7 research outputs found

    Series in vector spherical harmonics: an efficient tool for solution of nonlinear problems in spherical plasmas

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    The series expansion of the plasma fields and currents in vector spherical harmonics has been demonstrated to be an efficient technique for solution of nonlinear problems in spherically bounded plasmas. Using this technique, it is possible to describe the nonlinear plasma response to the rotating high-frequency magnetic field applied to the magnetically confined plasma sphere. The effect of the external magnetic field on the current drive and field configuration is studied. The results obtained are important for continuous current drive experiments in compact toruses

    Equilibrium and relaxation of particulate charge in fluorocarbon plasmas

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    Charging of micron-size particulates, often appearing in fluorocarbon plasma etching experiments, is considered. It is shown that in inductively coupled and microwave slot-excited plasmas of C4F8 and Ar gas mixtures, the equilibrium particle charge and charge relaxation processes are controlled by a combination of microscopic electron, atomic (Ar+ and F+), and molecular ion (CF3+, CF2+, and CF+) currents. The impact of molecular ion currents on the particulate charging and charge relaxation processes is analyzed. It is revealed that in low-power (<0.5 kW) microwave slot-excited plasmas, the impact of the combined molecular ion current to the total positive microscopic current on the particle can be as high as 40%. The particulate charge relaxation rate in fluorocarbon plasmas appears to exceed 108 s−1, which is almost one order of magnitude higher than that from purely argon plasmas. This can be attributed to the impact of positive currents of fluorocarbon molecular ions, as well as to the electron density fluctuations with particle charge, associated with electron capture and release by the particulates

    Power transfer and mode transitions in low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas

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    Operation and mode jumps in low-frequency (500 kHz) radio-frequency inductively coupled plasmas are investigated. The discharge is driven by a flat inductive coil which can excite the electrostatic (E) and electromagnetic (H) discharge modes. The power transfer efficiency and mode transition behavior are studied. It is found that the power reflection coefficient as a function of the input power is minimal in the vicinity of the mode transitions and exhibits hysteresis, which is also observed when the operating gas pressure is varied

    Low-frequency, high-density, inductively coupled plasma sources: operation and applications

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    Operation regimes, plasma parameters, and applications of the low-frequency ( - 500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) sources with a planar external coil are investigated. It is shown that highly uniform, high-density (ne -9×1012 cm−3) plasmas can be produced in low-pressure argon discharges with moderate rf powers. The low-frequency ICP sources operate in either electrostatic (E) or electromagnetic (H) regimes in a wide pressure range without any Faraday shield or an external multipolar magnetic confinement, and exhibit high power transfer efficiency, and low circuit loss. In the H mode, the ICP features high level of uniformity over large processing areas and volumes, low electron temperatures, and plasma potentials. The low-density, highly uniform over the cross-section, plasmas with high electron temperatures and plasma and sheath potentials are characteristic to the electrostatic regime. Both operation regimes offer great potential for various plasma processing applications. As examples, the efficiency of the low-frequency ICP for steel nitriding and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, is demonstrated. It appears possible to achieve very high nitriding rates and dramatically increase micro-hardness and wear resistance of the AISI 304 stainless steel. It is also shown that the deposition rates and mechanical properties of the DLC films can be efficiently controlled by selecting the discharge operating regime

    Diagnostics and two-dimensional simulation of low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas with neutral gas heating and electron heat flares

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    This article presents the results on the diagnostics and numerical modeling of low-frequency (∼460 KHz) inductively coupled plasmas generated in a cylindrical metal chamber by an external flat spiral coil. Experimental data on the electron number densities and temperatures, electron energy distribution functions, and optical emission intensities of the abundant plasma species in low/intermediate pressure argon discharges are included. The spatial profiles of the plasma density, electron temperature, and excited argon species are computed, for different rf powers and working gas pressures, using the two-dimensional fluid approach. The model allows one to achieve a reasonable agreement between the computed and experimental data. The effect of the neutral gas temperature on the plasma parameters is also investigated. It is shown that neutral gas heating (at rf powers⩾0.55 kW) is one of the key factors that control the electron number density and temperature. The dependence of the average rf power loss, per electron–ion pair created, on the working gas pressure shows that the electron heat flux to the walls appears to be a critical factor in the total power loss in the discharge