9 research outputs found

    Surveillance and Foresight Process of the Sustainable City Context: Innovation Potential Niches and Trends at the European Level

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    Over the last decades, the environmental situation of the planet has worsened. Much of the pollution and energy consumption is attributed to cities, which are expected to increase in size and population in the coming years. It is therefore necessary to develop systems to make them more sustainable and resilient. In this regard, different agendas, strategies, and regulations have been published, such as the 2030 Agenda. The current research carried out a surveillance and foresight process at the European level in the field of the sustainable city, analyzing actions accomplished, ongoing, or forthcoming from 2014 to the present (2020) and coming years. The objective is to identify the potential niches and opportunities for decision making to develop successful projects in this sector. The study concludes that one of the most promoted themes is related to the environment, highlighting nature and biodiversity in cities to improve environmental quality and achieve the decarbonization necessary to fight climate change. Furthermore, society plays an important role, emphasizing the need to promote the population’s inclusion and empowerment. It also underlines the promotion of urban regeneration, which should include energy transition and digitalization to create smart cities, with local circular economies.This research is included in the project CISO30, which was funded by the directorate of territorial planning and the urban agenda of the department of territorial planning, housing, and transport of the Basque government

    How can local energy communities promote sustainable development in European cities?

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    n the context of the current planetary environmental and social emergency, it is essential to seek strategies for sustainable development. In line with the Social Development Goals (SDG), these strategies must facilitate action from an energy perspective and give citizens a central role. Given that global challenges must be addressed through local action, the transition towards energy decentralisation through Local Energy Communities (LEC) is of central importance. The general objective of this research is to identify characteristics that are key in order for a LEC to act as a driver of local sustainable development and social innovation. This paper has deepened knowledge around these structures in order to identify the keys to their effective operation. Attention is also focused on actions carried out by these communities in the field of energy and beyond. This research corroborates that while some of them only engage with energy, others are more integrative. These latter implement a number of different actions - in line with SDGs- that promote local sustainable development. This study concludes that LECs are high-potential structures that can act as drivers of local sustainable development

    Effective Implementation of Urban Agendas through Urban Action Structures (UAS): The Case of the Basque Country

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    Cities are the main contributors to pollution, resource consumption and social inequalities. Therefore, they should play a key role in the path towards a more sustainable scenario in line with SDGs and different Urban Agendas. However, there are still difficulties in their implementation and citizen can play a central role. This paper presents the Urban Action Structures (UAS), understood as entities with a catalytic capacity with respect to innovative urban policies. Methodologically, firstly, a prospective analysis from regional to international level has been developed, making it possible to identify innovative lines of action in the field of sustainable cities. Secondly, the study has focused on identifying and studying UAS that can make it possible to implement the lines of action previously identified. This paper has shown that there are already social structures that can be understood as UAS, since they implement actions aligned with the priorities of the Urban Agenda for the Basque Country and, therefore, of the SDGs. The research concludes that UAS can play a key role in facilitating the implementation of Urban Agendas. Hence, urban policies should favor the generation of UAS, in order to promote long-term urban development and to foster a more sustainable spatial planning.This research was funded by the Directorate of territorial planning and urban agenda of the department of territorial planning, housing and transport of the Basque government as part of the financing for CISO30 project, “Action plan for the promotion and implementation of the PCTI Euskadi 2020–2030 in the field of sustainable cities”

    Patrimonio arquitectónico industrial en el eje del río Oria (Gipuzkoa): valoración, protección y conservación.

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    686 p. (V.1) 271 P. (V.2)La reflexión internacional sobre el patrimonio industrial ha adquirido una importante relevancia. Sin embargo, poniendo el foco en la teorización sobre la materia, todavía existen notables lagunas en la delimitación, afianzamiento y aplicación de algunos conceptos fundamentales en torno a este patrimonio. En ese sentido, una de las principales carencias gira en torno a la cuestión productiva y la vinculación entre lo arquitectónico y lo productivo.Ante esta situación, el objetivo de este trabajo ha sido, por un lado, aportar al conocimiento de la realidad industrial de la cuenca del Oria y la incidencia que ello tuvo en su desarrollo, así como ahondar en la caracterización del patrimonio arquitectónico industrial del ámbito. Del mismo modo, ha perseguidoevaluar el patrimonio arquitectónico industrial en torno al río Oria, atendiendo al grado de representatividad y a las iniciativas de protección y conservación aplicadas, para así detectar carencias específicas y plantear alternativas.Para ello, en primer lugar, se ha procedido a la caracterización de la cuenca hidrográfica del Oria y de su desarrollo urbano e industrial, con el fin de realizar una aproximación al contexto del patrimonio objeto de estudio. En segundo lugar, se ha analizado el contexto normativo. Para ello, además de desarrollar el estudio individualizado de varias normas sectoriales, se ha realizado un paralelo de leyes de regulación del patrimonio cultural procedentes de diversas comunidades autónomas. En un tercer apartado, se ha abordado la caracterización general del patrimonio arquitectónico industrial del ámbito estudiado, mediante la elaboración de un inventario, que permite identificar los elementos integrantes del patrimonio arquitectónico industrial en el curso del Oria, y una herramienta basada en SIG para su análisis de conjunto.Asimismo, se ha realizado el estudio pormenorizado de cinco casos de estudio representativos, considerando que el estudio de detalle puede contribuir en la comprensión integral y, por tanto, en la definición de criterios generales más acertados y aplicables. Y, por último, se ha abordado un análisis comparativo de los casos de estudio con el objeto de identificar pautas y etapas coincidentes en las características de estos conjuntos industriales y de sus procesos evolutivos

    Participatory urbanism for teaching on public space, the confinement arrived

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    La participación ciudadana en la producción del espacio urbano es una necesidad aceptada e impulsada por la agenda global, así como en muchas agendas locales. En esta comunicación se describe una adaptación metodológica, proveniente de las ciencias sociales, empleada para desarrollar un proceso de investigación proyectual aterrizado en el territorio y que permite colaborar con sus gentes. Asimismo, se comparte una primera evaluación de la misma. Este proceso participativo, desarrollado en el marco de una asignatura optativa, ha pretendido introducir la complejidad y la responsabilidad socio ambiental entre las personas que cursan los últimos años del grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura,  así como generar transmisión de conocimiento bidireccional academia-sociedad, en un curso sorprendido por la pandemia.Citizen engagement in the production of urban space is an accepted need, driven by the global as well as many local agendas. This communication has two main goals: first to describe a design adaptation of a method that comes from social sciences, used to develop a research-project process grounded in the territory that allows collaborating with its people. Second, to present an initial evaluation of this method. This inclusive process, developed within the framework of an optional subject in the Fundamentals of Architecture degree, has sought to introduce complexity and socio-environmental responsibility among the students as well as generating transmission of bi-directional knowledge academia-society, in a course disrupted by the pandemic.Peer Reviewe

    Urbanismo tactico como herramienta docente para transitar hacia una ciudad cuidadora

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    Presentación a cargo de Koldo Tellería (Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio del Departamento de Arquitectura de la UPV/EHU

    Elastic and active teaching for a critical approach to the territory and the city of the 21st century

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    When students in Architecture School reach the fifth year, they are already tired; they think that in urban planning subjects they are always told about similar questions that they do not fully understand or control; and above all thery are thinking about finishing their degree and getting to work, usually outside the urban planning field. In this context, this academic year 22-23, the subject of Territory and City of the 21st Century has taken on a double challenge; establish academic content that guides reflection on the needs of the territory and the city of the 21st century and motivate students in terms of urban planning, seeking to rescue a little of the lost hope. The result has been a subject where teaching has been implemented seeking to be elastic; a successful teaching experience that we want to show at JIDA 2023.Cuando el alumnado de la Escuela llega a quinto curso ya está cansado; piensa que en las asignaturas de urbanismo siempre se le cuentan cuestiones similares que no acaba de entender bien, ni controlar; y sobre todo está pensando en acabar su grado y ponerse a trabajar, habitualmente, fuera del ámbito urbanístico. En este contexto la asignatura de Territorio y Ciudad del Siglo XXI este curso 22-23 ha asumido un doble reto; establecer los contenidos académicos que guíen la reflexión sobre las necesidades del territorio y la ciudad del siglo XXI y motivar al alumnado en cuanto al urbanismo, buscando rescatar un poco de la ilusión perdida. El resultado ha sido una asignatura donde se ha implantado una docencia que se ha caracterizado como elástica; una experiencia docente exitosa que se quiere mostrar en JIDA 2023.Peer Reviewe

    JIDA'20. Bloque 5. Urbanismo participativo para la docencia sobre espacio público, llegó el confinamiento | Koldo Tellería Andueza

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    Comunicación a cargo de Koldo Tellería e Irati Otamendi, E.T.S. Arquitectura – UPV/EHU. Modera el Bloque 5 Jordi Franquesa, ETSAB-UPC

    Tactical urbanism as a teaching tool for moving towards a caring city

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    Moving towards a caring city requires transforming the starting point in urban design. To introduce this concept in teaching in public space and urban facilities, we work on a case study with a methodology based on Participatory Action Research, developing an action of tactical urbanism. In this action, both students and citizens reflect and generate knowledge so that the future is directed towards a city based on care. Moreover, designing, building and living a transformation of urban space and the relationship that this path offers to all the agents involved, gives rise to possibility of changing the hierarchies of use of public space in our cities. Thus, these reflections and collective creative processes present opportunities for dialogue and negotiation of power in the use of urban space, which must prioritize reproductive uses over current productive ones.Transitar hacia una ciudad cuidadora requiere transformar el punto de partida en el diseño urbano. Para introducir este concepto en la docencia sobre espacio público y equipamientos urbanos se trabaja, partiendo de una metodología basada en la Investigación Acción Participativa, en un caso de estudio, desarrollando una acción de urbanismo táctico. En esta acción, tanto el estudiantado como la ciudadanía reflexiona y genera conocimiento para que el futuro se encamine hacia una ciudad basada en los cuidados. Además, el diseñar, construir y vivir una trasformación del espacio urbano y la relación que este camino ofrece a todos los agentes implicados, da pie a poder cambiar las jerarquías de uso del espacio público de nuestras ciudades. Así, estas reflexiones y procesos creativos colectivos ofrecen oportunidades para el diálogo y la negociación del poder en el uso del espacio urbano, que debe priorizar los usos reproductivos sobre los productivos actuales.Peer Reviewe