7 research outputs found

    Longevity and Composition of Cellular Immune Responses Following Experimental Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Infection in Humans

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    Cellular responses to Plasmodium falciparum parasites, in particular interferon-gamma (IFNγ) production, play an important role in anti-malarial immunity. However, clinical immunity to malaria develops slowly amongst naturally exposed populations, the dynamics of cellular responses in relation to exposure are difficult to study and data about the persistence of such responses are controversial. Here we assess the longevity and composition of cellular immune responses following experimental malaria infection in human volunteers. We conducted a longitudinal study of cellular immunological responses to sporozoites (PfSpz) and asexual blood-stage (PfRBC) malaria parasites in naïve human volunteers undergoing single (n = 5) or multiple (n = 10) experimental P. falciparum infections under highly controlled conditions. IFNγ and interleukin-2 (IL-2) responses following in vitro re-stimulation were measured by flow-cytometry prior to, during and more than one year post infection. We show that cellular responses to both PfSpz and PfRBC are induced and remain almost undiminished up to 14 months after even a single malaria episode. Remarkably, not only ‘adaptive’ but also ‘innate’ lymphocyte subsets contribute to the increased IFNγ response, including αβT cells, γδT cells and NK cells. Furthermore, results from depletion and autologous recombination experiments of lymphocyte subsets suggest that immunological memory for PfRBC is carried within both the αβT cells and γδT compartments. Indeed, the majority of cytokine producing T lymphocytes express an CD45RO+ CD62L- effector memory (EM) phenotype both early and late post infection. Finally, we demonstrate that malaria infection induces and maintains polyfunctional (IFNγ+IL-2+) EM responses against both PfRBC and PfSpz, previously found to be associated with protection. These data demonstrate that cellular responses can be readily induced and are long-lived following infection with P. falciparum, with a persisting contribution by not only adaptive but also (semi-)innate lymphocyte subsets. The implications hereof are positive for malaria vaccine development, but focus attention on those factors potentially inhibiting such responses in the field

    Immunity to malaria in young Gambian children after a two-year period of chemoprophylaxis.

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    A cohort of 48 Gambian children was protected against malaria by fortnightly administration of Maloprim (pyrimethamine and dapsone) for 2 years between their 3 and 5 birthdays. A matched cohort of 47 children received placebo. During the year following the termination of prophylaxis there was no increase in the frequency of clinical attacks of malaria in the protected children compared with the control children. Antibody levels to circumsporozoite protein were measured by a radioimmunoassay and that to blood-stage antigens by a variety of techniques including an ELISA to whole blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum antigen, immunofluorescent assays (IFAT) to acetone fixed, glutaraldehyde fixed and unfixed parasites, a merozoite inhibition test and an opsonizing assay. Antibody levels were, in general, lower in protected than in control children and several differences between the two groups were statistically significant. When antibody levels were measured by ELISA and IFAT at the end of the following rainy season, when malaria transmission was intense, those in protected children had increased to comparable levels to those found in control children. Our findings suggest that chemoprophylaxis given for 2 years lowers malaria antibody levels but that it does not interfere with the development of protective immunity

    Mortality and morbidity from malaria after stopping malaria chemoprophylaxis.

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    Gambian children who had received malaria chemoprophylaxis for a variable period of time during their first 5 years of life were followed to determine whether they experienced a rebound in mortality or in morbidity from malaria during the period after chemoprophylaxis was stopped. The risk of dying between the ages of 5 years, when chemoprophylaxis was stopped, and 10 years was no higher among children who had received chemoprophylaxis with Maloprim (pyrimethamine plus dapsone) for some period during their first 5 years of life than among children who had received placebo (21 vs. 24 deaths) and the beneficial effect of chemoprophylaxis on mortality observed during the first 5 years of life was sustained. The incidence of clinical attacks of malaria during the year after medication was stopped was significantly higher among children who had previously received Maloprim for several years than among children who had previously received placebo. However, at the end of this year, there was no significant difference in spleen rate, parasite rate or packed cell volume between the 2 groups of children. Thus, stopping chemoprophylaxis after a period of several years increased the risk of clinical malaria but did not result in a rebound in mortality in Gambian children. However, the number of deaths recorded was small, so a modest effect on mortality cannot be excluded

    Impact of malaria control on childhood anaemia in Africa -- a quantitative review.

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    OBJECTIVE: To review the impact of malaria control on haemoglobin (Hb) distributions and anaemia prevalences in children under 5 in malaria-endemic Africa. METHODS: Literature review of community-based studies of insecticide-treated bednets, antimalarial chemoprophylaxis and insecticide residual spraying that reported the impact on childhood anaemia. Anaemia outcomes were standardized by conversion of packed cell volumes into Hb values assuming a fixed threefold difference, and by estimation of anaemia prevalences from mean Hb values by applying normal distributions. Determinants of impact were assessed in multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Across 29 studies, malaria control increased Hb among children by, on average, 0.76 g/dl [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.61-0.91], from a mean baseline level of 10.5 g/dl, after a mean of 1-2 years of intervention. This response corresponded to a relative risk for Hb < 11 g/dl of 0.73 (95% CI: 0.64-0.81) and for Hb < 8 g/dl of 0.40 (95% CI: 0.25-0.55). The anaemia response was positively correlated with the impact on parasitaemia (P = 0.005, P = 0.008 and P = 0.01 for the three outcome measures), but no relationship with the type or duration of malaria intervention was apparent. Impact on the prevalence of Hb < 11 g/dl was larger in sites with a higher baseline parasite prevalence. Although no age pattern in impact was apparent across the studies, some individual trials found larger impacts on anaemia in children aged 6-35 months than in older children. CONCLUSION: In malaria-endemic Africa, malaria control reduces childhood anaemia. Childhood anaemia may be a useful indicator of the burden of malaria and of the progress in malaria control