11 research outputs found

    L’ethnicitĂ© comme acteur politique

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    Ce travail analyse la prĂ©sence de l’immigration limitrophe Ă  Buenos Aires durant les annĂ©es 1990. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, il tente de montrer comment, dans le contexte particulier des premiĂšres annĂ©es mĂ©nĂ©mistes, l’ethnicitĂ© est devenue pour les immigrants limitrophes une ressource de mobilisation et de lutte politique. Nous attachons une importance particuliĂšre Ă  la dimension associative, forme d’expression que prit l’ethnicitĂ© en tant qu’acteur politique. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une rĂ©flexion critique autour de l’hypothĂšse, largement admise dans les milieux acadĂ©miques, postulant l’existence d’un « processus d’effacement de l’ethnicité », commencĂ© vers la fin du XIXe siĂšcle avec la construction de l’« argentinité » et achevĂ© avec l’émergence du pĂ©ronisme

    Between ethnicity, immigration and national identity : from justicialist peronism of the neoliberal menemism : immigration borders and ethnic boundaries in Argentina (1943-1999)

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    Les courants migratoires outre-atlantiques Ă  la charniĂšre du XIXe et du XXe siĂšcle consolidĂšrent la reprĂ©sentation de la nation argentine comme « un pays d’immigration ». Mais, derriĂšre l’assimilation rĂ©ussie de centaines de milliers d’étrangers se cache un complexe rapport entre la nation et la diversitĂ© qui compose sa population. Nous avons placĂ© au coeur de notre recherche l’étude de l’ethnicitĂ© en Argentine et son rapport avec la nation et les phĂ©nomĂšnes migratoires internes et externes. Les Ă©lites du XIXe siĂšcle mirent en place des politiques de population qui visaient l’édification d’une sociĂ©tĂ© homogĂšne, blanche et d’origine europĂ©enne. Celles-ci provoquĂšrent un « processus d’effacement » de l’ethnicitĂ© argentine qui fut achevĂ© durant le XXe siĂšcle avec l’avĂšnement du pĂ©ronisme. Ce ne fut qu’au cours des gouvernements de Carlos Menem durant les annĂ©es 1990 que l’ethnicitĂ© subit une nouvelle fois de profondes transformations, notamment Ă  cause de la montĂ©e de la xĂ©nophobie ciblant les immigrants limitrophes. Notre recherche propose une Ă©tude de l’évolution du rapport entre le pĂ©ronisme et l’ethnicitĂ©. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi de suivre l’approche barthienne de l’ethnicitĂ© et de placer au centre de notre analyse le concept de frontiĂšre ethnique. Notre recherche s’achĂšve avec l’analyse d’entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s effectuĂ©s lors d’un travail de terrain rĂ©alisĂ© auprĂšs de la communautĂ© bolivienne Ă  Buenos Aires. Nous tenterons de montrer que les changements de l’ethnicitĂ© durant les annĂ©es 1990 sont Ă  mettre en rapport avec la dĂ©sarticulation des identitĂ©s politiques traditionnelles et le rĂ©trĂ©cissement de la citoyennetĂ© qui caractĂ©risĂšrent cette pĂ©riode.Migratory movements across the Atlantic at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries consolidated the representation of the Argentine nation as "a country of immigration". But behind the successful assimilation of hundreds of thousands of foreigners, lies a complex relationship between the nation and the diversity that makes up its population. We have placed at the heart of our research the study of ethnicity in Argentina and its relationship with the nation and internal and external migratory phenomena. The nineteenth-century elites set up population policies aiming at building a homogeneous, white and european origin for the society. These policies provoked a "process of erasing" argentinian ethnicity which was completed during the 20th century with the advent of peronism. It was only during the governments of Carlos Menem during the 1990s that ethnicity underwent profound changes, notably because of the rise of xenophobia targeting neighboring immigrants. Our research proposes a study of the evolution of the relationship between Peronism and ethnicity. To do this, we chose to follow the Barthian approach to ethnicity and to place the concept of ethnic frontier at the center of our analysis. Our research ends with the analysis of semi-directed interviews accomplished during a field work carried out with the Bolivian community in Buenos Aires. We will try to show that the changes in ethnicity during the 1990s are related to the phenomenon of disarticulation of traditional political identities and shrinking citizenship that characterized this period

    Les logiques de la peur : le fantasme de l’invasion en Argentine durant le XXe siùcle

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    It is in the context of profound transformations of the era of classical Peronism that "the figure of the invasion" arises. The arrival of hundreds of thousands of internal immigrants in the public spaces of the capital produced a real social upheaval. The discriminatory epithet of cabecita negra forged by anti-Peronism shows the conflictuality that the acculturation of these migrants assumed with the illustrated middle classe and the elites of the capital. But the "fantasy of the invasion" is not confined to the emergence of this political movement. This work attempts to demonstrate that this recurrent collective fear in the country's history responds to the social logics underlying the edification, structuring and role of ethnic diversity in the nation's "invention". The study of phenomena related to ethnicity in Argentina leads to an interest in their relations, on the one hand, with the construction of the nation-state and, on the other hand, with the internal and external migration processes; nation, ethnicity and immigration constitute a major axis that organizes the social practices and representations of the country. It is indeed this generative principle that emerged in the course of the twentieth century a collective fear that structures the social space of Argentina