7 research outputs found

    Naso-ethmoid schwannoma with intracranial extension: case report Schwannoma naso-etmoidal com extensão intracraniana: relato de caso

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    Intranasal schwannomas are rare lesions, specially when they present with an intracranial extension. The fifth case in the medical literature of a naso-ethmoid schwannoma with extension into the anterior cranial fossa is presented. The magnetic resonance findings and the details of the combined intracranial / transfacial operative approach used are described. The possible origin and the clinical characteristics of this rare lesion are reviewed.<br>Schwannomas intranasais são lesões raras, principalmente quando apresentam um extensão intracraniana. Estamos apresentando o quinto caso da literatura médica de um schwannoma naso-etmoidal com extensão para o interior da fossa craniana anterior. São descritos os achados da ressonância magnética e os detalhes da via de acesso cirúrgico combinada intracraniana/transfacial. A possível origem e as características clínicas dessa lesaõ rara são revistas

    Growth and production of nasturtium flowers in three hydroponic solutions Crescimento e produção de flores de nastúrcio cultivado em hidroponia com três soluções nutritivas

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    This experiment was carried out during April to August 2003 in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The growth and production of nasturtium flowers (Tropaeolum majus) in hydroponics NFT system was typified. Treatments were displayed in a 3x11 factorial, with six replications, in entirely randomized experimental design, and were composed of three nutrition solutions and 11 assessment dates. Each plant was separated between aerial part and root for the evaluation of dry mass. The blossoming started 49 days after the transplant (DAT). The plants presented good development in hydroponics, as well as growing dry mass, stature, leaf area and IAF, during the cycle. The culture's growth rate presented larger accumulation of leaf mass from 49 DAT on, in linear relation. Biological productivity was adjusted to a 2nd degree equation. Nutrition solutions did not show statistical differences, however, Furlani (1997) solution was the most reasonably priced.<br>Com o objetivo de caracterizar o crescimento e produção de flores de nastúrcio (Tropaeolum majus) em hidroponia, no sistema NFT, conduziu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, de abril a agosto de 2003. O experimento foi um fatorial 3x11 com seis repetições, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos de três soluções nutritivas e 11 datas de avaliação. Dividiu-se cada planta em parte aérea e raiz para avaliação da fitomassa seca. A floração iniciou aos 49 dias após o transplante (DAT). A planta apresentou bom desenvolvimento em hidroponia sendo a produção de fitomassa seca crescente durante o ciclo, bem como a estatura, a área foliar e o IAF. A taxa de crescimento da cultura apresentou maior acúmulo de fitomassa a partir dos 49 DAT com relação linear. A produtividade biológica ajustou-se a uma equação do 2º grau. As soluções nutritivas não apresentaram diferença estatística entre si, porém na análise de custo a solução Furlani (1997) foi a mais econômica

    Geographic variations in clinical presentation and outcomes of decompressive surgery in patients with symptomatic degenerative cervical myelopathy: analysis of a prospective, international multicenter cohort study of 757 patients

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    WOS: 000430584300006PubMed ID: 28888674BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is a progressive degenerative spine disease and the most common cause of spinal cord impairment in adults worldwide. Few studies have reported on regional variations in demographics, clinical presentation, disease causation, and surgical effectiveness. PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to evaluate differences in demographics, causative pathology, management strategies, surgical outcomes, length of hospital stay, and complications across four geographic regions. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: This is a multicenter international prospective cohort study. PATIENT SAMPLE: This study includes a total of 757 symptomatic patients with DCM undergoing surgical decompression of the cervical spine. OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcome measures are the Neck Disability Index (NDI), the Short Form 36 version 2 (SF-36v2), the modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) scale, and the Nurick grade. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The baseline characteristics, disease causation, surgical approaches, and outcomes at 12 and 24 months were compared among four regions: Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and North America. RESULTS: Patients from Europe and North America were, on average, older than those from Latin America and Asia Pacific (p=.0055). Patients from Latin America had a significantly longer duration of symptoms than those from the other three regions (p<.0001). The most frequent causes of myelopathy were spondylosis and disc herniation. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament was most prevalent in Asia Pacific (35.33%) and in Europe (31.75%), and hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum was most prevalent in Latin America (61.25%). Surgical approaches varied by region; the majority of cases in Europe (71.43%), Asia Pacific (60.67%), and North America (59.10%) were managed anteriorly, whereas the posterior approach was more common in Latin America (66.25%). At the 24-month follow-up, patients from North America and Asia Pacific exhibited greater improvements in mJOA and Nurick scores than those from Europe and Latin America. Patients from Asia Pacific and Latin America demonstrated the most improvement on the NDI and SF-36v2 PCS. The longest duration of hospital stay was in Asia Pacific (14.16 days), and the highest rate of complications (34.9%) was reported in Europe. CONCLUSIONS: Regional differences in demographics, causation, and surgical approaches are significant for patients with DCM. Despite these variations, surgical decompression for DCM appears effective in all regions. Observed differences in the extent of postoperative improvements among the regions should encourage the standardization of care across centers and the development of international guidelines for the management of DCM. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.AOSpine International; AOSpine North AmericaAOSpine International and AOSpine North America sponsored this study. Both organizations are non-profit