343 research outputs found

    When Doctors Become Creditors: The Detainment Of Impoverished Patients In Uganda. Essay And Documentary Film

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    This essay explores the practice of imprisoning patients in private health care facilities. Despite the Ugandan government\u27s promise to provide free basic medical services to all as a fundamental human right, the nation\u27s inadequate health infrastructure is forcing many patients to seek assistance in a private sector, which most cannot afford. Underpaid by the government, many Ugandan physicians open private clinics, where they also struggle to recover the costs accrued by the many impoverished patients they treat. Employing an age-old strategy akin to debtor\u27s prisons, these physicians then choose to detain patients who fail to pay their bills immediately with the hope that their family and friends will bail them out. In this essay, I will examine the historical, cultural, and political origins of this practice. I will first demonstrate how the provision of health care in Uganda has become both a commodity and a right. I will show how physicians in Uganda\u27s private health sector feel an obligation provide patients with services, but which is at odds with their socio-economic survival. I will argue that Uganda\u27s private physicians today have developed a role similar to that of creditors during the colonial period in Africa. These creditors were particularly essential to native peoples during times of famine, and employed two indigenous forms of debt bondage, pawnship and panyarring, as the predominate means of recovering loans from a destitute population. In connecting the practice of patient detainment to these historical practices, I will illustrate how a lack of alternative, legal methods to regain costs has contributed to its persistence today. I will end the essay by describing how Uganda is not alone in wrestling with the issue of detainment for medical debt

    Maximizing Yield Using D.O.E in the (CIT) Giving Garden

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    One of Cummins\u27 six core values as stated by the management team is called corporate responsibility . Part of that value includes the statements Serve and improve the communities in which we live. Support company-sponsored community projects (see Appendix E). Every Cummins employee is encouraged to support the core values. In addition, each Cummins employee is granted four EECC (Every Employee, Every Community) hours per calendar year to use towards community involvement programs

    Bilingual education includes far more aspects than developing language competence:a case study about intercultural competences in municipal day care centres in Munich

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    Abstract. Language is one element of bilingual education. Yet, bilingual education includes far more aspects than developing language competence. This research is conducted to understand how the bilingual project Élysée 2020 enhances intercultural competence. It aims to find how educators and directors conceptualize bilingual education, and how children develop intercultural skills, studying the case of the Élysée project in municipal day care centres in Munich, Germany. The theoretical framework chapter of this study explores the topics of bilingual education and intercultural competence. The first part of the chapter takes the standpoint of sociolinguists, viewing language in relation to society. The term bilingual education is defined within that scope, and the concept is explored supported by the literature of Ofelia Garcia. The second part of the chapter is based on Michael Byram’s theory of intercultural competence and how attitudes, knowledge and skills are tools to navigate in a diverse world. Both bilingual education and intercultural competence are explored in the context of early childhood education. Case study methodology was chosen for this study. The case of the Élysée project in the context of municipal day care centres in Munich was in focus, and three types of data were deemed necessary to study this case. Firstly, educators, directors, and a district manager were interviewed in semi-structured interviews to collect their perceptions of the project, of how it was implemented and what they found to be beneficial apart from language acquisition. Secondly, observations of French lessons with children from diverse linguistic backgrounds were made. Lastly, a policy paper Quality Charter (2013) gave insight to the objectives and principles of the project. The three types of data were analysed using thematic analysis. The main findings provide insight how educators and directors initially perceived bilingual education, how it changed over time and how intercultural competence became visible through the Élysée project. The findings from the interviews, observation, and a policy document gave a broad picture of the process of establishing the Élysée project in the municipal day care centres and the relation of policy and practice. All data captured details how intercultural competences were strengthened through the project, especially raising awareness and growing appreciation towards linguistic and cultural diversity. The results of the study can support stakeholders to consider, implement, and evaluate bilingual education in the context of early childhood education

    Ein Modell für existenzsichernde Beschäftigung

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    Die hohe Langzeit-Arbeitslosigkeit ist nach wie vor ein schwerwiegendes wirtschaftspolitisches Problem. Die aktuellen Regelungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Transfer- und Arbeitseinkommen haben bisher nur unzureichend zu seiner Lösung beigetragen. Die verschiedenen diskutierten Kombilohnmodelle sind dagegen oft nicht praxistauglich. Die Autoren stellen hier das Modell für eine existenzsichernde Beschäftigung des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Technologie vor. --

    Gray Windows

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    Gray Windows is a collection of poems arranged into three sections, each determined loosely by its general themes. The first section focuses primarily on perception, as well as ethical, social, and topical issues. The second and third sections further those concerns, filtering them through the personal, but not exclusively private, world of romantic relationships and family. In addition, the poems in Gray Windows roughly follow a reverse chronological order, with the greatest exception being the first poem, "Surfing for Caravaggio's Conversion of Paul," which is one of the two earliest poems composed for this manuscript

    Standardisierungsaspekte bei der Gießtechnologieauswahl von Zylinderköpfen

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    Für den Zylinderkopf ist das Schwerkraftgießen ein etabliertes Gießverfahren. Jedoch gehen die Gießereien in der Ausführung des Schwerkraftgusses unterschiedlich vor. Durch die mannigfaltigen Anschnittsysteme und die sich dadurch ergebenden Vor- bzw. Nachteile bei der Herstellung entstehen Unterschiede bei Qualität und Kosten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Standards und Vereinheitlichungen während der Produktentstehung eines Zylinderkopfes zu etablieren, um eine gleichbleibende Qualität der Zylinderköpfe in den Gießereien zu gewährleisten. Dazu sind vielfältige Ansatzpunkte zu verfolgen. Eine Möglichkeit ist die geometrische Beurteilung des Zylinderkopfs, wie z.B. Wandstärken, Speisungswege und die Außengeometrien. Die nach Lastenheftvorgaben zu erfüllenden Eigenschaften spielen gleichermaßen eine Rolle und haben Einfluss auf die Wahl des Gießverfahrens. Mit Hilfe von speziellen Entscheidungsmethoden ist eine Vorauswahl für ein Gießverfahren möglich. Des Weiteren werden mittels experimentellen Untersuchungen die Entscheidungen gestützt. Die Gießsimulation ist als zusätzliches Auslegungswerkzeug einzusetzen. Hierbei sind Gussfehler im Bauteil zu lokalisieren und zu vermeiden. Unzureichende Speisungswege oder zu geringe Wandstärken durch komplizierte Kerngeometrien sind zu ermitteln. Des Weiteren sind Vorhersagen zu Dendritenarmabständen und Materialausnutzung (Speiserdimensionierung) möglich, die direkt mit der Wahl des Gießverfahrens zusammenhängen. Die Verzahnung von Geometrie- und Metallurgiefaktoren führt idealerweise zur Definition von Standardisierungsaspekten zur Auswahl der Gießtechnologie bei der Zylinderkopfentwicklung. Durch eine parallele Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung ist eine Verkürzung des Produktentstehungsprozesses erreichbar

    Modeling of the light transfer in a water column polluted with oil suspension

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    The radiance field in oil-polluted seawater determined at various depths for the central band of the light spectrum (547 nm) is considered. In the aquatic model, a flat sea surface, a cloud-free sky and selected inherent optical properties (IOPs) of natural seawater and oil-in-water emulsion are taken into account. The representative results of Monte Carlo photon trace simulations are presented for the directional radiance distribution (L), the directional distribution of the radiance reflectance (R_L) and the intensity of downward and upward irradiance (E)