11 research outputs found

    Geomorphosites and socio-economic development In the commune of Bouadel, province of Taounate (Morocco): Les géomorphosites et le développement socio-économique Dans la commune de Bouadel, province de Taounate (Maroc)

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    RésuméPanizza a défini les géomorphosites comme étant des formes du relief ayant acquis une valeur scientifique, culturelle, historique, esthétique et/ou socio-économique, en raison de leur perception ou de leur exploitation par l’Homme (Panizza, 2001).A l’instar des pays développé le Maroc a adopté la politique de la préservation des géomorphosites et leur valorisation à travers la création des géoparcs telque le Géoparc de Mgoun (Ait Omar, T. et al., 2019) et celui de Tazka. Tandis que La majorité des géomorphosites n’est pas encore prise en considération en termes de conservation et mise en valeur malgré sa particularité et sa valeur esthétique dont fait partie les géomorphosites situés dans la commune de Bouadel, Qui comprend 12562 habitants (RGPH., 2014), dans lequel nous avons interrogé une centaine de résidents.Notre intervention vise à étudier et définir les principaux géomorphosites dont dispose la commune de Bouadel et le rôle qu’ils peuvent jouer dans le développement socio-économique à travers son introduction dans la promotion du tourisme dans la zone d’étude.D'après les résultats des découvertes, la communauté s'étend sur une superficie estimée à 4 280 hectares, dans laquelle les paysages suivants couvrent environ 2 090 hectares, y compris dans ses sites géomorphologiques les Ruiniformes, les Schistes débités en frites, les Schistes bitumineux en feuillets, la Source de Bouadel, la Vallée verdoyante d’Ourgha, les Blocs Erratiques, les Sofs de Tichka et Janb Leuh, et les Chaos granitiques.Pour effectuer ce travail on s’est basé sur le travail bibliographique, l’élaboration des cartes thématiques en utilisant le Système d’Information Géographique et le travail du terrain.Mots clés : Commune de Bouadel, géomorphosites, géo-tourisme, développement socioéconomique   AbstractPanizza defined geomorphosites as landforms that have acquired scientific, cultural, historical, aesthetic and / or socio-economic value, due to their perception or exploitation by humans (Panizza, 2001).Like the developed countries, Morocco has adopted the policy of preserving geomorphosites and their enhancement through the creation of geoparks such as the Geopark of Mgoun and that of Tazka. While the majority of geomorphosites have not yet been taken into consideration in terms of conservation and development despite its particularity and aesthetic value, including the geomorphosites located in the town of Bouadel, which includes 12,562 inhabitants (RGPH., 2014 ), in which we interviewed around 100 residents.Our intervention aims to study and define the main geomorphosites available to the town of Bouadel and the role they can play in socio-economic development through its introduction in the promotion of tourism in the study area.According to the results of the discoveries, the community extends over an estimated area of 4280 hectares, in which the following landscapes cover approximately 2090 hectares, including in its geomorphological sites the Ruiniformes, the Shales cut into chips, the Shales bituminous sheets, the Source of Bouadel, the verdant Valley of Urgha, the Erratic Blocks, the Sofs of Tichka and Janb Leuh, and the granitic Chaos. To carry out this work we relied on bibliographic work, the development of thematic maps using GIS and fieldwork.Keywords: Municipality of Bouadel, geomorphosites, geo-tourism, socio-economic development

    Vaccination Between Acceptance And Refusal: The Case Of The Covid-19 Vaccine

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    Background : The COVID-19 vaccine was developed as a necessary last resort to address the pandemic. However, the availability of the vaccine raises concerns about the acceptance of administering the vaccine by the population. Objective:The objective of this work is to determine the perception of university students regarding the covid-19 vaccine. Methods: To achieve our objective a survey was conducted online between March and April 2021 in the different existing social networks of university students. The statistical analysis of the data was done by Chi-square test and correlation test.Results: This study shows that 63% agree to be vaccinated and 62.2% believe that the vaccine is safe. However, 37% refuse to administer the vaccine and declare their concern and lack of confidence in the effectiveness of the vaccine against covid-19.Conclusion: In the light of these results, we note that a significant part of the Moroccan student population refuses the vaccine and does not have confidence in the vaccine against covid-19, hence the need to launch awareness and health education programs to improve the knowledge of the student population before the vaccination program reaches them

    Water resources in light of climate variability in the Midlle Sebou, between the two stations Azzaba and Dar El Arsa: Ressources en eaux à la lumière de la variabilité climatique dans le moyen Sebou, entre les deux stations Azzaba et Dar El Arsa

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    RésuméCet article aborde la problématique des ressources en eau à la lumière de ces changementsclimatiques dans le moyen Sebou, où se situe la relation entre ces ressources et lesprécipitations à lumière du changement climatique?Selon l’analyse des données des deux stations Azzaba entre 1958 et 2011 et Dar El Arsa entre1973 et 2010. La station d’Azzaba est située au haut bassin, juste à côté du barrage d’Allal ElFassi, à l’extrémité nord de la chaîne de montagnes méditerranéennes. Au contraire, la stationDar El Arsa est située dans le savoir-faire du bassin entre les collines de Prérif au nord de Fès,mettant en évidence les différentes particularités des deux stations géographiquement,topographiquement et géologiquement.Nous avons établi un ensemble de constatations, y compris les précipitations annuelles à lastation de Dar El Arsa variaient de 200 et 900 mm, et la station de Azzaba unique oscillaitentre 100 et 700 mm, et la plus grande quantité enregistrée au cours de ces deux séries aatteint 667 mm en 1971, résultant en 894 mm de la station de Dar El Arsa en 2009, de sorteque cet espace a des ressources en eau abondantes.La variabilité de ces précipitations est censée jouer un rôle majeur dans le déclin oul’augmentation des ressources en eau, voire des exceptions, qui peuvent entraîner desinondations.Pour obtenir des renseignements complets sur ce problème, on a invoqué un ensemble d’outilsstatistiques simples et complexes pour diagnostiquer les caractéristiques qui caractérisaient lesdonnées statistiques des deux stations, et la mesure dans laquelle le changement climatiqueaffectait la nature des ressources en eau. Afin de mettre cette étude entre les mains desresponsables afin qu’ils puissent connaître l’état des ressources en eau sur le terrain, et defaciliter les méthodes d’aménagement dans cette région.Mots clés : moyen Sebou (Maroc), variabilité climatique, ressources en eaux, outilsstatistique.   AbstractThis article addresses the issue of water resources in light of climate change in the Seboumedium, where is the relationship between these resources and rainfall in light of climatechange?According to the analysis of data from the two stations Azzaba between 1958 and 2011 andDar El Arsa between 1973 and 2010. The Azzaba station is located in the upper basin, rightnext to the Allal El Fassi dam, at the northern end of the Mediterranean mountain range. Onthe contrary, the Dar El Arsa station is located in the basin know-how between the hills ofPrerif north of Fez, highlighting the different particularities of the two stations geographically,topographically and geologically.We established a set of findings, including the annual rainfall at the Dar El Arsa station variedbetween 200 and 900 mm, and the single Azzaba station varied between 100 and 700 mm,and the largest amount recorded during these two series reached 667 mm in 1971, resulting in894 mm from the Dar El Arsa station in 2009, so that this space has abundant water resources.The variability of this precipitation is expected to play a major role in the decline or increaseof water resources, or even exceptions, which can lead to flooding.To obtain complete information on this problem, a set of simple and complex statistical toolswere used to diagnose the characteristics that characterized the statistical data at the twostations, and the extent to which climate change was affecting the nature of the waterresources. In order to put this study in the hands of officials so that they could know the stateof water resources on the ground, and to facilitate management methods in this region.Keywords: Medium Sebou (Morocco), climate variability, water resources, statistical tools

    Cutaneous Leishmaniasis cases and risk factors in north central of Morocco, Sefrou province: An impact study

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    In order to set up a program for fighting against leishmaniasis disease, it was considered useful beforehand to demonstrate Leishmanian risk factors to the CL disease cases. The Province of Sefrou is among the endemic areas. Surveillance of these outbreaks is essential. This work focused on studying the impact risk factors on the distribution of CL cases. This is a retrospective study of CL cases registered during five years (2007-2010). Statistical analysis was based on one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and then the correlation study was carried out (Pearson correlation). A significant linear association was found between the number of CL cases and the population(r=0.56; p=0.005). This means that the correlation is positive. For the urbanization factor, the association was marked moderately correlated with number of CL cases (r = 0.44; p = 0.037).However, poverty does not influence this distribution; for our study area, this factor is not a risk factor

    Impact of Climatic Factors on the Seasonal Fluctuation of Leishmaniasis Vectors in Central Morocco (Meknes Prefecture)

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    The impact of climate factors on the epidemiology of diseases in general and leishmaniasis in particular continues to be a subject of research and analysis. Changes in climatic parameters contribute to the creation of ecological conditions favorable to the multiplication of the vectors of certain diseases. With this in mind, this study presents an entomological survey conducted in Meknes prefecture and the study of the link between the abundance of sandflies, an indicator of the risk of leishmaniasis in a given area, and the climatic factors. Monthly trapping of this fauna was carried out during a year from March 2016 until April 2017 using adhesive traps. Climatic data from the region were used to determine the effect of climate on the distribution of sandflies. A total of 941 leishmaniasis vector specimens were captured. The dominant species is Ph. sergenti (73.32), followed by Ph. longicuspis (8.25%), then Ph. perniciosus (7.94%) and Ph. papatasi (6.31%). The sex ratio study showed that males are more abundant than females for all species. The seasonal fluctuation is bimodal with two peaks, the first in July and the second in September. The results show a positive correlation between temperature and abundance of sandflies (r = 0.99) and a negative correlation with humidity and precipitation with a correlation coefficient of r = −0.87 and r = −0.72. Indeed, the medium-term climatological forecasts are essential tools to develop a warning system for leishmaniasis

    Métastase choroïdienne compliquée d’une occlusion d’une branche veineuse rétinienne : à propos d’un cas

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    Introduction    Les métastases choroïdiennes sont des tumeurs malignes oculaires qui apparaissant généralement dans un contexte défavorable de cancer multi-métastasé. Cependant, seul un cas de mélanome choroïdien compliqué d’occlusion de la veine rétinienne centrale a été rapporté.Nous rapportons le cas d’une métastase choroidienne compliquée d’une occlusion d’une branche veineuse rétinienne. Matériels et méthodesNous rapportons le cas d'un patient de 47 ans, tabagique chronique à 20 paquet année, sans aucun antécédent médico-chirurgical, qui se présente aux urgences ophtalmologiques pour baisse de l’acuité visuelle brutale de l’œil droit depuis 24 heures. ObservationL’examen ophtalmologique du patient avait retrouvé une acuité visuelle à compte les doigts au niveau de l’œil droit avec au segment antérieur une cataracte corticale. Au fond d’œil, on retrouve une masse parapapillaire supérieure noyée dans des hémorragies et des exsudats dans l’hémirétine supérieure. L’examen de l’œil gauche était normal. L'angiographie à la fluorescéine a confirmé le tableau d’occlusion de branche veineuse rétinienne. L’échographie retrouve une tumeur choroïdienne hypoéchogène de 7/10mm sans excavation choroïdienne. Au bilan radiologique, un processus médiastino-pulmonaire gauche associé à une lymphangite carcinomateuse et des adénopathies médiastinales ont été retrouvés. La biopsie du processus révèle un carcinome pulmonaire peu différencié et invasif. Le bilan d’extension montre la présence de lésions secondaires hépatiques et cérébrales. ConclusionLes métastases choroidiennes sont de mauvais pronostic dans leur contexte général. Chez notre patient, c’est la complication vasculaire qui a révélé sa pathologie néoplasique. Cette étiologie tumorale est donc à rechercher chez les patients présentant une occlusion veineuse rétinienne

    Diversity and Dynamics of Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of Two Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Foci in the Fes-Boulemane Region of Northern Morocco

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is an infectious disease caused by various species of Leishmania and transmitted by several species of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae). In order to evaluate the risk of leishmaniasis transmission in Fes-Boulemane, an investigation was carried out in two localities, Aichoun and Bouasseme, during 2011. From January to December, 1120 specimens were collected in Aichoun comprising six species belonging to two genera: Phlebotomus sergenti (76.07%), Phlebotomus longicuspis (9.01%), Phlebotomus perniciosus (8.48%), Phlebotomus papatasi (4.82%), Sergentomyia minuta, and Sergentomyia fallax. For Bouasseme, seven species were identified with Phlebotomus sergenti (60.39%) dominating, followed by Phlebotomus perniciosus (20%) and Phlebotomus longicuspis (12.15%). The remaining species, Phlebotomus papatasi, Phlebotomus ariasi, Sergentomyia minuta, and Sergentomyia fallax, were less prevalent. The activity of sand flies in both localities is marked by the dominance of Ph. sergenti with two peaks occurring in June and September. In order to obtain a better understanding of sand fly diversity among their species, results were analyzed by the ecological indices determinant: specific richness, the relative abundance, and Shannon-Weiner index (H′). Further studies of sand fly diversity should employ statistical tests and molecular analyses. This study can be useful in the implementation of appropriate future control measures

    Cartography and Epidemiological Study of Leishmaniasis Disease in Sefrou Province (2007–2010), Central North of Morocco

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    Increasing cases of leishmaniasis disease have been reported during recent years in Sefrou Province, Central North of Morocco. This study presents the epidemiological profile of the provincial population, aims at analyzing the epidemiological profile, and in particular, spatiotemporal follow-up of all cases of leishmaniasis. It is a retrospective analysis of leishmaniasis cases recorded between 2007 and 2010. The data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 20). Over a four-year period, from 2007 to 2010, there were 62 cases of leishmaniasis, 93.12% of cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis and 6.87% of visceral leishmaniasis. The case number of leishmaniasis in the Province of Sefrou varies between 0.165% and 0.0018%. For each type of leishmaniasis, the female sex was the most affected compared to the male sex. This difference cannot be considered statistically significant (χ2 = 0.083, p value = 0.77). For cutaneous leishmaniasis, all age groups were affected with a large percentage: patients aged 0–9 years with 63.11% followed by the age group [10–19] with 24.18%. Visceral leishmaniasis mainly has affected the infant population [0–9] with 83.33%. We have not observed any association between the age classes and the leishmaniasis type (χ2 = 6.20, p value = 0.4). From a spatial point of view, the majority of cases of leishmaniasis was reported in El Menzel region (67 cases) followed by Sefrou (64 cases) and Tazouta (38 cases). There is a statistically significant relationship between the type of leishmaniasis and the studied regions (χ2 = 52; p value <0.001). The study of the epidemiological profile of leishmaniasis cases may be useful in enlightening health authorities to develop screening, treatment, and control strategies to reduce the incidence rate of the disease. Other research studies can be conducted to the dynamics of the vectors of sandflies and their ecology

    Thematic Maps of the Impact of Urbanization and Socioeconomic Factors on the Distribution of the Incidence of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Cases in Sefrou Province, Central North of Morocco (2007–2011)

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    Background. Leishmaniases are vector-borne diseases with health risks. They cause a big health problem. These parasitic diseases are transmitted by the parasite of the genus Leishmania through sandflies. Objective. The aim of this work is to study the distribution of the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) cases and the impact of urbanization and socioeconomic factors and their effects as leishmaniasis risk factors. Methods. We conducted a retrospective study of CL cases collected at the level of Sefrou Province during the period from 2007 to 2011. The data was collected from registers of the Medical Delegation of Sefrou Province. The socioeconomic data, namely, the poverty rate, the popular density, and the type of environment (urban/rural) of Sefrou Province, were obtained from the High Commission for Planning. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS software (version 20). The data were registered in a Microsoft Excel 2010 file. Statistical analysis was based on one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and then a correlation study was carried out (Pearson correlation). The results were considered significant when p was less than 0.05. The database was analyzed by QGIS 2.18, which is open source software. Results. A total of 349 cases of CL were collected at Sefrou Province from 2007 to 2011. A percentage of 49% of the cases come from urban areas, while 51% of the cases come from rural areas. In the statistical analysis, the division of the incidence of CL cases was found to be significantly associated only with urbanization. For the other factors, the number of people or the poverty rate is not taken into account in the incidence dynamics. Conclusion. This study may be useful for the implementation of future adequate measures and controls. Getting rid of leishmaniasis requires a comprehensive approach by acting on the sources of contamination through good continuous surveillance, appropriate management, effective vector control, and awareness-raising strategies