10 research outputs found

    Adoption of Silvopastoral Agroforestry System for a Sustainable Cattle Production in Nigeria

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    Silvopastoral systems are agroforestry systems that involves a combination of tree growing with the production of livestock. This type of agroforestry system has the potential to improve hydric  balance, enhances biodiversity conservation, increases organic livestock proximity index, allows  cleaner cattle production, improves cattle production per hectare, improves carbon sequestration, reduce greenhouse gases and significantly reduce /eliminate herder -farmer conflicts in Nigeria .  Hence, this paper reviews and introduces the adoption of silvopastoral agroforestry system for a sustainable cattle production in Nigeria using literatures. Types of silvopastoral systems includes  Fodder bank systems, live fence or boundary systems, hedgerow intercropping systems and tree plantation with animal grazing systems. There is limited information on silvopastoral system in Nigeria, hence the need to carry out more research and studies on its acceptability and sustainability in the future

    Worth assessment of information and their access points by small scale Cassava farmers in Nigeria

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    This study determined the access, worth assessment and use of information by small-scale farmers in Oyo State. The study described socio-economic characteristics of small-scale cassava farmers; ascertained information access point preferences and analyzed information worth assessment. A multi stage sampling was used to select 360 respondents and data were collected through pre-tested and face validated questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.88. The results show that majority of the cassava farmers (76.4%) had low access to information and 85.6% rated cassava innovation packages as of low worth. The most frequently used access point is oral communication (83%), which was also rated highest in motivation ability (77.7%), regularity (96.3%) and relevance of information (83.4%). Radio was rated as the most persistent (68.5%). social participation, farm size and use of hired labour had a statistically significant effect on access to information (p<0.01). Religious participation, average income and social participation also had a statistically significant effect on information worth assessment (p<0.05). The study recommends that local farmers’ groups identified as information providers should be recognized and used in complementing conventional extension efforts. This will improve access, worth assessment and consequently use of improved cassava information by small-scale cassava farmers in Oyo State.S.Afr. Tydskr. Landbouvoorl./S. Afr. J. Agric. Ext., Vol. 39 Nr 2, 2011: 69 – 7

    Yard wastes generation, management and utilization in nigeria

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    Yard waste is a major constituent of municipal solid waste (MSW) that contain elements that can be used by microorganisms during biological degradation of MSW but whose economic values are less than the cost of collection, transportation, and processing for beneficial use. It is generated from the gardens, plant nurseries, road sweepings, and so on. Yard waste generation is inevitable in any society, and it is clear that rapid urbanization has resulted in significantly more yard waste generation than previously. Gardening is common in communities, whether rural and urban, resulting in garden wastes such as leaves, wood trimmings and grass clipping.  At present, most of the yard wastes in Nigeria are illegally dumped into abandoned waste lands or burn up which is very harmful and had raised concerns for the environmental and human health.  However, due to a lack of corresponding policy support and management requirements for yard waste usage in Nigeria, this study proposes remedies and proposals for yard waste utilization that are appropriate for Nigeria, based on successful technologies and regulations. So based on the real situation in Nigeria, it is imperative to replace the traditional methods of yard waste management with innovative ones to promote their proper utilization.

    Effect of waste water on vegetable production

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    This experiment was carried out in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria purposively selecting four sites where waste waters were used for growing vegetables. Water, soil and leafy vegetables (Amarantus) samples were collected randomly form each siute and subjected to analysis for heavy metals such as Lead, Nickel, Arsenic, Cadmium and Mercury at laboratories in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife for leafy vegetables and University of Ibadan for soil and water analysis. The result showed that there are significant difference with the respect of contaminant presence in the waters and soils samples. With regard to the analysis results, specimen C (Eleyele dam) vegetable had the highest percentage value of Lead (0.28%) Arsenic (62.5%) and Cadmium (0.92%) which was influenced by the amount of heavy metals taken from both soil and water

    Analysis of physical and chemical composition of honey samples in selected market in Ibadan metropolis

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    The study analyzed the physical and chemical compositions of seven honey samples, which were obtained from selected markets in Ibadan metropolis. Seven samples of honey were obtained namely from sample A (Forestry honey Ibadan), Sample B (Pure honey), Sample C (Mr. honey), Sample D (Taraba honey), sample E (Sokoto honey), sample F (Saki honey) and sample G (Natural honey). The variables analyzed were pH, % purity, Ash content, Refractive index, Viscosity, Colour and specific gravity. The average price/litre of the honey samples B,C and G (N1,250) was higher than samples D, E and F (N666.00). The average % purity of the honey samples is 92.64.Result also showed that the mean value of the variables tested namely Viscosity (4.37), Refractive index (1.49), specific gravity (1.12), pH (5.27) and % Ash content (0.35) were within the established codex standard values of honey; i.e. 1.95 – 5.65, 1.4000 – 1.9000, 1.38 - 1.45, 3.6 – 5.6 and 0.20 – 1.03 respectively. The result further revealed that the variables considered were within the standard set by Codex alimentrus. Improvement in processing and packaging techniques will not only enhance the acceptability of these products but also brings about higher income to the producers and marketers

    Comparative Study of element composition of some honey samples in Ibadan metropolis

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    The study was carried out at the Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan with seven honey samples were randomly selected within Ibadan metropolis, labeled as: Sample A (Forestry Honey), Sample B(Pure Honey), Sample C (Mr. Honey), Sample D (Taraba Honey), Sample E (Sokoto Honey), Sample F (Saki Honey), and Sample G (Natural Honey). The samples were then analysed at the chemical laboratory of the International Institute of Tropic Agriculture (IITA). The TXRF and infrared spectrophotometer techniques were used to measured elemental concentrations present in the sample. Eight elements – K, Ca, P, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and Na – were analysed. The result showed the honey samples to be quite rich in minerals. Potassium was the most abundant element in the honey samples (range 6.629 – 7.744ppm) with a mean value of 7.029, followed by Na (range 0.86 – 1.13ppm) with a mean value of 1.03 and P (range 0.565 – 0.644ppm) with a mean of 0.605. Calcium ranges between 0.277 and 0.591ppm with a mean value of 0.384, while Mn has a range of 0.025-0.036ppm with a mean of 0.030, followed by Zn(range 0.02-0.03ppm) with a mean value of 0.03ppm. iron also ranges between 0.015 and 0.024ppm with a mean value of 0.018ppm, while Cu came last with a range of 0.001-0.003 and a mean value of 0.002ppm. The computation of the standard deviation shows Potassium to have a value of 0.344, Ca 0.078, P0.023, Fe0.003, Mn 0.003, Cu 0.001, Zn 0.006 and Na 0.476. In addition, the processed honey samples had more elemental concentrations than the unprocessed honeys. Nevertheless the results have shown that Nigeria honey samples are rich in mineral composition, hence the need for better processing method and packaging in order to achieve wide market and income both locally and internationally

    Adoption of Silvopastoral Agroforestry System for a Sustainable Cattle Production in Nigeria

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    Silvopastoral systems are agroforestry systems that involves a combination of tree growing with the production of livestock. This type of agroforestry system has the potential to improve hydric  balance, enhances biodiversity conservation, increases organic livestock proximity index, allows  cleaner cattle production, improves cattle production per hectare, improves carbon sequestration, reduce greenhouse gases and significantly reduce /eliminate herder -farmer conflicts in Nigeria .  Hence, this paper reviews and introduces the adoption of silvopastoral agroforestry system for a sustainable cattle production in Nigeria using literatures. Types of silvopastoral systems includes  Fodder bank systems, live fence or boundary systems, hedgerow intercropping systems and tree plantation with animal grazing systems. There is limited information on silvopastoral system in Nigeria, hence the need to carry out more research and studies on its acceptability and sustainability in the future

    Socio-Economic Characteristics Analysis of Backyard Poultry Farming in Etsako Central Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria

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    The study analyzed the Socio-Economic Characteristics of Backyard Poultry Farming in Etsako Central Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria using multi-stage sampling technique to select three out of six districts in the Local Government Area with a well structure questionnaire administered to 150 randomly selected respondents while only 107 were retrieved. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics tools. The results revealed that majority (72%) of the respondents were female with most (65.4%) of them not older than 40 years in age. Most (86%) of them has one formal education or the other and are involved in only poultry rearing (58.9%) while 41.1% rears both poultry and small ruminants with 68.2% of them rearing local breeds of poultry. The result revealed that majority (72.9%) of the respondents practice extensive system of rearing with no fewer than 49.5% having flock size of between 1 and 10 birds. Most respondents (84.1%) engaged in backyard poultry rearing for income purpose. Inadequate funding (79.4%) and activities of predators (77.6%) remain the most reported severe constraints to backyard poultry rearing in the study area. It is recommended that Stake holders should make financial supports in terms of grants and single digit loan available to the respondents while the farmers too could group themselves into cooperative and thrift societies to enable them create avenue for soft loan among themselves

    Assessment of rural dwellers' involvement in livestock farming as a means of livelihood in Afijio Local Government Area of Oyo State

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    The study was designed to investigate the involvement of the rural dwellers in livestock farming as a means of livelihood in Afijio Local Government area of Oyo State. Data were collected with the aid of well constructed questionnaire distributed to respondents selected using a multistage sampling technique. Data collected were subjected to descriptive analysis; Chi-square was used to determine the relationship between socio-economic factors and their level of involvement in livestock farming as a means of livelihood. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to examine the relationship between constraints and benefits of livestock farming to the livelihood of the respondents. The result of the study shows that majority of the respondents (59.8%) were male, Married (63.2%) with minimal of primary school education (35.9%). The analysis of the data reveals that most of the respondents in the study area are involved in livestock farming (60.7%) and mixed farming (85.5%) in most of the time. On the types of livestock, majority of them are into goat and poultry production. This study concludes that most of the respondents in the study area are already into livestock farming but at backyard small holder levels. It is therefore recommended that the rural dwellers should improved in their level of involvement in livestock farming through education and provision of necessary input by the concerned stakeholders.Keywords: Livelihood, livestock, rural dwellers, incom