77 research outputs found

    Self-organization practices in cities: discussing the transformative potential

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    In a growing number of small and large cities across Europe, citizens are engaging and mobilizing to demonstrate their ability in creating innovative solutions for important social and spatial challenges. We are witnessing a different set of micro-practices that are transforming cities ‘from below’, thus questioning not only the relation between active citizenship and the State (Uitermark, 2015) but also forms of urban activation themselves. In this paper we examine the politics of urban self organization with a particular focus on the implications for local governments and the transformative potential of these practices for local communities

    Forme di home-making tra pratiche di resistenza e politiche di dispersione. Il caso di Via Anelli a Padova

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    Via Anelli a Padova: una via che diventa un quartiere, un quartiere che diventa una città nell’immaginario collettivo. Una zona lasciata libera dalla distrazione del potere e delle discipline dello spazio (La Cecla, 1997), dove gli abitanti hanno prodotto territori dell’abitare capaci di mettere in crisi le forme consolidate di residenza e di uso dello spazio pubblico

    Repositioning the public in the social innovation debate : reflections from the field

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    In urban studies, social innovation mainly means voluntary, non-statutory, citizen-led, or community-led initiatives implemented to respond to unmet or new social needs. Social innovation has been applied to many urban regenerations and territorial development initiatives, but in many cases overestimated its potential to come up with progressive solutions alone without the support of public action. In the paper, by critically discussing the case of the Simeto area in Sicily, we claim a shift from the concept of social innovation to the one of public innovation, and we assume social innovation as a social and territorial construct that requires to be mobilised ad hoc within particular spatial and institutional settings. From a strategic planning perspective, this process should involve the creation of trading zones, boundary objects, and agonist democracy, allowing specific and context-based interactions among community-based initiatives and institutions at different levels

    Pratiche di rigenerazione urbana e cultura. Sguardi critici tra co-creazione, istituzionalizzazione e conflitto

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    The monographic issue of the journal Tracce Urbane deals with the relationship between culture and spatial transformation, with a focus on the relationship between urban regeneration practices and institutions, investigating the processes of co-creation, institutionalization and conflict
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