245 research outputs found

    Oxidation and low cycle fatigue life prediction

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    When a metallic material is exposed to a high temperature in an ambient atmosphere, oxidation takes place on the metallic surface. The formed oxides (both surface and grain boundary oxides) are mechanically brittle so that if the stress is high enough the oxides will be cracked. The grain boundary oxide formation in TAZ-8A nickel-base superalloy was studied. The effect of oxide crack nucleus on low cycle fatigue life will be analyzed. The TAZ-8A was subjected to high temperature oxidation tests in air under the stress-free condition. The oxidation temperatures were 600, 800, and 1000 C. The oxidation time varies from 10 to 1000 hours

    Grain boundary oxidation and its effects on high temperature fatigue life

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    Fatigue lives at elevated temperatures are often shortened by creep and/or oxidation. Creep causes grain boundary void nucleation and grain boundary cavitation. Grain boundary voids and cavities will accelerate fatigue crack nucleation and propagation, and thereby shorten fatigue life. The functional relationships between the damage rate of fatigue crack nucleation and propagation and the kinetic process of oxygen diffusion depend on the detailed physical processes. The kinetics of grain boundary oxidation penetration was investigated. The statistical distribution of grain boundary penetration depth was analyzed. Its effect on high temperature fatigue life are discussed. A model of intermittent micro-ruptures of grain boundary oxide was proposed for high temperature fatigue crack growth. The details of these studies are reported

    Grain boundary oxidation and fatigue crack growth at elevated temperatures

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    Fatigue crack growth rate at elevated temperatures can be accelerated by grain boundary oxidation. Grain boundary oxidation kinetics and the statistical distribution of grain boundary oxide penetration depth were studied. At a constant delta K-level and at a constant test temperature, fatigue crack growth rate, da/dN, is a function of cyclic frequency, nu. A fatigue crack growth model of intermittent micro-ruptures of grain boundary oxide is constructed. The model is consistent with the experimental observations that, in the low frequency region, da/dN is inversely proportional to nu, and fatigue crack growth is intergranular

    Grain boundary oxidation and an analysis of the effects of pre-oxidation on subsequent fatigue life

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    The effects of preoxidation on subsequent fatigue life were studied. Surface oxidation and grain boundary oxidation of a nickel-base superalloy (TAZ-8A) were studied at 600 to 1000 C for 10 to 1000 hours in air. Surface oxides were identified and the kinetics of surface oxidation was discussed. Grain boundary oxide penetration and morphology were studied. Pancake type grain boundary oxide penetrates deeper and its size is larger, therefore, it is more detrimental to fatigue life than cone-type grain boundary oxide. Oxide penetration depth, a (sub m), is related to oxidation temperature, T, and exposure time, t, by an empirical relation of the Arrhenius type. Effects of T and t on statistical variation of a (sub m) were analyzed according to the Weibull distribution function. Once the oxide is cracked, it serves as a fatigue crack nucleus. Statistical variation of the remaining fatigue life, after the formation of an oxide crack of a critical length, is related directly to the statistical variation of grain boundary oxide penetration depth

    Grain boundary oxidation and low-cycle fatigue at elevated temperatures

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    Fatigue life consists of fatigue crack nucleation and propagation periods. In order to predict fatigue life accurately, a methodology for the quantitative assessment of these two fatigue damage processes had to be devised. Grain boundary oxidation penetrates faster than does oxidation within a grain. This faster oxidation penetration causes intergranular fatigue failures at elevated temperatures. Grain boundary oxidation accelerates both crack nucleation and propagation. Grain boundary oxidation kinetics and the statistical distribution of grain boundary oxide penetration depth were measured. Quantitative applications of the grain boundary oxidation kinetics to fatigue crack nucleation and propagation were analyzed. A method, based on the Weibull distribution, of extrapolating the laboratory oxidation data measured with small samples to large engineering structures is presented

    Literature survey on oxidations and fatigue lives at elevated temperatures

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    Nickel-base superalloys are the most complex and the most widely used for high temperature applications such as aircraft engine components. The desirable properties of nickel-base superalloys at high temperatures are tensile strength, thermomechanical fatigue resistance, low thermal expansion, as well as oxidation resistance. At elevated temperature, fatigue cracks are often initiated by grain boundary oxidation, and fatigue cracks often propagate along grain boundaries, where the oxidation rate is higher. Oxidation takes place at the interface between metal and gas. Properties of the metal substrate, the gaseous environment, as well as the oxides formed all interact to make the oxidation behavior of nickel-base superalloys extremely complicated. The important topics include general oxidation, selective oxidation, internal oxidation, grain boundary oxidation, multilayer oxide structure, accelerated oxidation under stress, stress-generation during oxidation, composition and substrate microstructural changes due to prolonged oxidation, fatigue crack initiation at oxidized grain boundaries and the oxidation accelerated fatigue crack propagation along grain boundaries

    Evaluation of 18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-glucose positron emission tomography for gastric cancer screening in asymptomatic individuals undergoing endoscopy

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    18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-glucose Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) has been recently proposed as a promising cancer-screening test. However, the validity of FDG-PET in cancer screening has not been evaluated. We investigated the sensitivity of FDG-PET compared with upper gastric endoscopy in gastric cancer screening for asymptomatic individuals. A total of 2861 consecutive subjects (1600 men and 1261 women) who were asymptomatic and who underwent both FDG-PET and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy between 1 February 2004 and 31 January 2005 were included in this study. Both endoscopists and a radiologist were unaware of the results of the other diagnostic tests. The FDG-PET images were examined using criteria determined by the pattern of FDG accumulation. Sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET were calculated compared with endoscopic diagnosis as the gold standard. Among 2861 subjects enrolled in the study, there were 20 subjects with gastric cancer, of whom 18 were T1 in depth of cancer invasion. Positive FDG-PET results were obtained only in 2 of the 20 cancer subjects. The calculated sensitivity and specificity for overall gastric cancers were 10.0% (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2–31.7%) and 99.2% (95% CI: 98.8–99.5%), respectively. 18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-glucose Positron Emission Tomography was poorly sensitive for detection of gastric cancer in the early stages

    Comparison of glucose tolerance in renal transplant recipients and hemodialysis patients

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    BACKGROUND: Impaired glucose tolerance is a risk factor for atherosclerosis in hemodialysis patients and renal transplant recipients. METHODS: To check the relationship of impaired glucose tolerance with the other atherosclerotic risk factors, fasting blood sugar and the standard two hour glucose tolerance test, serum tryglyceride, serum cholesterol, cyclosporine through level (in renal tranpslant recipients) and hemoglobin A1C were measured in 55 stable renal transplant recipients, 55 hemodialysis patients and 55 healthy controls with similar demographic characteristics. Patients with diabetes mellitus and propranolol consumers were excluded. The mean age and female to male ratio were 39 +/- 7 years and 23/22, respectively. RESULTS: Four of the renal transplant recipients and twelve of the hemodialysis patients had impaired glucose tolerance. Significant linear correlation was observed with body mass index and IGT only in hemodialysis patients (r = 0.4, p = 0.05). Glucose tolerance also had a significant correlation with triglyceride levels (217.2 +/- 55 mg/dl in hemodialysis patients vs. 214.3 +/- 13 mg/dl in renal transplant recipients and 100.2 +/- 18 mg/dl in control groups, p = 0.001). The glucose tolerance had significant relationship with higher serum cholesterol levels only in the renal transplant recipients (269.7 +/- 54 in renal transplant recipients vs. 199.2 +/- 36.6 mg/dl in hemodialysis and 190.5 +/- 34 mg/dl in control groups, p = 0.0001). In the renal transplant recipients, a linear correlation was observed with glucose tolerance and both the serum cyclosporine level (r = 0.9, p = 0.001) and the hemoglobin A1C concentration (6.2 +/- 0.9 g/dl). The later correlation was also observed in the hemodialysis patients (6.4 +/- 0.7 g/dl; r = 67, p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that although fasting blood sugar is normal in non-diabetic renal transplant and hemodialysis patients, impaired glucose tolerance could be associated with the other atherosclerotic risk factors

    Early effect of oral administration of omeprazole with mosapride as compared with those of omeprazole alone on the intragastric pH

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ideal medication for acid-related diseases should have a rapid onset of action to promote hemostasis and cause efficient resolution of symptoms. The aim of our study was to comparatively investigate the inhibitory effect on gastric acid secretion of a single oral administration of omeprazole plus mosapride with that of omeprazole alone.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten Helicobacter pylori-negative male subjects participated in this randomized, two-way crossover study. Intragastric pH was monitored continuously for 6 hours after a single oral administration of omeprazole 20 mg or that of omeprazole 20 mg plus mosapride 5 mg (the omeprazole being administered one hour after the mosapride). Each administration was separated by a 7-days washout period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average pH during the 6-hour period after administration of omeprazole 20 mg plus mosapride 5 mg was higher than that after administration of omeprazole 20 mg alone (median: 3.22 versus 4.21, respectively; <it>p </it>= 0.0247).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In H. pylori -negative healthy male subjects, an oral dose of omeprazole 20 mg plus mosapride 5 mg increased the intragastric pH more rapidly than omeprazole 20 mg alone.</p