1,896 research outputs found

    Eight-quark interactions as a chiral thermometer

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    A NJL Lagrangian extended to six and eight quark interactions is applied to study temperature effects (SU(3) flavor limit, massless case), and (realistic massive case). The transition temperature can be considerably reduced as compared to the standard approach, in accordance with recent lattice calculations. The mesonic spectra built on the spontaneously broken vacuum induced by the 't Hooft interaction strength, as opposed to the commonly considered case driven by the four-quark coupling, undergoes a rapid crossover to the unbroken phase, with a slope and at a temperature which is regulated by the strength of the OZI violating eight-quark interactions. This strength can be adjusted in consonance with the four-quark coupling and leaves the spectra unchanged, except for the sigma meson mass, which decreases. A first order transition behavior is also a possible solution within the present approach.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, prepared for the proceedings of Quark Matter 2008 - 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions, February 4-10, Jaipur (India

    Low-temperature thermal conductivity in polycrystalline graphene

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    The low-temperature thermal conductivity in polycrystalline graphene is theoretically studied. The contributions from three branches of acoustic phonons are calculated by taking into account scattering on sample borders, point defects and grain boundaries. Phonon scattering due to sample borders and grain boundaries is shown to result in a TαT^{\alpha}-behaviour in the thermal conductivity where α\alpha varies between 1 and 2. This behaviour is found to be more pronounced for nanosized grain boundaries. PACS: 65.80.Ck, 81.05.ue, 73.43.C

    The accuracy of merging approximation in generalized St. Petersburg games

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    Merging asymptotic expansions of arbitrary length are established for the distribution functions and for the probabilities of suitably centered and normalized cumulative winnings in a full sequence of generalized St. Petersburg games, extending the short expansions due to Cs\"org\H{o}, S., Merging asymptotic expansions in generalized St. Petersburg games, \textit{Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)} \textbf{73} 297--331, 2007. These expansions are given in terms of suitably chosen members from the classes of subsequential semistable infinitely divisible asymptotic distribution functions and certain derivatives of these functions. The length of the expansion depends upon the tail parameter. Both uniform and nonuniform bounds are presented.Comment: 30 pages long version (to appear in Journal of Theoretical Probability); some corrected typo

    High-Energy X-ray Radiation Registration Model

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    It is proved the necessity for carrying out computing experiments according to the mean value and the square of registered X-ray photons absorbed energy of in a scintillation detector. The offered imitation model of the transfer and registration of high-energy X-ray radiation in a sensing volume of CsI and CdWO[4] scintillation detectors is based on a Monte Carlo method. The model considers leakage of secondary photons and electrons. It is offered approaches to justification of adequacy of the developed model of a high-energy X-ray radiation registration

    Non-Degenerate Ultrametric Diffusion

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    General non-degenerate p-adic operators of ultrametric diffusion are introduced. Bases of eigenvectors for the introduced operators are constructed and the corresponding eigenvalues are computed. Properties of the corresponding dynamics (i.e. of the ultrametric diffusion) are investigated.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure