61 research outputs found

    Persekitaran Maya Berasaskan Teknik Pemodelan AutoCAD dan Imej Fotografi

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    In this era of information and communications technology (ICT), virtual reality is a powerful medium to represent realistic information. Virtual reality objects include the process of constructing 3 dimensional models by AutoCAD and photographic image. However, there are differences between CAD and virtual reality applications in designing 3 dimensional models. Hence, the objective of this research is to identify technical issues in developing AutoCAD model for virtual environment applications. This research also looks into model based on photographic image that is widely used. WorldUp version 5, a virtual reality authoring tool; and panoramic image software (Photovista v2.02, Ulead COOL 360 v1.0, Reality Studio v1.0 and VR Worx v2.0) were utilised. The prototype is the virtual representation of Sultanah Bahiyah Library, Universiti Utara Malaysia. The system was developed in an interactive kiosk and user is allowed to walk through the virtual environment. The findings of this research show that AutoCAD model for virtual environment have several elements: object groups based on layer or color; zero overlapping objects; relevant coordinate between objects; polygon count reduction; and capabilities to convert or import file to virtual environment. Meanwhile, the findings regarding image photography model show that planning in capturing image and camera resolution determine the output quality

    Organic paddy farming practice to learning application

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    Knowledge sharing and transfer through information and communication technology applications is alternative and popular medium in this era.This paper aim to describe how the knowledge about organic paddy practices are used in learning prototype, call as Si Padi.The objective of learning prototype is to increase awareness and to promote sustainable practices in organic paddy farming. The real-life practices of sustainable paddy farming have been adapted in the design of the prototype.The findings of this study indicate that the prototype is beneficial in creating sustainability awareness among the students. For future applications, the learning prototype for the sustainability awareness program can be extended to other sustainability related issues

    Tinjauan permainan berkomputer sebagai alat pembelajaran

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    Permainan berkomputer kian popular kini seiring dengan perkembangan dalam teknologi komunikasi dan teknologi maklumat. Ini disokong dengan platform jaringan Internet yang semakin berkembang dan maju. Selain itu, permainan komputer merupakan salah satu daripada barangan elektronik yang laris pada masa kini. Ini kerana pengguna boleh berinteraksi untuk pelbagai tujuan seperti membuat pemutusan, pembelajaran, latihan dan sebagainya. Perkembangan ini adalah sesuatu yang normal bagi sesebuah negara maju atau menuju ke arah pembangunan. Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa perkembangan tidak sihat berkaitan emosi, psikologi dan fizikal turut dirasai di negara-negara maju seperti meniru lagak ganas dan isu pornografi. Memandangkan wawasan 2020 negara Malaysia dalam mempertingkatkan pengetahuan dan prasarana teknologi maklumat yang memungkinkan suatu hari nanti sebuah rumah akan mempunyai sebuah komputer, tidak mustahil gejala negatif ini turut dirasai oleh rakyat Malaysia. Dengan itu, satu pendekatan pembelajaran melalui permainan berkomputer yang mengikut gaya hidup positif dan menghiburkan amat diperlukan. Justeru itu, kertas kerja ini membincangkan ciri-ciri penting yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran melalui permainan berkomputer. Selain itu, kajian ini turut memuatkan persepsi pelajar terhadap permainan berkomputer. Metodologi yang telah digunakan ialah kaedah tinjauan dan kajian kes terhadap pelajar sekolah daerah Kubang Pasu. Kesan positif dan negatif dalam pembelajaran melalui permainan berkomputer juga turut diketengahkan

    Potential utilisation of wood residue in Kedah: A preliminary study

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    Being an important resource-based industry in Malaysia, the wood industry plays a crucial role in the socioeconomic development of the country. In consequences, wood wastes generated exponentially increase annually.This paper views the current utilisation of wood waste production in the northern wood-based mills in Malaysia.The types of wood residue as well as the users of wood residue are identified.The result shows that 100% of wood residue are being used or sold for this population.However, the wood residue available in Kedah is able to potentially offer 0.005% of electricity generation in Malaysia.As a conclusion, this type of wood residue cannot create the opportunity for it to be used as fuel in electricity generation in the northern region of Malaysia, since the fuel supply is already limited and is being used for other purposes

    Factors influencing intention to use e-learning by agricultural extension agents in Malaysia

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    The application of e-learning has extended beyond the traditional educational establishments to various other areas including agricultural sector. In agricultural sector, extension services are perhaps the key beneficiary of e-learning, being in the unique position as an intermediary between agricultural specialists and farmers.Hence the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, management support and training; and the intention to use e-learning technology among agricultural extension agents in Malaysian agricultural sector.This quantitative study was based on Theory of Planned Behavior with management support and training as additional constructs.While there were many studies that investigated factors affecting intention to use e learning in educational institutions, there were limited studies of the same in the context of extension agents in agriculture setting.The results showed that all of the hypotheses developed by the previous authors were supported by the study, and further revealed that management support is the most important determinant of agricultural extension agent’s intention to use e-learning, followed by attitude.Finally, the implications of this study were discussed, and further research directions were proposed

    E-learning: Design strategies for promoting sustainable practices in paddy farming

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    Malaysia aims to transform its current agricultural practices to modern, innovative and sustainable levels.There are many issues highlighted to improve the sustainability of agricultural practices.However, this is not an easy task because there are several problems that the society and farmers will face, especially in enhancing their lifestyles as well as their ecosystems. Introducing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) application like electronic learning (e-learning) is a novel way to educate and promote the young generation to appreciate sustainable agriculture.Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to discuss a design of a prototype of persuasive learning in virtual paddy as a tool to promote sustainable practices in paddy farming.Before designing a prototype, the current practices of sustainable agriculture should be collected.After that, a pilot test will be conducted with the help of an expert user

    Strategi perniagaan melalui panorama realiti maya kajian kes: Sri lovely farm

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    Realiti maya jenis panoramik ialah teknologi yang kian mendapat perhatian pengguna bagi mendapatkan panorama yang menarik secara atas talian.Kaedah ini telah diaplikasikan oleh banyak syarikat karporat di dalam strategi perniagaan mereka sebagai alternatif kaedah promosi yang lebih realistik. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti panorama atau tempat-tempat yang menarik di Sri Lovely Farm sebagai strategi perniagaan.Ianya juga berkepentingan dalam sektor pelancongan kerana ladang ini diwartakan sebagai tempat-tempat menarik Kedah.Seterusnya, kajian ini akan menerokai teknik pembangunan panorama realiti maya menggunakan perisian Dermandar. Maklumat dikumpul melalui temubual.Dapatan kajian mengenal pasti lima tempat atau panorama boleh digunakan untuk promosi ladang ini.Lanjutan dapatan kajian tersebut, panorama https://www.dermandar.com/user/diyana.rosdi94/ dibangunkan. Kajian ini sangat berkepentingan untuk dijadikan sebagai kajian rintis Sri Lovely Farm

    Cultivation Management: System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for Higher Production

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    Abstract Enhancing farm production through an application of sustainable agriculture innovation to the existing farm system is relevant to face the simultaneous challenge in achieving food security, land protection and soil fertility and improving the wellbeing of farmers especially in rural areas. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique is one of the sustainable rice cultivation techniques that have been introduced with the aim of improving the lives of rural farmers in Malaysia. The study was carried out to examine the differences in the cost of operations, paddy production and profitability of farmers using SRI technique and farmers who use conventional technique. Cost and production analysis among farmers as rice producers are important to be highlighted because farmers are the main actor in rice industry supply chain. In order to improve rice industry supply chain, focus should be given to the farmers welfare. Profitability analysis using budget technique has been used in this study. The study found that SRI technique is very successful in increasing the productivity of rice production while reducing the cost of production thereby increasing the profitability of farmers. It is important to identify the economic benefits of using SRI technique as it will encourage the adoption of this technique among rural areas farmers. Keywords Supply chain, SRI practice, Cost and Benefit, SRI Practice, Innovatio

    Strategi promosi melalui laman web: kajian kes di Sri Lovely Farm

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    Laman web merupakan sistem informasi yang dapat diakses secara cepat dan meluas.Laman web menjadi trend dan digunakan sebagai salah satu strategi untuk mempromosikan sesuatu perniagaan.Justeru itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti strategi dan ciri-ciri laman web yang berkualiti dalam mempromosikan perniagaan.Selain itu, kajian ini mengenal pasti strategi promosi yang digunakan laman web Sri Lovely.Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui temubual dan data sekunder. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa strategi promosi melalui laman web melibatkan dua aspek utama iaitu aspek ciri-ciri kualiti dan aspek hubungan ke laman sosial.Ciri-ciri laman web yang berkualiti terdiri daripada tujuh elemen iaitu pengumpulan data dan klasifikasi, paparan dan reka bentuk, navigasi, pencarian, gambar, bahasa dan unik. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan laman web Sri Lovely mempunyai aspek ciri-ciri laman web yang baik.Namun, aspek lain seperti kelajuan, keselamatan dan pautan dicadangkan sebagai kajian lanjutan
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