14 research outputs found


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    FIELD: catalytic, superconducting, laser, SHF technologies, integral and magnetooptics. SUBSTANCE: working solution containing, per cent mass: polyvinyl alcohol 5.0-20.0; salts of metal components of film 0.1-5.0 and water is additionally injected with 1.0-20.0 per cent by mass of polymer component from group of water-solubles, for instance, methylcellulose or polyvinylpirrolidon. Working solution is applied by layers with intermediate drying of layers at room temperature and with heating of at least two layers at 400-550 C till organic component is removed. Then final firing is conducted at 600-960 C. Injection of additional polymer component having code of temperature dependence of relative linear dimensions opposite to that of polyvinyl alcohol results in insufficient deformation of film in process of heating, in diminished mechanical stresses in film which prevents its destruction. EFFECT: improved operational characteristics of film, facilitated manufacture.Использование: в каталитической, сверхпроводящей, лазерной, СВЧ-технике, магнитооптике, интегральной оптике. Сущность изобретения: готовят рабочий раствор, содержащий 5 20 мас. поливинилового спирта, 0,1 5 мас. солей металлических компонентов пленки и воду и дополнительно вводят 1 20 мас. полимерного компонента из группы водорастворимых, например метилцеллюлозу или поливинилпирролидон. Рабочий раствор наносят послойно с промежуточной сушкой слоев при комнатной температуре и нагревом не менее двух слоев при 400 550°С до удаления органической компоненты. Затем проводят окончательный отжиг при 600 960°С. Введение дополнительного полимерного компонента, имеющего код температурной зависимости относительных линейных размеров, противоположный поливиниловому спирту, приводит к тому, что в процессе нагрева пленка деформируется незначительно, в ней уменьшаются механические напряжения, чем предотвращается ее разрушение


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    FIELD: integral and magnetooptics, laser and SHF technologies. SUBSTANCE: working solution containing following components, per cent by mass: salts of metal components in terms of metals 0.1-5.0; polyvinyl alcohol 5.0-20.0; polyvinylpyrrolidon 1.0- 20.0; water being the balance. Before application of solution substrate is treated in 5-30% aqueous solution of ammonia at 60-100 C for the course of 10- 60 min. Then it is rinsed for 5-15 min in water and is dried to complete removal of moisture at 20-40 C. Working solution is applied to treated surface layer by layer with intermediate drying of each layer at room temperature and with heating of at least two layers till organic component is removed. Final firing is conducted at 600-960 C. Injection of polyvinylpyrrolidon increases adhesion of films to substrate and suppresses crystallization of salts thanks to complex formation. Treatment of substrates in ammonia gives additional adhesion of films owing to adsorption of hydrooxile groups on surface of substrate. EFFECT: facilitated manufacture. 1 tbl.Использование: в каталитической, сверхпроводящей, лазерной, СВЧ-технике, магнитооптике, интегральной оптике. Сущность изобретения: готовят рабочий растовор, содержащий следующие компоненты, мас. соли металлических компонентов в пересчете на металлы 0,1 5; поливиниловый спирт 5 20; поливинилпирролидон 1 20; вода остальное. Перед нанесением рабочего раствора обрабатывают подложку в 5 30%-ном водном растворе аммиака при 60 100°С в течение 10 60 мин. Затем ее промывают 5 - 15 мин в воде и сушат до полного удаления влаги при 20 40°С. Рабочий раствор наносят на обработанную подложку послойно с промежуточной сушкой каждого слоя при комнатной температуре и нагревом не менее двух слоев до удаления органической компоненты. Окончательный отжиг проводят при 600 960°С. Введение поливинилпирролидона повышает адгезию пленок к подложке и подавляет кристаллизацию солей за счет комплексообразования, что повышает химическую однородность пленок. Обработка подложек в аммиаке дает дополнительное увеличение адгезии пленок за счет адсорбции на поверхности подложек гидроксильных групп. 1 табл

    Study of the Stability of Solid Polyoxometalate Mo72Fe30 with a Buckyball Structure

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    Samples of polyoxometalate Mo 72Fe 30: [Mo 72Fe 30O 252 (CH 3COO) 12{Mo 2O 7 (H 2O)} 2 {H 2Mo 2O 8(H 2O)}(H 2O) 91] · ≈150H 2O with a buckyball structure, which can be both crystalline and amorphous, were synthesized. It was shown that such samples can be studied by neutron diffraction. The stability of Mo 72Fe 30 to heating and UV light exposure (in poly(vinyl alcohol) and polyvinylpyrrolidone films) was studied by IR, EPR, and electronic absorption spectroscopy; thermal analysis; and mass spectrometry. Mo 72Fe 30 was found to be less stable to heating and irradiation in a poly(vinyl alcohol) film as compared with the related polyoxometallate Mo 132 free of iron. The sorption properties of Mo 72Fe 30 to organic vapors and its stability under sorption conditions were studied. It was demonstrated that, in addition to sorption, organic substances cause the destruction of buckyballs. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012


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    Aim. To analyze,  how is, under  the  framework of the  Pilot Project, organized and being conducted  the improvement of work of the known departments in exact medical institutions (MI) of RF for rehabilitation of cardiovascular  diseases (CVD) patients  at the  three  steps  under  the current “Order of medical care and medical rehabilitation”, and how do the scientifically proven and types and methods  of cardiorehabilitation (CR) being implemented,  and to try to elaborate  on an exact algorithm for patients course.Material and methods. Into the Pilot Project, 17 MI included, from 13 entities of RF. For the analysis of effectiveness of organizational models of CR in MI the unified charts were developed making to assess the equality to the  Order  of the  rehabilitation care  provided to patients  with CVD, of multidisciplinary team  involved in care,  the staff list and MI equipment. Specific charts included the units assessing the efficacy of work on three stages of CR: I stage — in resuscitation and intensive care unit or specialized cardiology department, II — in in-patient department, III — in polyclinics. The article presents data from CR analysis of Jan 2013 to Dec 2015. Results. The CR was organized at the stage I in 10 MI, stage II in 10 MI and stage III in 7 MI. By the year 2015, almost in all MI the multidisciplinary teams   were  shaped,   including  cardiologist,  cardiorehabilitologist, exercise specialist, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist; the rooms for exercise were equipped, as the halls for education of patients. The start of rehabilitation process  from ICU made it to decrease the remaining of patient on the bedside for 0,7 days in average (2013-2015) and for 1 day in cardiovascular department. About 67% myocardial infarction patients in average  were transferred  to the stage  II of CR. In all MI there  were educational  Schools  organized,  and  the  explanatory  talks  with the relatives were done as well. By now, the project is on its way. Conclusion. The analysis of three-staged CR system  for myocardial infarction  patients   according   to  current   laws,  showed  significant improvement  of  rehabilitational  activeness   of  the  newly  created multidisciplinary teams  at all stages  of CR, increase  of the number of methods  of CR and  better  fulfillment of those,  as  demonstrated the safety of proposed  principals of physical rehabilitation according to the Russian  clinical guidelines  “Myocardial infarction with ST elevation: rehabilitation and  secondary  prevention” under  the framework of the organizational model of CR