6 research outputs found


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    This study describes anthropomorphism that contains ethics and values education within East Nusa Tenggara folktales in Indonesia. The study explored the data on anthropomorphism based on the students’ textbooks of the local content subject, “Pengetahuan Lingkungan dan Sosial Budaya Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur Sekolah Dasar Kelas 2†and“Cerita Rakyat Nusa Tenggara Timur Sekolah Dasar Kelas 6â€. The textbooks containing the folktales were published in 2012 by CV Jala Makmur – Kupang. There were 20 folktales in the textbooks, but the anthropomorphisms investigated were only within four folktales, in which the animals behaving like human beings. The study was library research based, using a descriptive qualitative method. The study applied a moral approach since the value of anthropomorphism is to educate the readers. The results of this study showed that there were eight values to learn in Hoga Woe, three in Nenek Bupu Repu, five in Asu Nok Maleobibi, and five in Dhone dan Kaju. This study concludes that folktales can be one of the teaching and learning materials for introducing morals, attitudes, and good judgments to the young students in ethics and values education. In addition, folktales can be developed into plays, from which the students can play the characters in order to easily absorb moral education in a fun and interesting way


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    This study examines gossip in two different ethnicities living in the city of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara province namely Sabu andRote tribes. This study specifically answers two main questions. First, what kind of gossip is usually discussed by women from both ethnicities.Second, which ethnic group produces more negative impacts from this social conversation. In addition to two questions above, several otherelements were also analyzed in this study such as atmosphere, context, participants, age, ethnicity, education, social distance, and language use.The study employed observation and interviews method in collecting the data. The interview was done by applying close ended questionnaire. Atotal of 36 participants were included as samples and subjects in this study. The result of this study indicates that both ethnicities have a commontopic when gossiping. For example, family problems, recipes, parenting, infidelity and others. Although two ethnicities are equally involved andexperiencing the negative effects of this social conversation, women from the Sabu tribe have a higher level of involvement in terms of verbaland physical fights

    A Reflection on the Online Lectures

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    The phenomenon of Coronavirus Disease 2019 forced the education system in Indonesia to be run online. The descriptive qualitative method was usedin this research to investigate some cases faced by the Fourth Semester Students of the English Department, Nusa Cendana University toward online learning in Cross-Cultural Communication Lecture. It was conducted to answer students’ perceptions, solutions, and expectations in joining online lectures for the last three months in the Even Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020. To collect the data, and a non-facial interview technique was applied through some online Learning Management System; e-learning by Nusa Cendana University and Google Classroom. The data were analyzed by categorizing the students’ answers. The result of this study showed that11.43% were ready for online lectures, while those who prefer regular classes were 82.86%.Only 27.14% could meet the needs of online lectures since they had available mobile data, while 47.14% frankly stated having mobile data problem. It can be concluded that there were some changes in learning culture that forced students to deal with online teaching-learning activities. Undeniable, it was not easy to organize except well prepared from the very first beginning of class by having Course Contract which only needed to be changed into an online form. Yet, their expectations for universities and government to increase Learning Management System and subsidies for the needs of mobile data bundle (for teachers, lecturers, and students)

    The Online Learning Strategies: A Case Study On English Teachers in East Nusa Tenggara Province-Indonesia

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    During the covid 19 pandemic, online learning, and its terms are not strange things in East Nusa Tenggara. The establishment of Learning from home was started from March to June 2020 to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This research is a case study of eleven English teachers who serve in certain areas around East Nusa Tenggara; five teachers of Senior High School/Vocational School, five teachers of Junior High School, and one Elementary School teacher. Its purpose was to describe the methods in the English teaching-learning process in a pandemic situation. The data of this descriptive study were obtained through WhatsApp non-facial interviews and analyzed by reducing and categorizing similar results. The results showed that the teachers applied two methods, both offline and online.  From March to June 2020, the teachers managed their classes in the online process by using some applications. Whereas, in the Uneven Semester 2020-2021, the safe areas return to face-to-face learning in limited learning duration. The most prominent obstacle in online learning was the limitation of gadgets since the students did not have adequate tools. Financially, parents' income has decreased for they could not meet the needs of internet data packages. Students who returned to their hometown also experienced problems regarding network services. These conditions cause more obstacles to teachers in managing online classes. Therefore, teachers implemented several strategies to solve these obstacles by creating a WhatsApp group or arranging them into small groups based on their locations and there were students with smartphones to browse for materials or send the assignments. In addition, students were allowed to consult and collect the assignments at school based on scheduled agreements. The situation continues to Even Semester 2020-2021 and gradually turned to limited face-to-face meetings at school in the Uneven Semester 2021-2022

    Gembala Brilian (Pengembangan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan Audio Lingual Method) bagi Guru Sekolah Minggu

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    Guna mendukung misi pemerintah untuk mecerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, pihak Pendidikan tinggi dan Lembaga agama turut berperan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris di lingkungan pendidikan non-formal termasuk sekolah minggu. Kegiatan PkM ini menggunakan metode Audio Lingual yang melatih keterampilan mendengarkan, terintegrasi dengan berbicara dan menulis. Mitra kegiatan PkM adalah para guru sekolah minggu, guru Sekolah dasar, dan anak-anak sekolah minggu yang berlatih untuk mendapatkan pengalaman mengajar kreatif di sekolah minggu. Ceramah, diskusi, dan evaluasi dilaksanakan untuk penerapan metode ini. Kegiatan evaluasi yaitu anak-anak sekolah minggu menceritakan kembali apa yang disimak dalam video, permainan dengan flashcards, dan permainan bisik berantai. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan perlu ditingkatkan lagi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Lembaga Pendidikan non-formal untuk mendukung keterampilan berbahasa Inggris baik bagi para guru maupun anak-anak sekolah minggu