37 research outputs found

    Effect of litter type and perches on footpad dermatitis and hock burn in broilers housed at different stocking densities

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of litter type and environmental enrichment on the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns in broilers housed at low and high stocking densities. Chopped straw and sand were used as litter, and perches as environmental enrichment. Low and high stocking density implied 12 chickens/m2 and 20 chickens/m2, respectively. The study sample was divided into four groups of 50 birds, which were observed during a six-week fattening period. A significantly higher rate of severe footpad dermatitis was recorded in the group of chickens raised on sand at high stocking density, compared with low stocking density, whereas no significant difference was found between the groups of chickens raised on straw at different stocking densities. The rate of footpad dermatitis was also significantly higher in the group of chickens raised on sand at high stocking density, compared with chickens raised on straw at the same stocking density. There were no group differences in the occurrences of hock burns and perching. However, a significant negative correlation was recorded between perching and the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns. According to the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns, the study results suggested that chopped straw and sand were equally acceptable as litter for broilers, yet sand should be avoided at high stocking densities. There was no effect of stocking density and litter type on perching, but perches as a form of environmental enrichment proved efficient in reducing the rate of footpad dermatitis and hock burns.Keywords: chickens, contact dermatitis, environmental enrichment, housing, san


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    Kao i kod ostalih vrsta domaćih životinja, koje se drže u proizvodne svrhe, problemi dobrobiti javljaju se i kod ovaca. Navedeno jednako vrijedi za čitav spektar različitih sustava proizvodnje, od ekstenzivnih do intenzivnih, koji imaju svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Uzroci, i s njima povezani pokazatelji, naruÅ”ene dobrobiti ovaca su brojni i različiti. U ovom (prvom) dijelu rada detaljnije su opisani: 1. pothranjenost ovaca ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na izloženost nepovoljnim vremenskim prilikama i držanje u prenapučenim prostorima, 2. smrtnost janjadi ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na pothlađenost, 3. kastracija janjadi, 4. odbiće janjadi, 5. uzgoj janjadi u zatvorenim proizvodnim sustavima i 6. ozljede ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na strižu i grabežljivce.As for other domestic animal species kept for production purposes, welfare problems are present in sheep as well. This refers to whole spectrum of different sheep production systems, from extensive to intensive, with each of the systems having its advantages and disadvantages. Causes and related indicators of poor welfare in sheep are numerous and various. In this (the first) part of the paper in some detail are described: 1. sheep undernourishment ā€“ with special emphasis on exposure to extreme climatic conditions and overstocking, 2. lamb mortality ā€“ with special emphasis on hypothermia, 3. lamb castration, 4. lamb weaning, 5. indoor production systems for lambs and 6. injuries ā€“ with special emphasis on shearing and predators


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    Kao i kod ostalih vrsta domaćih životinja, koje se drže u proizvodne svrhe, problemi dobrobiti javljaju se i kod ovaca. Navedeno jednako vrijedi za čitav spektar različitih sustava proizvodnje, od ekstenzivnih do intenzivnih, koji imaju svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Uzroci, i s njima povezani pokazatelji, naruÅ”ene dobrobiti ovaca su brojni i različiti. U ovom (prvom) dijelu rada detaljnije su opisani: 1. pothranjenost ovaca ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na izloženost nepovoljnim vremenskim prilikama i držanje u prenapučenim prostorima, 2. smrtnost janjadi ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na pothlađenost, 3. kastracija janjadi, 4. odbiće janjadi, 5. uzgoj janjadi u zatvorenim proizvodnim sustavima i 6. ozljede ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na strižu i grabežljivce.As for other domestic animal species kept for production purposes, welfare problems are present in sheep as well. This refers to whole spectrum of different sheep production systems, from extensive to intensive, with each of the systems having its advantages and disadvantages. Causes and related indicators of poor welfare in sheep are numerous and various. In this (the first) part of the paper in some detail are described: 1. sheep undernourishment ā€“ with special emphasis on exposure to extreme climatic conditions and overstocking, 2. lamb mortality ā€“ with special emphasis on hypothermia, 3. lamb castration, 4. lamb weaning, 5. indoor production systems for lambs and 6. injuries ā€“ with special emphasis on shearing and predators


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    Rad prikazuje najznačajnije probleme dobrobiti koza. Naglasak je na pothranjenosti, žeđi i nedostatku veterinarsko-higijenske skrbi, problemima koji prevladavaju u nerazvijenim zemljama, s najbrojnijim populacijama koza u svijetu. Nastavno na radove o dobrobiti ovaca, u ovom radu također su opisani i mogući pokazatelji dobrobiti koza/ovaca.The paper describes the most important welfare problems in goats.Emphasis is on undernourishment, thirst and lack of veterinary-hygienic care, the problemspredominating in less-developed countries, withthe most numerous goat populations in the world. Following the papers on sheep welfare, potential indicators of goat/sheep welfare are also presentedin this paper


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    Prirodno inkubiranje jaja domaće peradi podrazumijeva nasađivanje određenog broja jaja pojedine vrste peradi pod raskvocalu jedinku iste ili druge vrste peradi. Ovisno o vrsti, inkubiranje jaja traje različito dugo. Podmladak se najčeŔće vali u proljetnim i ljetnim mjesecima, optimalnom vremenu valjenja. Izbor kvočke, kvaliteta te broj jaja, koji će se staviti pod kvočku, preduvjet su svakog uspjeÅ”nog inkubiranja. SmjeÅ”tajni uvjeti, hranidba, te postupak s kvočkama tijekom inkubiranja jaja utjecat će na konačne proizvodne rezultate. Prirodno valjenje danas jedino prakticiraju rijetka seoska domaćinstva, uzgajivači ukrasnih pasmina peradi i hobisti, te se provodi i s ciljem oplemenjivanja pasmina za proizvodnju kvalitetnijeg i otpornijeg podmladka.Natural incubation of eggs of domestic poultry means placing certain number of eggs of particular poultry species under broody individual of same or other poultry species. Depending on species, egg incubation lasts differently long. Offspring is commonly hatched in spring and summer months, optimum period of hatching. Choise of broody hen, quality and number of eggs, which will be put under broody hen, are prerequisite of every successful incubation. Accommodation conditions, feeding, and handling of broody hens during egg incubation, will influence on final production results. Natural hatching today is only practiced by rare rural establishments, breeders of ornamental poultry breeds and people who do it as hobby, and it is also carried out with the purpose of breed elevation to produce more quality and more resistant offspring


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    For the purpose of gaining better cognition on Thoroughbred breeding in Croatia, reproductive parameters of 87 Thoroughbred mares were analyzed. An average age of the first covering and foaling were 5.9 and 6.6 years, respectively. The average gestation length was 341.1 days and the most frequent foaling period (20.2% of foalings) was recorded between 336 to 340 days of gestation. Prolonged gestation period (p<0.05) was determined in colts. The gestation length was the longest in January (344.4 days) and the shortest in July (324.0 days). Between the gestation length and the age of the mare no significant correlation was found. There was a trend of foaling rate decreasing in mares older than 11 years. The highest number of successively registered foalings with 10 live born foals was observed on 2 individual samples. The greatest number of foalings occurred in April (30.9%), whilst there was no foaling in October. The genders were 50.6% male and 49.4% female foals. The incidence of abortions was 7.3%. Although indicators point to the breeding strategy heading towards the right direction, by educating the owners and with frequent veterinary supervision, especially for twin reduction, the reproductive performance could be enhanced


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    The aim of this study was to analyse the litter size traits in two genotypes of pig population with black coat: Black Slavonian (BS) and ā€œNero di Parmaā€ (NP). Data analysis included records from the 1st to 4th parity separately, and all parities (from 1st to 11th) for the following traits: Total Number of Born (TNB), Number of Born Alive (NBA), and Number of Weaned (NW) piglets, collected from 296 BS and 421 NP sows. Litter size traits from 1st to 4th paritywas analysed separately for each breed and ANOVA Repetead Measure test was used to calculate the difference between parities. The analysis of seasonality in all parities was performed using the General Linear Model.Significant differences (P<0.05) between-parity in BS were observed in the 1st and 3rd as well in the 1st and 4th parities for TNB and NW. Only for the NBA difference (P<0.05) was found between 1st and 3rd parities.Differences (P<0.05) in NP pigs were reported between the 1st and 3rd as between 1st and 4th parity for TNB and NBA. First-parity sows for NW shows significant differences (P<0.05) in relation to 2nd, 3rd and 4th parity. In all parities analysed according to the seasons significant differences was recorded between summer and autumn period for TNB (P<0.05) in BS. Difference (P<0.05) was also obtained for NBA between spring and autumn, as well as for summer and autumn season. In all parity analysis in BS pig, the NW (P<0.05) showed differences only between spring and summer period. Season in all parity analysis had a significant impact on litter size traits in NP pig. Differences (P<0.05) was obtained for TNB, NBA and NW among spring-winter, summerwinter and autumn-winter period.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati pokazatelje veličine legla u dvije populacije svinja: crne slavonske pasmine svinja (CS) i crne pasmine svinja ā€œNero di Parmaā€ (NP). Analizirani su pokazatelji veličine legla: ukupan broj oprasenih (UOO), živooprasenih (ŽO) i broj odbijenih odojaka (BOO) od prvog do četvrtog prasenjaza svaku pasminu. Skupnom analizom od prvog do jedanaestog legala prikazani su rezultati UOO, ŽO i BOO po sezoni prasenja. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 296 krmača CS i 421 krmača NP. Testiranje razlika navedenih pokazatelja od prvog do četvrtog prasenja provedena je analizom varijance s ponovljenim mjerenjima. Podaci skupne analize po sezoni prasenja prikazani su pomoću općeg linearnog modela izračuna. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđena je značajna razlika (p<0,05) između prvog i trećeg prasenja te prvog i četvrtog prasenja za svojstva UOO i BOO u CS, dok je značajna razlika (p<0,05) u broju ŽO usta-novoljena samo između prvog i trećeg prasenja. Razlika u broju UOO i ŽO bila je značajna (p<0,05) između prvopraskinja u odnosu na treće-i četvrtopraskinje NP. Najmanji BOO u NP zabilježen je u prvopraskinja te su razlike bile značajne (p<0,05) u usporedbi s drugim, trećim i četvrtim prasenjem. Skupnom analizom prasenja utvrđene su značajne razlike (p<0,05) za UOO između ljetne i jesenske sezone te za ŽO između jesenske i proljetne sezone te jesenske i ljetne sezone prasenja (p<0,05). Nadalje, značajna razlika (p<0,05) u BOO zabilježena je između proljetne i ljetne sezone prasenja. Broj UOO, ŽO i BOO u NP tijekom zimske sezone bio je značajno manji (p<0,05) u odnosu na zabilježene vrijednosti tijekom proljetne, ljetne i jesenke sezone prasenja


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    Nastavno na prvi, u drugom dijelu rada opisani su sljedeći problemi dobrobiti ovaca: 1. hromost ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na zaraznu Å”epavost ovaca, 2. izvala rodnice i cerviksa, 3. mastitis, 4. ektoparaziti ā€“ s posebnim naglaskom na Å”ugu ovaca, mijaze i posljedične preventivne zahvate, ā€žmulesingā€œ, ā€žpizzle droppingā€œ i kupiranje repova, 5. endoparaziti, 6. dugovječnost ovaca, 7. proizvodni sustavi s niskim troÅ”kovima ulaganja te 8. prijevoz i klanje ovaca.Following the first part, the second part of the paper addresses next welfare issues of sheep: 1. lameness ā€“ with special emphasis on foot rot, 2. prolapse of the vagina and cervix, 3. mastitis, 4. ectoparasites ā€“ with special emphasis on sheep scab, fly strike and consequential preventive procedures, mulesing, pizzle dropping and tail docking, 5. endoparasites, 6. sheep longevity, 7. easy-care production systems and 8. sheep transport and slaughter


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    Prvih nekoliko dana nakon prasenja jedan je od najosjetljivijih perioda tijekom uzgoja sisajuće prasadi. Uz osiguravanje optimalnih temperaturnih vrijednosti i smjeÅ”tajnih uvjeta u prasiliÅ”tu, za preživljavanje prasadi neophodno je i razumijevanje njihovog neonatalnog vladanja. Prasad svojim osjetilima vrlo brzo nakon poroda uspostavlja komunikaciju s majkom, a unutar legla se razvija druÅ”tvena organizacija pri kojoj svako prase osvaja ā€žsvojuā€œ bradavicu koju zadržava do kraja dojnog razdoblja. Zbog slabo razvijenog termoregulacijskog mehanizma, prasad su vrlo osjetljiva na niže temperature, stoga mogu postati hipoglikemična te podložnija prignječenju od strane krmače. U preveniranju prignječenja, u suvremenoj svinjogojskoj proizvodnji, uvedeni su boksovi za prasenje, s ukljeÅ”tenjem za krmače, koji s obzirom na položaj krmače i vrstu poda u boksu mogu biti različito izvedeni.The first few days after farrow are one of the most sensitive periods during breeding of nursing piglets. With ensuring of optimal temperature values and accomodation conditions in farrowing pen, for piglets surviving, it is also essential to understand their neonatal behaviour. Piglets with their senses very soon after birth establish communication with their mother, and within nest is developed social organization in which each piglet conquers ā€žitsā€œ teat which it retains till the end of the nursing period. Because of poorly developed thermoregulatory mechanism, piglets are very sensitive to lower temperatures, so they can become hypoglicemic and more liable to crushing by the sow. To prevent crushing, in modern pig production are introduced farrowing stalls, where sow is fixed and which due to the sow placement and type of floor in stall, can be differently performed


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    Suvremeni način uzgoja svinja nezamisliv je bez poznavanja osnovnih bioloÅ”kih, etoloÅ”kih te hranidbenih značajki svinja. Svinje su druÅ”tvene životinje, a organizacija skupine osniva se na uređenoj druÅ”tvenoj hijerarhiji. Na socijalnu hijerarhiju, osim smjeÅ”tajnih uvjeta, utječu dob, spol, tjelesna masa te karakter jedinke. Osjetila uvjetuju različite oblike vladanja svinja, uključujući i vladanje tijekom uzimanja hrane. Uvažavajući hijerarhijske odnose te veličinu skupine, svinjama je potrebno osigurati dovoljno prostora za hranjenje. Uz socijalne, poseban naglasak treba staviti i na optimalne mikroklimatske čimbenike (temperatura, vlažnost zraka, Å”tetni plinovi u zraku, strujanje zraka, osvjetljenost), te pravilno ophođenje čovjeka sa životinjama. U suprotnom, svinje će ispoljiti agresivno vladanje, Å”to će se negativno odraziti na njihovo zdravlje, reprodukciju te, konačno, na cjelokupnu proizvodnju.Modern system of pigs husbandry is unthinkable without knowledge of basic biological, ethological and feeding characteristics of pigs. Pigs are social animals and organizing groups of pigs is based on ragulated social hierarchy. Besides accommodation conditions, social hierarchy is affected by age, sex, body weight and the character of individuals. Senses are responsible for different forms of behavior in pigs, including feeding behaviour. Considering hierarchical relations and size of the group, it is neccessary to ensure sufficient feeding space for pigs. Besides social, particular accent should be also put on optimal microclimate factors (temperature, air humidity, noxious gases in the air, air circulation, lighting) and proper treatment of animals. Otherwise, pigs will display aggressive behavior, that will have an negative influence on health, reproduction and, finally, on total production