21 research outputs found
Re: Critical Analysis of Early Recurrence after Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy in a Large Cohort by the ESUT
okThe authors critically analyze a large cohort by the European Association of
Urology Section of Uro-Technology and assess early recurrences after laparoscopic radical
cystectomy and evaluation of risk factors, including the impact of pneumoperitoneum. They
focus their analysis on patients with favorable pathology (pT2 N0 R0 disease), \ufb01nding that 27 of
311 patients (8.7%) experienced recurrences during the following 24 months. Surgical negligence
was observed in only 1 patient, which was associated with the endo bag rupturing during
transvaginal extraction with subsequent vulvar and peritoneal tumor metastasis after 4 months.
Among the 27 patients with recurrence a shorter recurrence-free survival was signi\ufb01cantly
predictive of cancer speci\ufb01c death (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.78e0.94, p \ubc 0.001) as well as carcinoma
in situ on pathological examination (HR 3.68, 95% CI 1.07e12.7, p \ubc 0.039). While analyzing
causes of early recurrence, the authors suggest that the continuous insuf\ufb02ation-desuf\ufb02ation and
leakage of gas around the portsdwith consequent aspiration of tumor cells via a chimney
effectdmay promote tumor seeding (TS)
Inflammation and Neurotransmission of the Vescico-Uterine Space in Cesarean Sections:
Collagen IV and laminin play a key role in regulating stiffness, elasticity and flexibility of the vescico-uterine space (VUS) tissue. The neurotensin (NT), the neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) and the protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) possessing vasorelaxation and tissue vascularization activities, play key roles in cervical ripening, scar innervations and pain control. We propose that the integrity of these substances in VUS tissue is compromised after Cesarean section (CS), since wound healing disturbances and pelvic pain, as well as pregnancy and delivery complications, are related with lower uterine segment dysfunctions after CS. Therefore, the contents of collagen IV, laminin, NT, NPY and PGP 9.5 nerve fibres from the VUS tissue samples obtained during the first CS and the repeated CS were comparatively studied. VUS specimens were collected from 104 patients during CS and evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Collagen IV and laminin were mostly found in the vascular membrane bounds and their images were quantitatively evaluated by Quantimet Leica analyzer software. Differences of collagen IV, laminin, NT, NPY and PGP 9.5 values in VUS tissue between the first CS and the repeat CS samples were calculated by Student's Mest. Reduced laminin and increased collagen IV values were observed in the VUS scar tissue after the repeated CS in comparison with those of VUS intact tissue obtained during the first CS. Significantly higher values of nerve fibres, containing NT, NPY and PGP 9.5 were registered in intact VUS tissue samples, respectively 5±0.7, 7±0.6 and 5±0.9 CU, than those of VUS scar tissue samples obtained during the repeated CS, respectively 3±0.6,2±0.4 and 3±0.7 CU (p<0.05). The authors observed increased collagen IV and reduced laminin values after the repeated CS which might be the key signs of inflammatory damage of VUS scar tissue by CS. These findings were strengthened by the registration of decreased NT, NPY and PGP 9.5 values in the same samples, which are important neurotransmitters and are responsible for optimal wound healing, pain control and lower uterine segment functions
Severe inflammatory reaction induced by peritoneal trauma is the key driving mechanism of postoperative adhesion formation
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many factors have been put forward as a driving mechanism of surgery-triggered adhesion formation (AF). In this study, we underline the key role of specific surgical trauma related with open surgery (OS) and laparoscopic (LS) conditions in postoperative AF and we aimed to study peritoneal tissue inflammatory reaction (TIR), remodelling specific complications of open surgery (OS) versus LS and subsequently evaluating AF induced by these conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective randomized study was done in 80 anaesthetised female Wistar rats divided equally into 2 groups. Specific traumatic OS conditions were induced by midline incision line (MIL) extension and tissue drying and specific LS conditions were remodelled by intraperitoneal CO<sub>2 </sub>insufflation at the 10 cm of water. TIR was evaluated at the 24<sup>th</sup>, 72<sup>nd</sup>, 120<sup>th </sup>and 168<sup>th </sup>hour by scoring scale. Statistical analysis was performed by the non-parametric t test and two-way ANOVA using Bonferroni post-tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>More pronounced residual TIR was registered after OS than after LS. There were no significant TIR interactions though highly significant differences were observed between the OS and LS groups (p < 0.0001) with regard to surgical and time factors. The TIR change differences between the OS and LS groups were pronounced with postoperative time p < 0.05 at the 24<sup>th </sup>and 72<sup>nd</sup>; p < 0.01 - 120<sup>th </sup>and p < 0.001 - 168<sup>th </sup>hrs. Adhesion free wounds were observed in 20.0 and 31.0% of cases after creation of OS and LS conditions respectively; with no significant differences between these values (p > 0.05). However larger adhesion size (41.67 ± 33.63) was observed after OS in comparison with LS (20.31 ± 16.38). The upper-lower 95% confidential limits ranged from 60.29 to 23.04 and from 29.04 to 11.59 respectively after OS and LS groups with significant differences (p = 0.03). Analogous changes were observed in adhesion severity values. Subsequently, severe TIR parameters were followed by larger sizes of severe postoperative adhesions in the OS group than those observed in the LS group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MIL extension and tissue drying seem to be the key factors in the pathogenesis of adhesion formation, triggering severe inflammatory reactions of the peritoneal tissue surrounding the MIL resulting in local and systemic consequences. CO<sub>2 </sub>insufflation however, led to moderate inflammation and less adhesion formation.</p
Comment on "Oestrogen-induced angiogenesis and implantation contribute to the development of parasitic myomas after laparoscopic morcellation"
Abstract Background The cause of contamination and dissemination of leiomyoma tissue particles and cells in the peritoneal cavity during myomectomy is a challenging issue for both clinicians and researchers. Therefore, the article by Huang et al. recently published in your journal is the subject of this letter. Main body We comment on the role of laparoscopic condition in xenograft implantation and also highlighted the shortcomings of this study. The surgical technique of intramural fibroid enucleation, cell spillage during morcellation and postsurgical hormonal impact on the development of parasitic myomas become evident, while the contribution of CO2 insufflation, the fibroid’s nature, mutations and pseudocapsule impacts on angiogenesis are not clear. In addition, an exploration of the exact origin of implanted fragments harvested from the fibroid tissue and their nature might play a significant role in the implantation and the angiogenesis induction ability of xenografts. Conclusion Taking into account the current literature in the scope of this study, we suggest that the factors involved in development of parasitic myomas can be classified as confirmed and doubtful contributions
The medical device applied to uterine fibroids morcellation: analysis of critical biological issues and drawbacks from a medical-legal prospective
Following the FDA safety communication of 2014 increasing attention has been to the treatment of uterine fibroids, due to the suspicion of a potential leiomyosarcoma (ULM). FDA banned the use of power morcellation in the US, since this technique is likely to spread malignant cells from an unsuspected ULM. We criticized the medical legal consequences of this banning among gynecologists and patients, focusing on the drawbacks of biology and surgery. The authors analyzed literature data on one side, on the incidence, diagnosis and treatment of leiomyoma and ULM, and the other side, on the power morcellations and related critical issues, trying to highlight their main controversial aspects and to outline the possible impact on patients and on medical responsibility. The alternative methods to power morcellation are more invasive surgical solutions (as mini laparotomy or culdotomy), which inevitably involve associated risks with the surgical procedure as such and always request the containing bags. Although the in-bag morcellation is a promising technique, currently the used devices are largely off-label. This highlights the surgical risk, in case of complications, of suffering for malpractice claims both for not having used a containment system, favoring the spread of the neoplasm, and for its off-label use. Since the diagnosis of ULM is by histology after surgery, the fear of legal consequences or medical malpractice for unknown ULM power morcellation, should be targeted to analyze, in terms of cost/benefit ratio, the surgical priority. It should focus on the prevention of the risk of having a rare and statistically limited ULM or on the surgical-related complications, often linked to a slowdown minimally invasive surgery, or on the use of the authorized in-bag morcellations