809 research outputs found

    PIPE Dreams? The Performance of Companies Issuing Equity Privately

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    Private Investments in Public Equity (PIPEs) have become an important source of financing for young, publicly traded firms whose poor operating performance may limit alternative financing options. We propose that firms are motivated to sell these securities to minimize costs associated with asymmetric information. We find that both the security structure and the investor composition of a PIPE security matter in the subsequent performance of the issuing firm. Poor post-issuance performance is associated with securities where investors obtain significant repricing rights, which protect them from future stock price declines. Furthermore, companies that obtain financing from hedge funds tend to under-perform companies that obtain financing from other institutional investors. We argue that hedge funds act as investors of last resort, playing an important role in the market for young, high-risk firms with substantial asymmetric information. Hedge funds are willing to fund such high-risk companies because they can protect against possible price declines in the issuing companies by either negotiating PIPE securities with repricing rights or by entering into short positions of the underlying stocks of the issuing companies.

    Cognitive vulnerability to anxiety: A review and an integrative model.

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    Consistent research evidence supports the existence of threat-relevant cognitive bias in anxiety, but there remains controversy about which stages of information processing are most important in the conferral of cognitive vulnerability to anxiety. To account for both theoretical and empirical discrepancies in the literature, an integrative multi-process model is proposed wherein core assumptions of dual-systems theories from social and cognitive psychology are adapted to explain attentional and interpretive biases in the anxiety disorders. According to the model, individual differences in associative and rule-based processing jointly influence orientation, engagement, disengagement, and avoidance of threat-relevant stimuli, as well as negatively-biased interpretation of ambiguous stimuli in anxious populations. By linking anxiety-related symptoms to basic principles of information processing, the model parsimoniously integrates different kinds of cognitive biases in anxiety, providing a useful framework for future research and clinical intervention

    The integration of dual-systems processing and cognitive bias in cognitive vulnerability to anxiety: Investigations of spider fear

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    A recent model of cognitive vulnerability to anxiety proposes that discrepant findings related to the time-course of attentional responding to threat in anxious samples may be explained by individual differences in associative and rule-based processing. Specifically, stronger fear-relevant associations and maladaptive rule-based processing are hypothesized to contribute jointly to impaired disengagement from threat. The current program of research was designed as a test of this model within the context of spider fear/phobia. In Study 1, unselected participants completed measures of spider-fear associations (Go/No-go Association Task; GNAT), attention bias (Visual Search Task; VST), and self-reported spider fear and avoidance (Fear of Spiders Questionnaire; FSQ; & Spider Phobia Questionnaire; SPQ). Results demonstrated that participants were slower on disengagement trials of the VST compared to engagement trials. Surprisingly, higher levels of spider fear/avoidance were related to faster engagement with and disengagement from threat; stronger spider-fear associations were related to reduced disengagement accuracy. Moreover, an indirect relationship between spider-fear associations and reported spider fear/avoidance via disengagement accuracy was observed, such that stronger spider-fear associations predicted reduced disengagement accuracy, which subsequently predicted higher scores on the FSQ and SPQ. In Study 2, participants were randomly assigned into 1 of 2 conditions, wherein they either repeatedly negated the threat value of spiders or repeatedly reappraised spider stimuli as safe. As in Study 1, they completed the VST, FSQ, and SPQ. Again, all participants were slower on disengagement trials of the VST than on engagement trials. Attentional responding was unrelated to condition or to reported spider fear/avoidance. Moreover, there was no effect of condition on FSQ/SPQ scores. Exploratory analyses conducted within a restricted subsample of participants who obtained reasonable accuracy rates on the VST demonstrated that assignment to the negate condition predicted increased reported spider fear/avoidance. This relationship, however, was not mediated by attentional bias, contrary to hypotheses. For both studies, methodological limitations were noted, particularly with respect to the use of the VST. The utility of assessing fear with both indirect and direct measures is discussed, as well as theoretical and clinical implications for cognitive models of anxiety disorders and their associated treatments

    A meta-analysis of CBT for pathological worry among clients with GAD.

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    Previous meta-analyses assessing the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) used general measures of anxiety to assess symptom severity and improvement (e.g., Hamilton Anxiety Ratings Scale or a composite measure of anxiety). While informative, these studies do not provide sufficient evidence as to whether CBT significantly reduces the cardinal symptom of GAD: pathological worry. The current meta-analysis employed stringent inclusion criteria to evaluate relevant outcome studies, including the use of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire as the main outcome variable. Results showed a large overall effect size (ES) that was moderated by age and modality of treatment. Specifically, the largest gains were found for younger adults and for individual treatment. Analyses also revealed overall maintenance of gains at 6- and 12-month follow-up. Clinical implications of different treatment packages are discussed, as well as potential explanations for the differential effectiveness of CBT

    Répercussions d’une enfance vécue en institution : le cas des Enfants de Duplessis

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    Les conséquences négatives d’un placement en institution sur les enfants ont été documentées, mais aucune étude n’a porté sur les orphelins et les enfants placés une fois devenus adultes. Au Québec, les Enfants de Duplessis offrent un témoignage poignant des répercussions à long terme d’une enfance vécue en institution. Les histoires recueillies auprès de 40 hommes et 41 femmes ayant grandi en institution à l’époque de Duplessis font état d’un nombre élevé d’abus et d’expériences adverses, incluant les agressions physiques, psychologiques et sexuelles. Le milieu était peu stimulant et offrait peu d’opportunités de développer des relations d’attachement positives et significatives. Lorsqu’ils sont appariés et comparés à des adultes provenant de l’enquête Santé-Québec, les Enfants de Duplessis devenus adultes rapportent plus de problèmes de santé liés au stress et une détresse psychologique plus importante. Nos résultats indiquent également que les personnes ayant disposé de peu de ressources et d’aptitudes personnelles dans l’enfance sont les plus affectées par les expériences adverses.Whereas the immediate consequences of institutionalized placements on children have been documented, no study has investigated adults who were raised in orphanages or institutions. In Quebec, les enfants de Duplessis offer a unique testimony of the long term consequences of an institutionalized childhood. Stories collected from 40 men and 41 women who grew up in institution in Duplessis’era indicate a high number of abuse and aversive experiences, including physical, psychological and sexual aggressions. In addition, the environment was poor in stimulation and opportunities to develop positive attachment relationships with adults. When matched and compared to adults from the Santé-Québec survey, les enfants de Duplessis report a higher number of health problems associated with stress and more psychological distress. Moreover, our results indicate that those who had fewer strengths and aptitudes in childhood are the most affected by unfavourable experiences.Se han documentado las consecuencias negativas del ingreso de los niños a una institución, pero ningún estudio trata acerca de los adultos que fueron internados cuando eran niños o quedaron huérfanos. En Quebec los niños de Duplessis son un testimonio desgarrador de las repercusiones a largo plazo de una infancia vivida en una institución. Las historias recopiladas de 40 hombres y 41 mujeres que crecieron en una institución en la época de Duplessis constatan el número elevado de abusos y experiencias adversas, incluyendo agresiones físicas, psicológicas y sexuales. El medio era poco estimulante y ofrecía pocas oportunidades de desarrollar relaciones de apego positivas y significativas. Al emparejarlos y compararlos a los adultos provenientes de la encuesta de Salud Quebec, los niños de Duplessis, quienes ya son adultos, reportan más problemas de salud relacionados al estrés y un desasosiego psicológico más importante. Nuestros resultados indican también que las personas que disponen de pocos recursos y aptitudes personales en su infancia son las más afectadas por las experiencias adversas.As conseqüências negativas de uma internação em instituição sobre as crianças foram documentadas, mas nenhum estudo foi realizado sobre os órfãos e as crianças internadas quando já se tornaram adultas. No Quebec, as “crianças de Duplessis” testemunham de maneira profunda das repercussões a longo prazo de uma infância vivida em instituição. As histórias recolhidas junto a 40 homens e 41 mulheres que cresceram em instituição na época do governo de Duplessis relatam um alto número de abusos e de experiências adversas, incluindo agressões físicas, psicológicas e sexuais. O meio era pouco estimulante e oferecia poucas oportunidades de desenvolver relações de apego positivas e significativas. Quando eles foram colocados lado a lado e comparados aos adultos vindos da pesquisa de Santé-Québec, as “crianças de Duplessis” que se tornaram adultas sofrem mais de problemas de saúde ligados ao estresse e a uma depressão psicológica mais importante. Nossos resultados indicam igualmente que as pessoas que dispuseram de poucos recursos e aptidões pessoais na infância são mais afetadas pelas experiências adversas

    Les expériences vécues par les enfants de Duplessis institutionnalisés : les conséquences après plus de 50 ans

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    Dans cet article, les auteurs présentent les résultats qualitatifs recueillis à partir de questionnaires et d’entrevues semi-structurées destinés à documenter les expériences tant actuelles que passées des enfants de Duplessis institutionnalisés (EDI). Des exemples typiques et deux cas représentatifs sont présentés. Les résultats indiquent que les abus et la négligence subis par les EDI pendant l’enfance ont compromis leur ajustement psychosocial à long terme. Ils révèlent aussi que les EDI qui ont rapporté au moins quatre forces pendant leur enfance étaient plus susceptibles d’être protégés à l’âge adulte contre les effets négatifs de leur placement.In this article, the authors present qualitative results, derived from questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, to describe past and present experiences of the Duplessis children. Examples representative of their experience and a detailed description of two cases are provided. Results indicate that childhood abuse and negligence are related to poorer long-term psychological adjustment. The findings also demonstrate that reporting at least four strengths in childhood can have long-term protective effects.En este artículo, los autores presentan los resultados cualitativos recopilados a partir de cuestionarios y entrevistas semiestructuradas destinadas a documentar las experiencias, tanto recientes como pasadas, de los niños de Duplessis que fueron institucionalizados (EDI). Se presentan ejemplos típicos y dos casos representativos. Los resultados indican que los abusos y la negligencia sufridos por los EDI durante la infancia han comprometido su ajuste psicosocial a largo plazo. También revelan que los EDI que han reportado al menos cuatro fuerzas durante su infancia eran más susceptibles de estar protegidos en la edad adulta contra los efectos negativos de su colocación.Neste artigo, os autores apresentam os resultados qualitativos coletados a partir de questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas destinados a documentar as experiências tanto atuais quanto passadas das crianças de Duplessis institucionalizadas (CDI). São apresentados exemplos típicos e dois casos representativos. Os resultados indicam que os abusos e a negligência sofridos pelas CDI durante a infância comprometeram seu ajuste psicossocial a longo prazo. Eles revelam também que as CDI que relataram, pelo menos, quatro aspectos positivos durante sua infância eram mais susceptíveis de ser protegidas durante a idade adulta contra os efeitos negativos de sua internação

    On landmark selection and sampling in high-dimensional data analysis

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    In recent years, the spectral analysis of appropriately defined kernel matrices has emerged as a principled way to extract the low-dimensional structure often prevalent in high-dimensional data. Here we provide an introduction to spectral methods for linear and nonlinear dimension reduction, emphasizing ways to overcome the computational limitations currently faced by practitioners with massive datasets. In particular, a data subsampling or landmark selection process is often employed to construct a kernel based on partial information, followed by an approximate spectral analysis termed the Nystrom extension. We provide a quantitative framework to analyse this procedure, and use it to demonstrate algorithmic performance bounds on a range of practical approaches designed to optimize the landmark selection process. We compare the practical implications of these bounds by way of real-world examples drawn from the field of computer vision, whereby low-dimensional manifold structure is shown to emerge from high-dimensional video data streams.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Baryon magnetic moments and sigma terms in lattice-regularized chiral perturbation theory

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    An SU(3) chiral Lagrangian for the lightest decuplet of baryons is constructed on a discrete lattice of spacetime points, and is added to an existing lattice Lagrangian for the lightest octets of mesons and baryons. A nonzero lattice spacing renders all loop integrations finite, and the continuum limit of any physical observable is identical to the result obtained from dimensional regularization. Chiral symmetry and gauge invariance are preserved even at nonzero lattice spacing. Specific calculations discussed here include the non-renormalization of a conserved vector current, the magnetic moments of octet baryons, and the pi N and KN sigma terms that relate to the nucleon's strangeness content. The quantitative difference between physics at a nonzero lattice spacing and physics in the continuum limit is easily computed, and it represents an expectation for the size of discretization errors in corresponding lattice QCD simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, one paragraph added to introduction, to appear in Phys Rev

    Control of protein phosphatase I in the dendrite

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    Communication between nerve cells is mediated by both electrical and chemical signals. Chemical neurotransmission can be further categorized into fast and slow components. Fast acting neurotransmitters directly influence neuronal electrical excitability by binding to cell surface receptors which serve as ligand-gated ion channels, thereby directly modulating membrane potential and cell firing. Neurotransmitter receptors may otherwise modulate neuronal excitability indirectly, by coupling to intracellular signalling pathways that impact on the functional activity of ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels, ion pumps, and the machinery for chemical neurotransmission. These indirect actions are relatively slow, and often involve cascades of protein phosphorylation which serve to alter the biochemical activities of substrate proteins, and hence cellular physiology
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