11 research outputs found

    Baseline characteristics of the study subjects (n = 10).

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    <p>Abbreviations: CRP =  C-reactive protein, LDL =  low density lipoprotein, HDL =  high density lipoprotein.</p><p>Baseline characteristics of the study subjects (n = 10).</p

    CONSORT subject flow diagram.

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    <p>Subjects were placed initially in one of two groups, where one group was treated for 4 weeks with VPA before being measured, and the other group was measured directly as Controls. After the first measurement, the VPA treated group rested for 4 weeks with a washout period before being measured again Control. The subjects that first were Controls, were measured again after 4 weeks of VPA treatment. The subjects first treated with VPA were measured and then observed a 4 week washout and rest period before they were studied again as Controls. All subjects measured with VPA were combined for grouped analysis (same for Control measurements).</p

    Exhaustion in cumulative t-PA release.

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    <p>In Panel A, the Control-1 (filled diamond, n = 16) and Control-2 (open diamond, n = 15) measurements show a pattern of exhaustion during the second stimulated t-PA release, starting early and continued throughout the sequence. Panel B shows the VPA treated group, with VPA-1 (filled square, n = 15) and VPA-2 (open square, n = 15) observations compared. There is no decrease observed in the second measurement until after 18 minutes. Panel C demonstrates a percent of the second measurement sequence compared to the first for both Control (filled triangles) and VPA (open triangles) (n = 13, where data was available for all measurements, treated and non-treated for the first and second sequences on both days). Minute 3 ratios reflect relatively small cumulative sums, possibly explaining the larger variation in the groups in Panel C. Data are presented as mean with 95% confidence intervals. * indicates p value less than 0.05 using repeated paired t tests.</p

    Demographic data.

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    <p>Abbreviations: kg = kilogram, m<sup>2</sup> = square meter, bpm = beats per minute, mm Hg = millimeters of mercury, g = gram, L = liter, μmol = micromole, mmol = millimole. Results shown as mean ± SD, (n = 16).</p><p>Demographic data.</p

    Forearm t-PA net release on the same day, first and second measurements.

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    <p>Panel A demonstrates non-treatment grouped t-PA fluxes during ISP stimulation for the first measurement sequence (Control-1, filled diamond, n = 16), and second (Control-2, open diamond, n = 15). Panel B shows the VPA treated grouped t-PA fluxes for the first measurement sequence (VPA-1, filled square, n = 15) and second (VPA-2, open square, n = 15). First, there are linear and progressive increases in t-PA release during the course of the ISP stimulation in the VPA group (Panel B), but not in the Control group (Panel A) It is notable that for Control, there are lower t-PA fluxes at each time point (3–18 minutes) during the second (same day) stimulation, but that this is not the case for the VPA grouped measures, until 18 minutes of stimulation. There is clear lower level in the response for the second stimulation (one hour later) for Controls that is not observed with VPA treatment. Data are presented as mean with 95% confidence intervals. # indicates p value less than 0.05 using repeated measured ANOVA within groups for change in values during the interval between 3–18 minutes. * indicates p value less than 0.05 using repeated paired t tests.</p