77 research outputs found

    The determination of the mean value of the non-homogenous background radiation and the measurement uncertainty using welch-satterthwaite equation

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    In this paper, the procedure for determination of the mean value of non-homogenous background radiation and the expression of measurement uncertainty is considered. The background radiation is described using the Student's distribution, and the measurement uncertainty using the Welch-Satterthwaite equation. The proposed algorithm was experimentally verified under well-controlled laboratory conditions and satisfactory results were obtained

    The influence of gamma and X-radiation on pre-breakdown currents and resistance of commercial gas filled surge arresters

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of gamma and X-radiation on relevant characteristics of commercial gas filled surge arresters in the d. c. regime. This question is very important because of the wide application of gas filled surge arresters in telecommunications, military industry and space technology. We found that both types of radiation had significant influence on the performance of gas filled surge arresters

    The efficiency of gas-filled surge arresters in the environment contaminated by non-ionizing radiation of fusion reactors

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    The research presents an experiment with a model of an electronic generator for energy injection into the plasma of a fusion reactor. By recording a non-ionizing field in the vicinity of a fusion reactor, it was determined that this field has an extremely high growth rate. At the site of the maximum intensity of the field of non-ionizing radiation, commercial surge arresters with a flexible model of surge arresters were used for experimentation. It has been found that the commercial surge arresters have an efficiency of about 20%. For the efficiency of the flexible model, it was found to be slightly less than 40% (and to be achieved by the application of alpha particle radiation). Since neither of these efficiencies guarantee reliable operation of the gas-filled surge arrester, it was concluded that essential electronics in the vicinity of the fusion generator must be protected. However, since this protection can only be implemented in a fusion reactor, the fact remains that the environment of such a reactor is extremely contaminated with non-ionizing radiation. Commercial surge voltages are isolated for testing since the protection of electronic circuits from fast overvoltages is a critical point for the functioning of modern electronics

    Contamination of the Å ar Mountains Aquatorium ā€“ Kosovo with Depleted Uranium

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    The main objective of this study was to estimate the environmental and health risk of the Å ar Mountains (Kosovo) for depleted uranium contamination. The risk assessment of the contamination is needed since, in the spring of 1999, conflict with bombarding took place in the territory of the Western Balkans, during which depleted uranium ammunition was used. In Serbia and Montenegro, such tests were performed; based on them, some territories were decontaminated. Å ar Mountains is particularly important as it is one of the few water-rich areas in Kosovo. Therefore, soil and water samples were taken from characteristic places in the Å ar Mountains aquatorium. Tests of the samples were performed under well-controlled conditions. The measurement uncertainty was less than 5%. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that there was no contamination of the Å ar Mountains with depleted uranium. This conclusion can be extended to the broader area around the Å ar Mountains, as it is a safe area surrounded by high mountains

    Procena uticaja poklopca pakovanja od izabranih titanijumskih legura na energetsku zavisnost RADFET dozimetara u poljima gama i X zračenja

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    U ovom radu je demonstrirana analiza dizajniranja RADFET dozimetra koja je bazirana na primeni numeričke metode Monte Karlo pri proceni uticaja titanijumskih legura kao izabranog materijala za poklopac pakovanja dozimetara. Sprovedene su Monte Karlo simulacije transporta fotona X i gama zračenja različitih energija kroz razmatranu strukturu RADFET dozimetra i pritom je proračunat energetski zavisan faktor zaÅ”tite (SEDF) koji je moguće definisati za elektronske komponente datog tipa. Uzimajući u obzir vrednosti SEDF za različite vrednosti incidentnih energija fotona i dobijene odgovarajuće deponovane energije u materijalnim zonama RADFET dozimetra, ustanovljeno je da je titanijumska legura sa cirkonijumom Ti-13Nb-13Zr pogodniji material za izradu poklopca za pakovanje.XXVII Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, 12-14. oktobar 2011

    Campbell's MSV method measurement in mixed field 252Cf moderated by heavy water

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    U radu je ispitana mogućnost primene Kempbelovog MSV metoda u meÅ”ovitom polju 252Cf moderiranog teÅ”kom vodom. Nekompenzovana jonizaciona komora za meÅ”ovita n-Ī³ polja je bila detekcioni element MSV mernog lanca. Zaključeno je da je stepen n-Ī³ diskriminacije pri MSV obradi signala veći nego kod klasičnog metoda merenja.This paper presents the possibility of Campbell's MSV method in mixed field 252Cf moderated by heavy water. The uncompensated ionization chamber for mixed n-Ī³ fields was used as detector element. The conclusion is that the order of discrimination in MSV signal processing is larger than for classical measuring method.XXIV Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Zlatibor, 3-5. oktobar 2007

    The influence of electrode material on gas-filled surge arresters response time in gamma and X radiation field

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    Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita uticaj materijala elektroda na impulsnu karakteristiku modela gasnog odvodnika prenapona u polju gama i X zračenja. Pokazano je da oba tipa zračenja dovode do povećanja brzine odziva odvodnika. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je optimalno reÅ”enje model odvodnika sa elektrodama od aluminijuma.The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of electrode material on the gas-filled surge arresters' model pulse shape characteristic in gamma and X radiation field. We found that both radiations have increased gas filled surge arresters' response time. The obtained results show that the optimal solution for GFSA model is with Al electrodes.ETRAN : 51. konferencija ETRAN-a : Elektronski zbornik radova; Jun 4-8, 2007, Herceg Novi ā€“ Igal
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