8 research outputs found

    Inferior canaliculi punctal granuloma of the lacrimal system: a case report

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    Pyogenic granuloma of the eyes usually occurs after ocular surgery or inflammation related to the eyes, itself. This lesion is commonly related to procedures associated with chalazia, strabismus, or even enucleation. However, the incidence of pyogenic granuloma that arises directly from the lower canaliculi of the nasolacrimal system is rare and not being extensively reported. We report a case of an elderly lady who presented with pyogenic granuloma post EDCR with silicone stenting for left nasolacrimal duct obstruction. She presented with persistent left eye epiphora following procedure. The unusual site for pyogenic granuloma and it occurrence after EDCR raise the possibility that the condition is related to previous procedure and the material being used

    Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness changes after pan-retinal photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy is a disease involving microangiopathic changes in response to chronic hyperglycaemia and pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP) is currently the mainstay of treatment for proliferative retinopathy. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP) on retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness in patients with diabetic retinopathy using optical coherence tomography (OCT). This was a prospective longitudinal study. Patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) or very severe non-(N)PDR requiring laser treatment were included in the study. PRP was performed by a single trained personnel. Peripapillary RNFL located 3.4 mm around the optic disc was evaluated using time-domain OCT. Examination was performed before treatment, and 2 and 4 months after laser treatment. In total, 39 subjects (39 eyes) were recruited into this study. Twenty-nine patients had PDR and 10 had very severe NPDR. Mean age was 54.97 ± 8.38 years. Male and female genders were almost equally distributed with 18 males and 21 females. Median thickness of average RNFL at baseline was 108.8 um (interquartile range [IQR] 35.3). At two months post-procedure, average RNFL thickness significantly increased to 117.4 (IQR 28.6; P = 0.006). Although, other quadrants revealed a similar trend of increasing thickness at two months but it was not significant. At 4 months post-laser treatment, RNFL thickness in all quadrants reduced to baseline levels with insignificant changes of thickness compared to prior to laser treatment. There was also no significant association between changes in RNFL thickness and HbA1c levels (P = 0.77). In conclusion, PRP causes transient thickening of the RNFL which recovers within 4 months post-laser treatment. At the same time, poor sugar control has no direct influence on the RNFL changes after PRP

    Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness post-laser treatment in diabetic retinopathy: argon versus pattern scanning laser

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    Conventional argon laser causes transient thickening of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL). The effect of pattern scanning laser (PASCAL) has not been well described. We compared the immediate changes in peripapillary RNFL thickness post-panretinal photocoagulation between conventional argon lasers and PASCAL in patients with diabetic retinopathy changes. A total of 32 subjects were recruited. There were 16 patients in the argon group and 16 patients in PASCAL group. Diabetic patients were recruited from Ophthalmology Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Complete eye examinations and fundus photographs were performed at baseline prior to laser treatment, and post-laser treatment at two and four months. RNFL thickness was measured using time domain optical coherence tomography. Both groups were comparable with respect to clinical characteristics and demographics. There was no significant difference in average RNFL thickness between the two groups prior to treatment (p= 0.323). RNFL post-laser treatment for patients receiving conventional argon laser remained unchanged with no significant differences in all quadrants at any time-point (two and four months). However, for the PASCAL group, significant thickening occurred at four months for average RNFL and the inferior quadrant (p <0.05). The other quadrants similarly demonstrated increasing thickness at four months but this did not reach statistical significance. Transient RNFL thickening occurs in both conventional and PASCAL laser patients. The PASCAL laser induces a greater increase in RNFL thickness than the argon laser group. Important events, such as laser eye treatments and even type of laser used, are worthy of consideration when evaluating RNFL

    An orbital solitary fibrous tumor: report of two cases with different presentation

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    Solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) is a rare spindle-cell neoplasm that can occur in the orbit. We report two cases of orbital SFT in a 35-year-old female and a 28-year-old male with different presentations. First patient presented with slowly progressive left lateral upper lid mass which is firm in consistency and non tender. Patient had non axial proptosis as the mass compressed the globe inferonasally. There was also funduscopy evidence of choroidal folds superotemporally. There is slight impairment of vision on the left eye comparing to right eye. Meanwhile, the second patient presented with a painless diffuse swelling of left upper eyelid. It was soft in consistency, non fluctuate and no opening or pus discharge noted. There is mild mechanical ptosis, however there was no proptosis and no evidence of compression into the globe nor visual impairment.Computed tomography (CT) imaging revealed a well circumscribed and contrast enhanced soft tissue mass intraorbital extraconal mass in both cases. However in the first case, the tumour was at the level of lacrimal gland with compression of the globe, while in second case, it was superior and posterior to the left lacrimal gland with no globe compression. Both patients underwent complete resection of their tumors. The histological findings showed alternating hypercellular and hypocellular areas composed of bland spindle cells with a fibrous stroma. The strong immunoreactivity for CD34 supported the diagnosis of orbital SFT. There was no recurrence at the 2nd and 3rd year follow-up visits for both patients. SFT should be considered as one of the differential diagnosis of an orbital tumor. The combination of CT scan, histologic findings and immunohistochemical staining provide accurate diagnosis. En bloc excision of the tumour is the mainstay of treatment

    Orbital cellulitis from untreated conjunctival wound

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    Orbital cellulitis is a potential blinding condition resulting from infection of the orbital contents, including the optic nerve. It may be fatal in cases with extension into the optic canal and subsequently the brain. Common aetiologies include extension of infection from paranasal sinusitis or preseptal cellulitis. This case report depicts the unusual occurrence of orbital cellulitis following a trivial superficial conjunctiva laceration wound from a motor-vehicle accident. Aggressive treatment with systemic antibiotics resulted in good visual outcome. All wound on or around the globe must be diligently treated to prevent such detrimental complication

    Good anatomical outcome of orbital plasmacytoma following chemo-radiotherapy

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    Extramedullary plasmacytoma is a rare complication from multiple myeloma. We report a 56-year-old lady with underlying multiple myeloma who developed swelling over the left eye. It caused a non-axial proptosis, exposure keratopathy and visual acuity of counting fingers. A tissue biopsy revealed infiltration of tissue fragments with neoplastic plasma cells positive for CD138 and Kappa light chain restrictions consistent with plasmacytoma. Following radio-chemotherapy, the mass shrunk tremendously but her visual outcome remained poor


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    Sight is a precious gift, which at times we take for granted. The eyes are our windows to the wonders of the world. The reflected light of an object we are looking at, enters the eye through the crystal clear cornea. The light then passes through the aqueous humour