14 research outputs found

    Les droits de l’homme, la citoyenneté et les contenus de l’enseignement

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    Les quatre interventions portaient sur : citoyenneté et droits de l’homme, éducation et société : le cas de l’Algérie, droits et responsabilités de l’homme : une nouvelle éducation de base pour une éducation tout au long de la vie en Thaïlande, bilinguisme ou plurilinguisme : les droits de l’homme et les langues étrangères. Le débat a tourné autour du sens du mot citoyenneté, selon les pays, les contextes, l’histoire, les traits constitutifs de sa formation et sa relation avec le local/commun..

    Multilingual examinations: towards a schema of politicization of language in end of high school examinations in sub-Saharan Africa

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    In many countries of sub-Saharan Africa, the release of each year’s results for the end of high school examinations heralds an annual ritual of public commentary on the poor state of national education systems. However, the exoglossic/monolingual language regime for these examinations is infrequently acknowledged as contributing to the dismal performance of students. Even less attended to is the manner in which the language of examinations, through shaping students’ performances, may be exacerbating social inequalities. This article politicizes the language of examinations in the region in the hope of generating policy and research interest in what is arguably an insidious source of inequality. The article makes three arguments. Firstly, it is argued that current exoglossic/monolingual practices in these examinations constitute a set of sociolinguistic aberrations, with demonstrable negative effects on students’ performance. Secondly, it is argued that the gravity of these paradoxical sociolinguistic disarticulations is better appreciated when their social ramifications are viewed in terms of structural violence and social inequality. Thirdly, in considering how to evolve a more socially equitable examination language regime, it is argued that the notion of consequential validity in testing positions translanguaging as a more ecologically valid model of language use in examinations

    Large scale assessments and their impact for education in the South

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    This paper will address briefly the issues related to large scale international assessments with a particular focus on their applicability, usefulness and manifestation in the developing countries arbitrarily labeled here the "South". While looking at large scale assessments dealing with a range of subject matters, the illustration will draw on assessments built around literacy. This choice is dictated by the foundational and pivotal role played by literacy in any educational or learning endeavour, and the particular concern for literacy for UNESCO in general and UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE) in particular. (DIPF/Orig.)In diesem Artikel werden in Kürze Kernpunkte von Schulleistungsvergleichsuntersuchungen mit einem speziellen Fokus auf ihre Anwendbarkeit, Nützlichkeit und Wahrnehmung in Ländern des "Südens" diskutiert. Neben einem Blick auf Schulleistungsvergleichsuntersuchungen mit einer Vielzahl von Aspekten, konzentriert sich der Beitrag auf die Messung im Rahmen von Alphabetisierung. Diese Auswahl ist vorgegeben durch die grundlegende und zentrale Rolle, die Alphabetisierung in jeder Bildungs- und Lernbestrebung spielt, und das besondere Anliegen für Alphabetisierung der UNESCO im Allgemeinen und des UNESCO-Instituts für Pädagogik (UIP) im Besonderen. (DIPF/Orig.


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    Rural newspapers and radio for post-literacy in Mali

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    Vers une culture multilingue de l'Ă©ducation /

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