1,529 research outputs found

    Classical r-matrices via semidualisation

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    We study the interplay between double cross sum decompositions of a given Lie algebra and classical r-matrices for its semidual. For a class of Lie algebras which can be obtained by a process of generalised complexification we derive an expression for classical r-matrices of the semidual Lie bialgebra in terms of the data which determines the decomposition of the original Lie algebra. Applied to the local isometry Lie algebras arising in three-dimensional gravity, decomposition and semidualisation yields the main class of non-trivial r-matrices for the Euclidean and Poincare group in three dimensions. In addition, the construction links the r-matrices with the Bianchi classification of three dimensional real Lie algebras.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, typos correcte

    Classical r-matrices for the generalised Chern-Simons formulation of 3d gravity

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    We study the conditions for classical r-matrices to be compatible with the generalised Chern-Simons action for 3d gravity. Compatibility means solving the classical Yang-Baxter equations with a prescribed symmetric part for each of the real Lie algebras and bilinear pairings arising in the generalised Chern-Simons action. We give a new construction of r-matrices via a generalised complexification and derive a non-linear set of matrix equations determining the most general compatible r-matrix. We exhibit new families of solutions and show that they contain known solutions for special parameter valuesComment: 20 pages, minor corrections and comments added in v

    Exchange Rates Impacts on Agricultural Inputs Prices using VAR

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    The effects of the U.S. dollar exchange rate versus the Mexican peso are evaluated for four traded nonfarm-produced inputs (fertilizer, chemicals, farm machinery, and feed) in the U.S. Unit root tests suggest that the exchange rate and the four input price ratios support the presence of unit roots with a trend model but the presence unit roots can be rejected in the first difference model. This result is consistent with a fixed price/flex price conceptual framework, with industrial prices more likely to be unresponsive to the exchange rate than farm commodity prices.exchange rate, pass-through, law of one price, SUR, VAR, Agribusiness, Financial Economics, International Relations/Trade, F14, F31, F36, F42, C23,

    Rapid field multiplication of plantains using benzyl adenine or coconut water-treated split corms

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    An appropriate inexpensive technique for rapid field multiplication of local false and true horn plantain cultivars, Apantu and Asamienu, has been developed by injecting 6 or 8 ml boiled and filtered coconut water from fully ripe dried fruit or 4 ml 10-2 M benzyl adenine on 3 consecutive alternate days at the base of over 35 cm tall split corm-derived suckers, and sprouting the split corms of the treated suckers in moist sawdust, 3 weeks after the injection treatments. Up to 1,000 suckers can be generated from one Apantu sucker in a year, and 3,375 suckers from one Asamienu sucker in 18 months with the coconut water treatment. The cost of 25 ml coconut water required to treat one sucker is insignificant compared with the multiplication ratios derived from the treated suckers.Une technique appropriee et moins chere pour la multiplication rapide sur Ie terrain de deux varietes locales de plantain Apantu (une corne fausse) et Asamienu (une come veritable) a ete obtenue par injection de 6 ou 8 ml du jus de noix de coco mur sec apres L' ebullition et la filtration ou de 4 ml 10-2 M benzyle adenine pour trois jours. Consecutifs alternes a la base de surgeons-derives de bulbes divises d'une taille au-dessus de 35 cm, et germant les bulbes divises de surgeons traites en sciure de bois moullee, trois semaines apres les traitements d'injection. Jusqu'a 1000 surgeons pourraient etre produits d'un surgeon d' Apantu dans un an et 3,375 d'un surgeon d' Asamienu en 18 mois avec Ie traitement du jus de noix de coco. Le cout de 25 ml du jus de coco exige pour traiter un surgeon est insignificant compare avec les proportions de multiplication obtenues de surgeons traites. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (2) 2006: pp. 189-20


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    The welfare cost of using gross water pumped instead of consumptive use as a control variable to meet consumptive use goal was estimated for Southwestern Nebraska. The results show that the widespread use of gross water as a policy control variable substantially overstates the welfare cost of reducing consumptive use.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Increased Cocoa Bean Exports under Trade Liberalization: A Gravity Model Approach

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    Gravity models were developed to estimate the potential bilateral exports of cocoa under trade liberalization by the sixteen major cocoa producing countries to the US using panel data from 1989 to 2003. The results indicate that differences between resource endowment, relative size of economies, and the sum of bilateral GDP of U.S. and exporting countries are the major determinants. Thus, as trade is liberalized, farmers share of the world price of cocoa increases and this raises exports.Gravity models, Bilateral exports, Market liberalization, Cocoa, Fixed Effects Model, Random Effects Model, Pooled O.L.S., International Relations/Trade, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, F10, F13,

    Does the WTO Increase Trade? The Case of U.S. Cocoa Imports from WTO-Member Producing Countries

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 06/08/2010.Gravity models, Exports, Market liberalization, Cocoa, Fixed Effects, Random Effects and Pooled Models, International Relations/Trade, F10, F13,

    Humanizing Intellectual Property: Moving Beyond the Natural Rights Property Focus

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    This Article compares the natural rights property framework with the international human rights framework for intellectual property. These two frameworks share a common theoretical basis in the natural rights tradition but appear to lead to conflicting outcomes. Proponents of natural rights to intellectual property tend to support more expansive intellectual property protections. Yet, advocates of a human rights approach to intellectual property contend that human rights will have a moderating influence on intellectual property law. This Article is among the first scholarly works to explore the apparent conflict between these two important frameworks for intellectual property. It concludes that a human rights approach to intellectual property enriches the natural rights intellectual property dialogue by broadening the analysis to acknowledge and value human interests that go beyond the individual property interest