3,455 research outputs found

    Cosmic Ray Acceleration at Relativistic Shock Waves with a "Realistic" Magnetic Field Structure

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    The process of cosmic ray first-order Fermi acceleration at relativistic shock waves is studied with the method of Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations are based on numerical integration of particle equations of motion in a turbulent magnetic field near the shock. In comparison to earlier studies, a few "realistic" features of the magnetic field structure are included. The upstream field consists of a mean field component inclined at some angle to the shock normal with finite-amplitude sinusoidal perturbations imposed upon it. The perturbations are assumed to be static in the local plasma rest frame. Their flat or Kolmogorov spectra are constructed with randomly drawn wave vectors from a wide range (kmin,kmax)(k_{min}, k_{max}). The downstream field structure is derived from the upstream one as compressed at the shock. We present particle spectra and angular distributions obtained at mildly relativistic sub- and superluminal shocks and also parallel shocks. We show that particle spectra diverge from a simple power-law, the exact shape of the spectrum depends on both the amplitude of the magnetic field perturbations and the wave power spectrum. Features such as spectrum hardening before the cut-off at oblique subluminal shocks and formation of power-law tails at superluminal ones are presented and discussed. At parallel shocks, the presence of finite-amplitude magnetic field perturbations leads to the formation of locally oblique field configurations at the shock and the respective magnetic field compressions. This results in the modification of the particle acceleration process, introducing some features present in oblique shocks, e.g., particle reflections from the shock. We demonstrate for parallel shocks a (nonmonotonic) variation of the particle spectral index with the turbulence amplitude.Comment: revised version (37 pages, 13 figures

    Cosmic-Ray Momentum Diffusion In Magnetosonic Versus Alfvenic Turbulent Field

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    Energetic particle transport in a finite amplitude magnetosonic and Alfvenic turbulence is considered using Monte Carlo particle simulations, which involve an integration of particle equation of motion. We show that in a low-Betha plasma cosmic ray can be the most important damping process for magnetosonic waves. Assuming such conditions we derive the momentum diffusion coefficient for relativistic particles in the presence of anisotropic finite-amplitude turbulent wave field, for flat and Kolmogorov-type turbulence spectra. We confirm the possibility of larger values of a momentum diffusion coefficient occuring due to transit-time damping resonance interaction in the presence of isotropic fast-mode waves in comparison to the Alfven waves of the same amplitude.Comment: 16 pages, 2 fig, macro for Solar Physcs, accepted for Solar Physic

    Cosmic-ray Acceleration at Ultrarelativistic Shock Waves: Effects of a "Realistic" Magnetic Field Structure

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    First-order Fermi acceleration processes at ultrarelativistic shocks are studied with Monte Carlo simulations. The accelerated particle spectra are derived by integrating the exact particle trajectories in a turbulent magnetic field near the shock. ''Realistic'' features of the field structure are included. We show that the main acceleration process at superluminal shocks is the particle compression at the shock. Formation of energetic spectral tails is possible in a limited energy range only for highly perturbed magnetic fields, with cutoffs occuring at low energies within the resonance energy range considered. These spectral features result from the anisotropic character of particle transport in the downstream magnetic field, where field compression produces effectively 2D perturbations. Because of the downstream field compression, the acceleration process is inefficient in parallel shocks for larger turbulence amplitudes, and features observed in oblique shocks are recovered. For small-amplitude turbulence, wide-energy range particle spectra are formed and modifications of the process due to the existence of long-wave perturbations are observed. In both sub- and superluminal shocks, an increase of \gamma leads to steeper spectra with lower cut-off energies. The spectra obtained for the ``realistic'' background conditions assumed here do not converge to the ``universal'' spectral index claimed in the literature. Thus the role of the first-order Fermi process in astrophysical sources hosting relativistic shocks requires serious reanalysis.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Discovery of a tight correlation for gamma ray burst afterglows with `canonical' light curves

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    Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) observed up to redshifts z>8z>8 are fascinating objects to study due to their still unexplained relativistic outburst mechanisms and a possible use to test cosmological models. Our analysis of 77 GRB afterglows with known redshifts revealed a physical subsample of long GRBs with canonical {\it plateau breaking to power-law} light curves with a significant {\it luminosity LXL^*_X - break time TaT^*_a} correlation in the GRB rest frame. This subsample forms approximately the {\it upper envelope} of the studied distribution. We have also found a similar relation for a small sample of GRB afterglows that belong to the intermediate class (IC) between the short and the long ones. It proves that within the full sample of afterglows there exist physical subclasses revealed here by tight correlations of their afterglow properties. The afterglows with regular (`canonical') light curves obey not only a mentioned tight physical scaling, but -- for a given TaT^*_a -- the more regular progenitor explosions lead to preferentially brighter afterglows.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures accepted to ApJ

    Self-Similar Collisionless Shocks

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    Observations of gamma-ray burst afterglows suggest that the correlation length of magnetic field fluctuations downstream of relativistic non-magnetized collisionless shocks grows with distance from the shock to scales much larger than the plasma skin depth. We argue that this indicates that the plasma properties are described by a self-similar solution, and derive constraints on the scaling properties of the solution. For example, we find that the scaling of the characteristic magnetic field amplitude with distance from the shock is B \propto D^{s_B} with -1<s_B<=0, that the spectrum of accelerated particles is dn/dE \propto E^{-2/(s_B+1)}, and that the scaling of the magnetic correlation function is \propto x^{2s_B} (for x>>D). We show that the plasma may be approximated as a combination of two self-similar components: a kinetic component of energetic particles and an MHD-like component representing "thermal" particles. We argue that the latter may be considered as infinitely conducting, in which case s_B=0 and the scalings are completely determined (e.g. dn/dE \propto E^{-2} and B \propto D^0). Similar claims apply to non- relativistic shocks such as in supernova remnants, if the upstream magnetic field can be neglected. Self-similarity has important implications for any model of particle acceleration and/or field generation. For example, we show that the diffusion function in the angle \mu of momentum p in diffusive shock acceleration models must satisfy D_{\mu\mu}(p,D) = D^{-1}D'_{\mu\mu}(p/D), and that a previously suggested model for the generation of large scale magnetic fields through a hierarchical merger of current-filaments should be generalized. A numerical experiment testing our analysis is outlined (Abridged).Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Ap

    Symmetry Reduction of Optimal Control Systems and Principal Connections

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    This paper explores the role of symmetries and reduction in nonlinear control and optimal control systems. The focus of the paper is to give a geometric framework of symmetry reduction of optimal control systems as well as to show how to obtain explicit expressions of the reduced system by exploiting the geometry. In particular, we show how to obtain a principal connection to be used in the reduction for various choices of symmetry groups, as opposed to assuming such a principal connection is given or choosing a particular symmetry group to simplify the setting. Our result synthesizes some previous works on symmetry reduction of nonlinear control and optimal control systems. Affine and kinematic optimal control systems are of particular interest: We explicitly work out the details for such systems and also show a few examples of symmetry reduction of kinematic optimal control problems.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure