640 research outputs found

    Some stackelberg type location game

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    AbstractThis paper considers a Stackelberg type location game over the unit square [0,1] Γ— [0,1]. There are two chain stores, Players I and II, which sell the same kind of articles. Each store is planning to open a branch in region [0,1]. The purpose of each store is to decide the location to open its branch. In such a situation, the demand points, i.e., the customers, distribute continuously over [0,1] in accordance with cdf G(Β·). Each customer wants to buy at a closer store between them, but never moves more than a distance β„“. We also assume that Player I is forced to behave as the leader of this game and the opponent (Player II) is to be the follower. It is shown that there are various types of Stackelberg equilibriums according to the conditions of G(Β·) and β„“

    Observation of Giant Band Splitting in Altermagnetic MnTe

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    We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on hexagonal MnTe, a candidate for an altermagnet with a high critical temperature (TN=307K). By utilizing photon-energy-tunable ARPES in combination with first-principles calculations, we found that the band structure in the antiferromagnetic phase exhibits a strongly anisotropic band-splitting associated with the time-reversal-symmetry breaking, providing the first direct experimental evidence for the altermagnetic band-splitting. The magnitude of the splitting reaches 0.8 eV at non-high-symmetry momentum points, which is much larger than the spin-orbit gap of ~0.3 eV along the GammaK high-symmetry cut. The present result paves the pathway toward realizing exotic physical properties associated with the altermagnetic spin-splitting.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    FlyBase: enhancing Drosophila Gene Ontology annotations

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    FlyBase (http://flybase.org) is a database of Drosophila genetic and genomic information. Gene Ontology (GO) terms are used to describe three attributes of wild-type gene products: their molecular function, the biological processes in which they play a role, and their subcellular location. This article describes recent changes to the FlyBase GO annotation strategy that are improving the quality of the GO annotation data. Many of these changes stem from our participation in the GO Reference Genome Annotation Projectβ€”a multi-database collaboration producing comprehensive GO annotation sets for 12 diverse species

    De Novo Growth Zone Formation from Fission Yeast Spheroplasts

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    Eukaryotic cells often form polarized growth zones in response to internal or external cues. To understand the establishment of growth zones with specific dimensions we used fission yeast, which grows as a rod-shaped cell of near-constant width from growth zones located at the cell tips. Removing the cell wall creates a round spheroplast with a disorganized cytoskeleton and depolarized growth proteins. As spheroplasts recover, new growth zones form that resemble normal growing cell tips in shape and width, and polarized growth resumes. Regulators of the GTPase Cdc42, which control width in exponentially growing cells, also control spheroplast growth zone width. During recovery the Cdc42 scaffold Scd2 forms a polarized patch in the rounded spheroplast, demonstrating that a growth zone protein can organize independent of cell shape. Rga4, a Cdc42 GTPase activating protein (GAP) that is excluded from cell tips, is initially distributed throughout the spheroplast membrane, but is excluded from the growth zone after a stable patch of Scd2 forms. These results provide evidence that growth zones with normal width and protein localization can form de novo through sequential organization of cellular domains, and that the size of these growth zones is genetically controlled, independent of preexisting cell shape

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that causes significant functional impairment and is related to altered stress response and reinforced learned fear behavior. PTSD has been found to impact three functional networks in the brain: default mode, executive control, and salience. The executive control network includes the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and lateral PPC. The salience network involves the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and amygdala. This latter network has been found to have increased functional connectivity in PTSD. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a technique used in treating PTSD and involves stimulating specific portions of the brain through electromagnetic induction. Currently, high-frequency TMS applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is approved for use in treating major depressive disorder (MDD) in patients who have failed at least one medication trial. In current studies, high-frequency stimulation has been shown to be more effective in PTSD rating scales posttreatment than low-frequency stimulation. The most common side effect is headache and scalp pain treated by mild analgesics. Seizures are a rare side effect and are usually due to predisposing factors. Studies have been done to assess the overall efficacy of TMS. However, results have been conflicting, and sample sizes were small. More research should be done with larger sample sizes to test the efficacy of TMS in the treatment of PTSD. Overall, TMS is a relatively safe treatment. Currently, the only FDA- approved to treat refractory depression, but with the potential to treat many other conditions

    Improving Interpretation of Cardiac Phenotypes and Enhancing Discovery With Expanded Knowledge in the Gene Ontology

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    This work was funded through grants from the British Heart Foundation (BHF, SP/07/007/23671, RG/13/5/30112) and the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre; The Zebrafish Model Organism Database: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI, HG002659, HG004838, HG004834); The Rat Genome Database: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the NIH (HL64541); The Mouse Genome Database: NGHRI (HG003300); FlyBase: UK Medical Research Council (G1000968); and Gene Ontology Consortium: NIH NHGRI (U41 HG002273) to Drs Blake, Cherry, Lewis, Sternberg, and Thomas. Professor Riley received BHF personal chair award (CH/11/1/28798). Professors Lambiase and Tinker received support from BHF and UK Medical Research Council. Professor Tinker received National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Barts and BHF grant (RG/15/15/31742). Dr Roncaglia received EMBL-EBI Core funds

    Evaluation of Pax6 Mutant Rat as a Model for Autism

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    Autism is a highly variable brain developmental disorder and has a strong genetic basis. Pax6 is a pivotal player in brain development and maintenance. It is expressed in embryonic and adult neural stem cells, in astrocytes in the entire central nervous system, and in neurons in the olfactory bulb, amygdala, thalamus, and cerebellum, functioning in highly context-dependent manners. We have recently reported that Pax6 heterozygous mutant (rSey2/+) rats with a spontaneous mutation in the Pax6 gene, show impaired prepulse inhibition (PPI). In the present study, we further examined behaviors of rSey2/+ rats and revealed that they exhibited abnormality in social interaction (more aggression and withdrawal) in addition to impairment in rearing activity and in fear-conditioned memory. Ultrasonic vocalization (USV) in rSey2+ rat pups was normal in male but abnormal in female. Moreover, treatment with clozapine successfully recovered the defects in sensorimotor gating function, but not in fear-conditioned memory. Taken together with our prior human genetic data and results in other literatures, rSey2/+ rats likely have some phenotypic components of autism

    Filterability of staphylococcal species through membrane filters following application of stressors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Passage of bacterial cells through filter pores has been reported for a number of bacterial species. In this investigation, we tested the filterability of staphylococcal cultures that were exposed to several environmental stress conditions by passing them through 0.22 and 0.45 ΞΌm sterile filters, which are industry standards.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Results showed repeated passage of viable staphylococcal cells through both pore sizes, although more passage was seen through the 0.45 ΞΌm pore size. Of the three staphylococcal species, <it>S. lugdunensis </it>showed the best passage at relatively higher numbers regardless of the treatment, while both <it>S. aureus </it>and <it>S. epidermidis </it>showed limited passage or complete inhibition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data showed that staphylococcal bacteria were capable of passing through sterile filters in a viable state. There was better passage through 0.45 ΞΌm sterile filters than through the 0.22 ΞΌm sterile filters. Application of a stress condition did not appear to enhance filterability of these bacterial cultures.</p

    Spatiotemporal expression patterns of Pax6 in the brain of embryonic, newborn, and adult mice

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    The transcription factor Pax6 has been reported to specify neural progenitor cell fates during development and maintain neuronal commitments in the adult. The spatiotemporal patterns of Pax6 expression were examined in sagittal and horizontal sections of the embryonic, postnatal, and adult brains using immunohistochemistry and double immunolabeling. The proportion of Pax6-immunopositive cells in various parts of the adult brain was estimated using the isotropic fractionator methodology. It was shown that at embryonic day 11 (E11) Pax6 was robustly expressed in the proliferative neuroepithelia of the ventricular zone in the forebrain and hindbrain, and in the floor and the mesencephalic reticular formation (mRt) in the midbrain. At E12, its expression emerged in the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus in the rhombencephalon and disappeared from the floor of the midbrain. As neurodevelopment proceeds, the expression pattern of Pax6 changes from the mitotic germinal zone in the ventricular zone to become extensively distributed in cell groups in the forebrain and hindbrain, and the expression persisted in the mRt. The majority of Pax6-positive cell groups were maintained until adult life, but the intensity of Pax6 expression became much weaker. Pax6 expression was maintained in the mitotic subventricular zone in the adult brain, but not in the germinal region dentate gyrus in the adult hippocampus.There was no obvious colocalization of Pax6 and NeuN during embryonic development, suggesting Pax6 is found primarily in developing progenitor cells. In the adult brain, however, Pax6 maintains neuronal features of some subtypes of neurons, as indicated by 97.1% of Pax6-positive cells co-expressing NeuN in the cerebellum, 40.7% in the olfactory bulb, 38.3% in the cerebrum, and 73.9% in the remaining brain except the hippocampus. Differentiated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) neurons were observed in the floor of the E11 midbrain where Pax6 was also expressed, but no obvious colocaliztion of TH and Pax6 was detected. No Pax6 expression was observed in TH-expressing areas in the midbrain at E12, E14, and postnatal day 1. These results support the notion that Pax6 plays pivotal roles in specifying neural progenitor cell commitments and maintaining certain mature neuronal fates
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