg and is related to the total thermal energy of the ICM. We use mock Chandra images constructed for a sample of clusters simulated with the eulerian N-body+gasdynamics adaptive mesh refinement ART code in the concordance LCDM cosmology. The simulations achieve high spatial and mass resolution and include radiative cooling, star formation, and other processes accompanying galaxy formation. Our analysis shows that simulated clusters exhibit a high degree of regularity and tight correlations between the considered observables and total mass. The normalizations of the M-Tx, Mg-Tx, and M-Yx relations agree to better than 10-15% with the current observational measurements of these relations. Our results show that Yx is the best mass proxy with a remarkably low scatter of only ~5-7% in M500 for a fixed Yx, at both low and high redshifts and regardless of whether clusters are relaxed or not. In addition, we show that redshift evolution of the Yx-M500 relation is close to the self-similar prediction, which makes Yx a very attractive mass indicator for measurements of the cluster mass function from X-ray selected samples.Comment: submitted to ApJ; 9 pages, 6 figures, uses emulateap

    Mass-Temperature Relation of Galaxy Clusters: A Theoretical Study

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    Combining conservation of energy throughout nearly-spherical collapse of galaxy clusters with the virial theorem, we derive the mass-temperature relation for X-ray clusters of galaxies T=CM2/3T=CM^{2/3}. The normalization factor CC and the scatter of the relation are determined from first principles with the additional assumption of initial Gaussian random field. We are also able to reproduce the recently observed break in the M-T relation at T \sim 3 \keV, based on the scatter in the underlying density field for a low density Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. Finally, by combining observational data of high redshift clusters with our theoretical formalism, we find a semi-empirical temperature-mass relation which is expected to hold at redshifts up to unity with less than 20% error.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures, One figure is added and minor changes are made. Accepted for Publication in Ap

    Expectations For an Interferometric Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Survey for Galaxy Clusters

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    Non-targeted surveys for galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) will yield valuable information on both cosmology and evolution of the intra-cluster medium (ICM). The redshift distribution of detected clusters will constrain cosmology, while the properties of the discovered clusters will be important for studies of the ICM and galaxy formation. Estimating survey yields requires a detailed model for both cluster properties and the survey strategy. We address this by making mock observations of galaxy clusters in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The mock observatory consists of an interferometric array of ten 2.5 m diameter telescopes, operating at a central frequency of 30 GHz with a bandwidth of 8 GHz. We find that clusters with a mass above 2.5×1014h50−1M⊙2.5 \times 10^{14} h_{50}^{-1} M_\odot will be detected at any redshift, with the exact limit showing a very modest redshift dependence. Using a Press-Schechter prescription for evolving the number densities of clusters with redshift, we determine that such a survey should find hundreds of galaxy clusters per year, many at high redshifts and relatively low mass -- an important regime uniquely accessible to SZE surveys. Currently favored cosmological models predict roughly 25 clusters per square degree.Comment: revised to match published versio

    The WARPS survey: III. The discovery of an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.833 and the impact of X-ray substructure on cluster abundance measurements

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    The WARPS team reviews the properties and history of discovery of ClJ0152.7-1357, an X-ray luminous, rich cluster of galaxies at z=0.833. At L_X = 8 x 10^44 h^(-2) erg/s (0.5-2.0 keV) ClJ0152.7-1357 is the most X-ray luminous cluster known at redshifts z>0.55. The high X-ray luminosity of the system suggests that massive clusters may begin to form at redshifts considerably greater than unity. This scenario is supported by the high degree of optical and X-ray substructure in ClJ0152.7-1357, which is similarly complex as that of other X-ray selected distant clusters and consistent with the picture of cluster formation by mass infall along large-scale filaments. X-ray emission from ClJ0152.7-1357 was detected already in 1980 with the EINSTEIN IPC. However, because the complex morphology of the emission caused its significance to be underestimated, the corresponding source was not included in the EMSS cluster sample and hence not previously identified. Simulations of the EMSS source detection and selection procedure suggest a general bias of the EMSS against X-ray luminous clusters with pronounced substructure. If highly unrelaxed, merging clusters are common at high redshift, they could create a bias in some samples as the morphological complexity of mergers may cause them to fall below the flux limit of surveys that assume a unimodal spatial source geometry. Conversely, the enhanced X-ray luminosity of mergers might cause them to, temporarily, rise above the flux limit. Either effect could lead to erroneous conclusions about the evolution of the comoving cluster space density. A high fraction of morphologically complex clusters at high redshift would also call into question the validity of cosmological studies that assume that the systems under investigation are virialized.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures; revised to focus on possible detection biases caused by substructure in clusters; accepted for publication in ApJ; uses emulateapj.sty; eps files of figures 1 and 2 can be obtained from ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/ebeling/warp
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