2 research outputs found

    Energy Demonstration Trailer: Spreading Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency throughout Namibia

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    Namibia has few power plants to produce electricity of its own and imports 50% of its electricity from South Africa. For this reason, Namibia will need to begin researching and developing other methods of energy generation. Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) are alternatives that could alleviate Namibia's energy problem. Unfortunately members of both rural and urban communities have very little knowledge about RE and EE and therefore are unable to employ any of these technologies or techniques to conserve energy. In an effort to disseminate information on these topics and find new energy efficient materials, four students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in conjunction with Habitat Research and Development Centre designed a demonstration trailer, which will be used to travel to settlements, schools, villages and farms spreading RE and EE concepts and products. This proposal provides background information and methodology for creating the trailer as well information on RE and EE technologies and materials

    WPI AIAA Research Rocket (WARRIORS)

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    WARRIORS was a two-stage, high-powered rocket equipped with a computer and video camera. The goal of WARRIORS was to challenge students to develop innovative rocket staging and recovery techniques. The project was a joint effort between eight MQP students and AIAA WPI chapter student volunteers. This paper describes the design, testing, operation, and results from the creation and implementation of an innovative electromagnetic booster-separation system, non-pyrotechnic parachute deployment mechanisms, an ignition system that prevents asymmetric thrust, and a custom-constructed airframe