13 research outputs found

    Archäologische Forschungen in Peru und Honduras im Jahr 2013

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    Im Arbeitsbereich der Autoren fanden im Jahr 2013 archäologische Forschungsprojekte in Peru und in Honduras statt. Das Projekt „Zentrum und Peripherie: der Siedlungsraum der Paracaskultur (800–200 v. Chr.) im Süden Perus“ wurde im zweiten Jahr mit Förderung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und in Kooperation mit Partnern von der Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) durchgeführt. Ziel der Forschungen ist es, durch siedlungsarchäologische Untersuchungen sowohl im Tal von Ica, an der Südküste Perus, als auch in den Hochlandregionen der etwas weiter südlich liegenden Täler von Palpa, den Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsraum der Paracaskultur, einer der wichtigsten formativzeitlichen Kulturen des zentralen Andenraumes, neu zu definieren. Der Arbeitsschwerpunkt lag in diesem Jahr auf der 3D-Vermessung und Ausgrabung des Fundortes Collanco sowie der geophysikalischen Prospektion des Fundortes Huayuncalla. Im Kleinfundelabor wurde die paracaszeitliche Keramik der beiden genannten Fundorte sowie diejenige von früheren Ausgrabungen an dem Küstenfundort Jauranga analysiert. Das Verbundprojekt „MayaArch3D: Ein webbasiertes 3D-GIS zur Analyse der Archäologie von Copan, Honduras“ wurde ebenfalls im zweiten Jahr mit Förderung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Geoinformatik und dem Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (IWR) der Universität Heidelberg, sowie mit der Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Trento und der ETH Zürich durchgeführt. Die Arbeiten galten der Systematisierung und Strukturierung vorhandener Daten zu dem Maya-Fundort Copan in Honduras, sowie der Aufnahme neuer Daten in Archiven und in Copan selbst. Bei den Feldarbeiten wurden Gebäude, Skulpturen und Friese mit Laserscannern und Digitalkameras aufgenommen, um virtuelle 3D-Modelle für das Dokumentationssystem anzufertigen

    Archäologische Forschungen in Peru und Honduras

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    Im Arbeitsgebiet der Verfasser ist im Berichtszeitraum das interdisziplinäre, vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung finanzierte Projekt Anden-Transekt ausgelaufen. Im Anschluss daran wurden mehrere, durch Drittmittel finanzierte Forschungsvorhaben initiiert, die in den nächsten Jahren fortgesetzt werden. Die Förderung des interdisziplinären Verbundprojektes Anden-Transekt ging im April 2011 zu Ende. Aus den Forschungsergebnissen ergaben sich zahlreiche neue Fragestellungen für die Archäologie. Eine dieser Fragen, nämlich diejenige nach dem Siedlungsraum der Paracas-Kultur (800–200 v. Chr.), einer der wichtigsten formativzeitlichen Kulturen im Andenraum, wird in einem von der DFG finanzierten archäologischen Forschungsvorhaben weiterverfolgt und vertieft werden. Ein weiteres neues Projekt an der Südküste Perus beinhaltet die Restaurierung und touristische Erschließung einer bereits in früheren Grabungskampagnen freigelegten Grabanlage der Nasca-Kultur (200 v. Chr. – 600 n. Chr.). Mit einem dritten Projekt, MayaArch3D, wird das Engagement des DAI bei der Erforschung vorspanischer Kulturen in Mesoamerika durch die Erforschung einer der wichtigsten Ruinenstätte der Maya-Kultur in Honduras fortgesetzt. Dieses Projekt ist gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zu dem Bestreben des DAI, den Einsatz neuer Technologien und Medien in der Archäologie, insbesondere der Erzeugung, Analyse und langfristigen Speicherung digitaler Daten weiterzuentwickeln

    Sustainability, design and changing organisations – Exploring how to foster sustainability initiatives in Zalando’s digital product development

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    As climate change challenges become pressing, companies need to drive sustainability to become part of the solution. Design for sustainability addresses how design can contribute to and shape transformations towards more sustainability. To foster sustainability, designers facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration and engage in more strategic activities. Significant research on design for sustainability has been done in public organizations, leaving space to further look into private companies. Besides, research on organizational learning provides a valuable lens to understand the relationship between sustainability and organizational change. This thesis is a collaboration with German fashion eCommerce Zalando. As both the fashion and eCommerce industry bear significant sustainability challenges, Zalando formulated and currently implements a sustainability strategy, making it an excellent case study. This research investigates how sustainability initiatives can be fostered in an organization, specifically Zalando’s product development, and looks at designers’ potential role in supporting these processes. Therefore, the thesis follows three objectives: First, it aims to explore the awareness, knowledge and activities on sustainability among designers and other relevant stakeholders to get a solid understanding of the status quo of sustainability actions in Zalando’s digital product development. Second, the research inquires the relationship between Zalando’s strategic goals on sustainability and designers’ practice. This thesis aims to practically enhance sustainability activities at Zalando while also adding to the academic discussion. Therefore, the third objective is to design and test interventions that address previously identified challenges. A pragmatic, iterative approach rooted in the design thinking process was chosen to approach the research question. Interviews and focus groups informed an initial understanding of the problem space. An ideation phase then resulted in a document that supports knowledge sharing and collaboration on sustainability. Finally, testing the document served to validate initial findings and a potential solution to tackle them. In parallel, analyzing sustainability toolkits from design and business provided precious input on how other organizations approach sustainability. The findings reveal that while most people relate to a broader vision for sustainability, applying such a complex topic in practice remains challenging. Here, sharing context-specific sustainability knowledge can help connect to a shared vision and implement it in the day-to-day work inside an organization. In addition, expert and non-expert designers, such as product managers, can facilitate collaboration between different teams. Consequently, this thesis’ contribution is twofold. First, the created artefact serves as practical advice on how designers can share knowledge and facilitate collaboration in an organization. Second, the research contributes to the academic discussion by highlighting a connection between design for sustainability and organizational change, which provides a valuable frame for further research in the field

    Non-stereotype-based threat in gender-imbalanced work groups: mismatched self-construal erodes self-esteem and promotes performance-avoidance goals

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    The present studies investigated whether the gender composition of a group represents a sufficient situational cue for creating a mismatch between situationally accessible and ideal self-views. A longitudinal study of 333 employees revealed that being in the numerical minority implied a mismatch with ideal self-views among those who de-emphasized independence in their chronic self-construal, whereas being in the numerical majority constituted a mismatch with ideal self-views among those who emphasized independence. Both types of employees suffered a drop in self-esteem and adopted maladaptive motivational states, namely performance-avoidance goals. The observed deleterious effect of mismatched self-construal on goal pursuit was fully mediated by a perceived lack of acceptance (low social self-esteem). We replicated these findings in a laboratory study with 268 unacquainted individuals who collaborated in small groups on a non-gender-typed group task

    Are there networks in maps?

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    Shifted Maps proposes a novel visualization method to generate personal geovisualizations of individual movement data. The resulting visual appearance can be characterized as a map network consisting of visited places and their connections. The visited places are shown as circular map extracts scaled according to the time spent there and the movements between the places are represented as edges between the places. A key feature of the Shifted Maps visualization is the possibility to explore the data in three different arrangements based on geo-spatial position, travel time, and frequency of movements. By combining map and network visualizations of movement data, it becomes possible to analyze and compare spatial and temporal topologies

    Sensitization to PR-10 proteins is indicative of distinctive sensitization patterns in adults with a suspected food allergy

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    Background: The extent of co-sensitization within and between food protein families in an adult population is largely unknown. This study aimed to identify the most frequently recognized components in the PR-10 and storage protein family, as well as patterns in (co-)sensitization, in a birch-endemic area.  Methods: Results of ImmunoCAP ISAC, performed during routine care in Dutch adult outpatients suspected of food allergy, were collected.  Results: A total of 305 patients were selected, aged 16-79 years (median 32 years). Sensitization to one or more PR-10 proteins was most frequent (74% of all subjects), followed by 35% to storage protein and 15% to nsLTPs. Within the PR-10 family, subjects were most often sensitized to Bet v 1 (73% of 305), Cor a 1.04 (72%) and Mal d 1 (68%). Sensitization to PR-10s from soy, celery and kiwi occurred distinctively less often ( 70%). Subjects sensitized to these 'less common PR-10 proteins' were sensitized to more food and inhalant components on the ISAC, compared to subjects sensitized to 'common PR-10 proteins' (median 22 vs 13 out of 112, p < 0.0001). Seven subjects demonstrated sensitization to food PR-10 proteins, without concomitant sensitization to pollen PR-10s. Within the storage proteins, sensitization to multiple peanut allergens was most common (on average 3 out of 4).  Conclusions: Sensitization to PR-10 food proteins could occur without concomitant sensitization to common PR-10 from pollen in a subset of subjects. Less commonly recognized PR-10 proteins appear to be an indication of polysensitization

    Sensitization to PR-10 proteins is indicative of distinctive sensitization patterns in adults with a suspected food allergy

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    Background: The extent of co-sensitization within and between food protein families in an adult population is largely unknown. This study aimed to identify the most frequently recognized components in the PR-10 and storage protein family, as well as patterns in (co-)sensitization, in a birch-endemic area.  Methods: Results of ImmunoCAP ISAC, performed during routine care in Dutch adult outpatients suspected of food allergy, were collected.  Results: A total of 305 patients were selected, aged 16-79 years (median 32 years). Sensitization to one or more PR-10 proteins was most frequent (74% of all subjects), followed by 35% to storage protein and 15% to nsLTPs. Within the PR-10 family, subjects were most often sensitized to Bet v 1 (73% of 305), Cor a 1.04 (72%) and Mal d 1 (68%). Sensitization to PR-10s from soy, celery and kiwi occurred distinctively less often ( 70%). Subjects sensitized to these 'less common PR-10 proteins' were sensitized to more food and inhalant components on the ISAC, compared to subjects sensitized to 'common PR-10 proteins' (median 22 vs 13 out of 112, p < 0.0001). Seven subjects demonstrated sensitization to food PR-10 proteins, without concomitant sensitization to pollen PR-10s. Within the storage proteins, sensitization to multiple peanut allergens was most common (on average 3 out of 4).  Conclusions: Sensitization to PR-10 food proteins could occur without concomitant sensitization to common PR-10 from pollen in a subset of subjects. Less commonly recognized PR-10 proteins appear to be an indication of polysensitization

    Sentinel-1A - First precise orbit determination results

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    Sentinel-1A is the first satellite of the European Copernicus programme. Equipped with a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instrument the satellite was launched on April 3, 2014. Operational since October 2014 the satellite delivers valuable data for more than two years. The orbit accuracy requirements are given as 5 cm in 3D. In order to fulfill this stringent requirement the precise orbit determination (POD) is based on the dual-frequency GPS observations delivered by an eight-channel GPS receiver. The Copernicus POD (CPOD) Service is in charge of providing the orbital and auxiliary products required by the PDGS (Payload Data Ground Segment). External orbit validation is regularly performed by comparing the CPOD Service orbits to orbit solutions provided by POD expert members of the Copernicus POD Quality Working Group (QWG). The orbit comparisons revealed systematic orbit offsets mainly in radial direction (approx. 3 cm). Although no independent observation technique (e.g. DORIS, SLR) is available to validate the GPS-derived orbit solutions, comparisons between the different antenna phase center variations and different reduced-dynamic orbit determination approaches used in the various software packages helped to detect the cause of the systematic offset. An error in the given geometry information about the satellite has been found. After correction of the geometry the orbit validation shows a significant reduction of the radial offset to below 5 mm. The 5 cm orbit accuracy requirement in 3D is fulfilled according to the results of the orbit comparisons between the different orbit solutions from the QWG