637 research outputs found
NMR analysis of the dynamic exchange of the NS2B cofactor between open and closed conformations of the West Nile Virus NS2B-NS3 protease
BACKGROUND The two-component NS2B-NS3 proteases of West Nile and dengue viruses are essential for viral replication and established targets for drug development. In all crystal structures of the proteases to date, the NS2B cofactor is located far from the substrate binding site (open conformation) in the absence of inhibitor and lining the substrate binding site (closed conformation) in the presence of an inhibitor. METHODS In this work, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of isotope and spin-labeled samples of the West Nile virus protease was used to investigate the occurrence of equilibria between open and closed conformations in solution. FINDINGS In solution, the closed form of the West Nile virus protease is the predominant conformation irrespective of the presence or absence of inhibitors. Nonetheless, dissociation of the C-terminal part of the NS2B cofactor from the NS3 protease (open conformation) occurs in both the presence and the absence of inhibitors. Low-molecular-weight inhibitors can shift the conformational exchange equilibria so that over 90% of the West Nile virus protease molecules assume the closed conformation. The West Nile virus protease differs from the dengue virus protease, where the open conformation is the predominant form in the absence of inhibitors. CONCLUSION Partial dissociation of NS2B from NS3 has implications for the way in which the NS3 protease can be positioned with respect to the host cell membrane when NS2B is membrane associated via N- and C-terminal segments present in the polyprotein. In the case of the West Nile virus protease, discovery of low-molecular-weight inhibitors that act by breaking the association of the NS2B cofactor with the NS3 protease is impeded by the natural affinity of the cofactor to the NS3 protease. The same strategy can be more successful in the case of the dengue virus NS2B-NS3 protease.The project was funded by the Australian Research Council (http://www.arc.gov.au), grant DP0877540
Glutarate and N-acetyl-L-glutamate buffers for cell-free synthesis of selectively 15N-labelled proteins
Cell-free protein synthesis provides rapid and economical access to selectively 15N-labelled proteins, greatly facilitating the assignment of 15N-HSQC spectra. While the best yields are usually obtained with buffers containing high concentrations of potassium L-glutamate, preparation of selectively 15N-Glu labelled samples requires non-standard conditions. Among many compounds tested to replace the L-Glu buffer, potassium N-acetyl-L-glutamate and potassium glutarate were found to perform best, delivering high yields for all proteins tested, with preserved selectivity of 15N-Glu labelling. Assessment of amino-transferase activity by combinatorial 15N-labelling revealed that glutarate and N-acetyl-L-glutamate suppress the transfer of the 15N-alpha-amino groups between amino acids less well than the conventional L-Glu buffer. On balance, the glutarate buffer appears most suitable for the preparation of samples containing 15N-L-Glu while the conventional L-Glu buffer is advantageous for all other samples
Random coil conformation of a Gly/Ala-rich insert in IκBα excludes structural stabilization as the mechanism for protection against proteasomal degradation
AbstractPeptide segments of multiple glycine and alanine residues prevent the proteolytic degradation of ubiquitinated proteins by the proteasome. The structure of a Gly/Ala-rich insert in IκBα was probed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, comparing IκBα samples with and without Gly/Ala-rich insert. Narrow 1H-NMR resonances at chemical shifts indicative of random coil conformations were observed in the difference spectrum. circular dichroism (CD) measurements further confirm that the mechanism of protection against proteolytic degradation is not based on structural transition or stabilization caused by the Gly/Ala-rich segment. In addition, most of the N- and C-terminal residues outside the ankyrin repeats in wild-type IκBα were found to be flexibly disordered
Structure restraints from heteronuclear pseudocontact shifts generated by lanthanide tags at two different sites
Pseudocontact shifts (PCS) encode long-range information on 3D structures of protein backbones and side-chains. The level of structural detail that can be obtained increases with the number of different sites tagged with a paramagnetic metal ion to generate PCSs. Here we show that PCSs from two different sites can suffice to determine the structure of polypeptide chains and their location and orientation relative to the magnetic susceptibility tensor χ, provided that PCSs are available for 1H as well as heteronuclear spins. In addition, PCSs from two different sites are shown to provide detailed structural information on the conformation of methyl group-bearing amino-acid side-chains. A previously published ensemble structure of ubiquitin is shown to explain the magnetic susceptibility and alignment tensors slightly better than structures that try to explain the experimental data by a single conformation, illustrating the potential of PCSs as a tool to investigate small conformational changes.Financial support by the Australian Research Council is gratefully acknowledged
OR3 operator of bacteriophage lambda in a 23 base-pair DNA fragment: sequence-specific 1H NMR assignments for the non-labile protons and comparison with the isolated 17 base-pair operator
Sequence-specific 1H NMR assignments are presented for a non-selfcomplementary 23-base-pair DNA duplex of molecular weight 15,000 daltons, containing the OR3 repressor binding site of bacteriophage lambda as the central core. The NMR techniques used were mainly phase-sensitive two-dimensional NOE and 2Q spectroscopy, the latter to overcome overlap problems within the spectral region of the deoxyribose spin-systems. Direct sequential NOE connectivities are observed between adenine 2 H and deoxyribose 1' protons. We propose the use of these connectivities as a check of the assignments of C1' and A2 protons, which have independently been derived via other assignment pathways
Definition of Mafa-A and -B haplotypes in pedigreed cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis)
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I B gene/allelic repertoire was investigated in a pedigreed population of cynomolgus macaques of mixed Indonesian/Malaysian origin. The Mafa-B alleles detected in this cohort are mostly specific for a given geographic area, and only a small number of alleles appears to be shared with other populations. This suggests the fast evolution of Mafa-B alleles due to adaptation to new environments. In contrast to humans, the B locus in Old World monkeys displays extensive copy number variation. The Mafa-B and previously defined -A gene combinations segregate in families and thus allowed the definition of extended haplotypes. In many cases it was possible to assign a particular Mafa-I allele to one of these Mafa-A/B haplotypes as well. The presence of a large number of stable haplotypes in this cohort of animals, which was pedigreed for up to eight generations, looks promising for developing discriminative MHC typing tools that are less cumbersome. Furthermore, the discovery of 53 unreported Mafa-B sequences expands the lexicon of alleles significantly, and may help in understanding the complex organisation of the macaque B region
Application of 13C(ω1)-half-filtered [1H,1H]-NOESY for studies of a complex formed between DNA and a 13C-labeled minor-groove-binding drug
AbstractThe complex formed between the anticancer drug 4-[p-[p-(4-quinolylamino)benzamido]anilino]pyridine (SN 6999) and the decadeoxyribonucleoside nonaphosphate d-(GCATTAATGC)2 was investigated using two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) with a 13C(ω1)-half-filter. The two quaternary methyl groups in SN 6999 had been labeled with 13C for these experiments. The simplified subspectra of [1H,1H]-NOESY obtained with this procedure greatly facilitate the identification and assignment of intermolecular NOEs. Quite generally, the combined use of isotope labeling and heteronuclear filters in [1H,1H]-NOESY provides an improved experimental basis for structural studies of drug/ DNA complexes
Solution conformations of a linked construct of the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease
The Zika virus presents a serious risk for global health. Crystal structures of different constructs of the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease (NS2B-NS3pro) have been determined with the aim to provide a basis for rational drug discovery. In these structures, the C-terminal β-hairpin of NS2B, NS2Bc, was observed to be either disordered (open conformation) or bound to NS3pro complementing the substrate binding site (closed conformation). Enzymatically active constructs of flaviviral NS2B-NS3 proteases commonly used for inhibitor testing contain a covalent peptide linker between NS2B and NS3pro. Using a linked construct of Zika virus NS2B-NS3pro, we studied the location of NS2Bc relative to NS3pro in solution by pseudocontact shifts generated by a paramagnetic lanthanide tag attached to NS3pro. Both closed and open conformations were observed with different inhibitors. As the NS2B co-factor is involved in substrate binding of flaviviral NS2B-NS3 proteases, the destabilization of the closed conformation in the linked construct makes it an attractive tool to search for inhibitors that interfere with the formation of the enzymatically active, closed conformation.C.N. thanks the Alexander vonHumbolt Foundation for a Feodor-Lynen fellowship. Financialsupport by the Australian Research Council is gratefully acknowl-edged. C.K. acknowledges support by the Deutsche For-schungsgemeinschaft, grant KL 1356/3
Hydrophobic interactions in a cyanobacterial plastocyanin-cytochrome f complex
Macromolecular Biochemistr
Compound Evolutionary History of the Rhesus Macaque Mhc Class I B Region Revealed by Microsatellite Analysis and Localization of Retroviral Sequences
In humans, the single polymorphic B locus of the major histocompatibility complex is linked to the microsatellite MIB. In rhesus macaques, however, haplotypes are characterized by the presence of unique combinations of multiple B genes, which may display different levels of polymorphism. The aim of the study was to shed light on the evolutionary history of this highly complex region. First, the robustness of the microsatellite MIB-linked to almost half of the B genes in rhesus macaques (Mamu-B)–for accurate B haplotyping was studied. Based on the physical map of an established haplotype comprising 7 MIB loci, each located next to a certain Mamu-B gene, two MIB loci, MIB1 and MIB6, were investigated in a panel of MHC homozygous monkeys. MIB1 revealed a complex genotyping pattern, whereas MIB6 analysis resulted in the detection of one or no amplicon. Both patterns are specific for a given B haplotype, show Mendelian segregation, and even allow a more precise haplotype definition than do traditional typing methods. Second, a search was performed for retroelements that may have played a role in duplication processes as observed in the macaque B region. This resulted in the description of two types of duplicons. One basic unit comprises an expressed Mamu-B gene, adjacent to an HERV16 copy closely linked to MIB. The second type of duplicon comprises a Mamu-B (pseudo)gene, linked to a truncated HERV16 structure lacking its MIB segment. Such truncation seems to coincide with the loss of B gene transcription. Subsequent to the duplication processes, recombination between MIB and Mamu-B loci appears to have occurred, resulting in a hyperplastic B region. Thus, analysis of MIB in addition to B loci allows deciphering of the compound evolutionary history of the class I B region in Old World monkeys
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