807 research outputs found

    Словник української мови: додатковий том. Історія укладання та підсумки роботи

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    У статті висвітлено історію укладання Додаткового тому Словника української мови, описано принципи формування його реєстру та розроблення нових статей, а також статей з новими значеннями, відтінками значень і стійкими сполученнями слів, наведено приклади таких статей.The article highlights the history of making the Additional Ukrainian dictionary volume, describes principles of the words listing and the development of new articles and articles with new meanings and theirs shades and the stable words combinations. There are given the examples of such articles

    New Insights into the Structural Roles of Nebulin in Skeletal Muscle

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    One important feature of muscle structure and function that has remained relatively obscure is the mechanism that regulates thin filament length. Filament length is an important aspect of muscle function as force production is proportional to the amount of overlap between thick and thin filaments. Recent advances, due in part to the generation of nebulin KO models, reveal that nebulin plays an important role in the regulation of thin filament length. Another structural feature of skeletal muscle that is not well understood is the mechanism involved in maintaining the regular lateral alignment of adjacent sarcomeres, that is, myofibrillar connectivity. Recent studies indicate that nebulin is part of a protein complex that mechanically links adjacent myofibrils. Thus, novel structural roles of nebulin in skeletal muscle involve the regulation of thin filament length and maintaining myofibrillar connectivity. When these functions of nebulin are absent, muscle weakness ensues, as is the case in patients with nemaline myopathy with mutations in nebulin. Here we review these new insights in the role of nebulin in skeletal muscle structure

    Sorting out “New and Old” (Matt 13:52) as Changing Money: Rabbinic and Synoptic Parables on Scriptural Knowledge

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    A uniquely attested Matthean parable addresses the ideal scribal sage: “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old” (Matt 13:52 NRSV).1 In this article I trace the embeddedness of this parable to textual and material culture, focusing especially on sayings and parables on the sage as a “treasure” and on the sage as “money changer” in Christian and rabbinic contexts. This case study actually may help us as well in understanding how these parables organically developed from late biblical wisdom sayings and attest to the early Jewish parable as a regional genre or “ecotype.” I will start discussing the notions of ecotype and social field (1) and assess the debate on the cradle of the parable (2). Following this, I will trace the metaphor of the sage as a “treasure/storage house” in Ben Sira (3), its deployment in Matthew and Rabbinic Judaism (4), and discuss a saying on “changing money” in early Christianity (5) and its appearance in rabbinic parables (6). The resulting textual input dimensions of “treasure” and “changing money” (7), combined with material culture (8), shed light on the expression “new and old” in Matthew

    Ultrasound imaging to tailor treatment of shoulder pain in general practice

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    The prognosis for patients with shoulder pain is poor. Unfortunately, general practitioners are not able to determine the underlying cause of shoulder pain during a consultation. Treatment therefore focuses on the symptoms and not the underlying cause. This dissertation shows that general practitioners find diagnosing shoulder pain complex, and that ultrasound is suitable for making a diagnosis and is also frequently used to do so. However, treatment based on ultrasound diagnosis in patients with a history of less than three months’ pain does not result in a better prognosis after one year. It is therefore recommended that general practitioners do not refer patients with shoulder pain for ultrasound

    Farmacochemie:Land zonder grens

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    Trendrapport mbo. Technologieën van de toekomst

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    Ottenheijm, S., Rubens, W., & Vorstenbosch, P. (2011). Trendrapport mbo. Technologieën van de toekomst. Zoetermeer: Stichting Kennisnet en saMBO-ICT.Dit rapport beschrijft maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen (netwerksamenleving, 'persoonlijk en op maat', 'nieuwe organisatie- en verdienmodellen', en de 'technologisering van het leven'), uitdagingen voor het MBO ('het organiseerbaarheid van het mbo', 'optimalisering van de samenwerking', 'student als volwassen internetconsument' en 'meer met minder'), en de belangrijkste technologische ontwikkelingen ('cloud computing', 'social media', 'verrijkte content', 'augmented reality', 'semantisch web' en 'learning analytics').Stichting Kennisnet en saMBO-IC


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