439 research outputs found

    Xanthurenic acid translocates proapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins into mitochondria and impairs mitochondrial function

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    BACKGROUND: Xanthurenic acid is an endogenous molecule produced by tryptophan degradation, produced in the cytoplasm and mitochondria. Its accumulation can be observed in aging-related diseases, e.g. senile cataract and infectious disease. We previously reported that xanthurenic acid provokes apoptosis, and now present a study of the response of mitochondria to xanthurenic acid. RESULTS: Xanthurenic acid at 10 or 20 μM in culture media of human aortic smooth muscle cells induces translocation of the proteins Bax, Bak, Bclx(s), and Bad into mitochondria. In 20 μM xanthurenic acid, Bax is also translocated to the nucleus. In isolated mitochondria xanthurenic acid leads to Bax and Bclx(s )oligomerization, accumulation of Ca(2+), and increased oxygen consumption. CONCLUSION: Xanthurenic acid interacts directly with Bcl-2 family proteins, inducing mitochondrial pathways of apoptosis and impairing mitochondrial functions


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    Left ventricular function before and after diltiazem in patients with coronary artery disease

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    Left ventricular contraction, relaxation and diastolic mechanics were investigated before and after intravenous administration of 15 mg of diltiazem in 15 patients with coronary artery disease. High fidelity left ventricular pressure measurements were performed in all 15 patients, with simultaneous biplane cineangiography in 13. The time constant of left ventricular isovolumic pressure decay was calculated from the linear relation of left ventricular pressure and its rate of change with time (negative dP/dt). Frame by frame volume analysis through one cardiac cycle was completed to construct volume-time and pressure-volume curves before and after the administration of diltiazem.After diltiazem, left ventricular peak systolic pressure decreased from 124 to 113 mm Hg (p < 0.001), while left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and heart rate were not altered. Maximal positive dP/dt also remained unchanged. End-diastolic volume was not changed after diltiazem, but end-systolic volume increased from 48 to 52 ml/m2(p < 0.025); as a result, ejection fraction decreased slightly from 57 to 55% (p < 0.025). The time constant of left ventricular pressure decay and maximal negative dP/dt decreased from 58 to 54 ms (p < 0.025) and from −1,404 to −1,321 mm Hg/s (p < 0.025), respectively. Peak early diastolic filling rate increased from 621 to 752 ml/s (p < 0.01) in association with an increase in filling volume during the first half of diastole from 60 to 68% (p < 0.005). No consistent displacement of the diastolic pressure-volume curve was observed after diltiazem.This study indicates that diltiazem reduces afterload and depresses myocardial contractility in patients with coronary artery disease. In contrast, it improves left ventricular relaxation, which may contribute in part to the enhancement of early diastolic filling. However, left ventricular passive diastolic properties remain uninfluenced

    Diastolic heart failure

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    Primary diastolic failure is typically seen in patients with hypertensive or valvular heart disease as well as in hypertrophic or restrictive cardiomyopathy but can also occur in a variety of clinical disorders, especially tachycardia and ischemia. Diastolic dysfunction has a particularly high prevalence in elderly patients and is generally associated, with low mortality but high morbidity. The pathophysiology of diastolic dysfunction includes delayed relaxation, impaired LV filling and/or increased stiffness. These conditions result typically in an upward displacement of the diastolic pressure-volume relationship with increased end-diastolic, left atrial and pulmo-capillary wedge pressure leading to symptoms of pulmonary congestion. Diagnosis of diastolic heart failure requires three conditions: (1) presence of signs or symptoms of heart failure; (2) presence of normal or slightly reduced LV ejection fraction (EF>50%) and (3) presence of increased diastolic filling pressure. Assessment of diastolic function can be performed with several non-invasive (2D- and Doppler-echocardiography, color Doppler M-mode, Doppler tissue imaging, MR-myocardial tagging, radionuclide ventriculography) and invasive techniques (micromanometry, angiography, conductance method). Doppler-echocardiography is the most useful tool to routinely measure diastolic function. Different techniques can be used alone or in combination to assess LV diastolic function, but most of them are dependent on heart rate, pre- and afterload. The transmitral flow pattern remains the starting point, since it is easy to acquire and rapidly categorizes patients into normal (E>A), delayed relaxation (E<A), and restrictive (E≫A) filling patterns. Invasive assessment of diastolic function allows determination of the time constant of relaxation from the exponential pressure decay during isovolumic relaxation, and the evaluation of the passive elastic properties from the slope of the diastolic pressure-volume (=constant of chamber stiffness) and stress-strain relationship (=constant of myocardial stiffness). The prognosis of diastolic heart failure is usually better than for systolic dysfunction. Diastolic heart failure is associated with a lower annual mortality rate of approximately 8% as compared to annual mortality of 19% in heart failure with systolic dysfunction, however, morbidity rate can be substantial. Thus, diastolic heart failure is an important clinical disorder mainly seen in the elderly patients with hypertensive heart disease. Early recognition and appropriate therapy of diastolic dysfunction is advisable to prevent further progression to diastolic heart failure and death. There is no specific therapy to improve LV diastolic function directly. Medical therapy of diastolic dysfunction is often empirical and lacks clear-cut pathophysiologic concepts. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, ACE-inhibitors and AT2-blockers as well as nitric oxide donors can be beneficial. Treatment of the underlying disease is currently the most important therapeutic approac

    Pathological apoptosis by xanthurenic acid, a tryptophan metabolite: activation of cell caspases but not cytoskeleton breakdown

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    BACKGROUND: A family of aspartate-specific cysteinyl proteases, named caspases, mediates programmed cell death, apoptosis. In this function, caspases are important for physiological processes such as development and maintenance of organ homeostasis. Caspases are, however, also engaged in aging and disease development. The factors inducing age-related caspase activation are not known. Xanthurenic acid, a product of tryptophan degradation, is present in blood and urine, and accumulates in organs with aging. RESULTS: Here, we report triggering of apoptotic key events by xanthurenic acid in vascular smooth muscle and retinal pigment epithelium cells. Upon exposure of these cells to xanthurenic acid a degradation of ICAD/DFF45, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, and gelsolin was observed, giving a pattern of protein cleavage characteristic for caspase-3 activity. Active caspase-3, -8 and caspase-9 were detected by Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. In the presence of xanthurenic acid the amino-terminal fragment of gelsolin bound to the cytoskeleton, but did not lead to the usually observed cytoskeleton breakdown. Xanthurenic acid also caused mitochondrial migration, cytochrome C release, and destruction of mitochondria and nuclei. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that xanthurenic acid is a previously not recognized endogenous cell death factor. Its accumulation in cells may lead to accelerated caspase activation related to aging and disease development
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