17 research outputs found


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    This is a story of a personal journey and the blessings and miracles that took place along the way. Look back over your own life and recall those often-forgotten events and heartful gifts that have lead you to become who you are. The story is also about our limits as human beings: the limits to awareness, and the limits to what we can accomplish. What has emerged is a scientific basis for expanding our concepts of what we can know and what we can accomplish. One fascinating concept is that the living matrix, the fabric of our bodies, is composed of a material that enables us to sense and analyze and respond to the world around us in extraordinary ways. An idea emerged that seemed so extraordinary at first that there was little hope that it could be validated. But Albert Einstein supported the idea of looking at ridiculous ideas because of his repeated experience that concepts that do not at first seem absurd do not really stand a chance. Patience acquired from a loving father sustained an interest in the remarkable concept that our sensory receptors actually split incoming information into two pathways. One is the well-known neurological system. The other is the “integrated microcircuit” composed of the semiconductor molecules forming the fabric of the body, the living matrix. Studies of a phenomenon known as blindsight seem to confirm that we are capable of taking in information and processing it even when the neurological pathways are not operating. It is suggested that we consider the living matrix system as the physical seat of the unconscious, and the source of intuition and insight

    An Anatomical, Biochemical, Biophysical and Quantum Basis for the Unconscious Mind

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    This article suggests that it may now be possible to develop some theoretical and experimental bases for organic substructures involved in psychological phenomena including the unconscious. Our inquiry arose from mutual interest in the mechanisms involved in peak athletic and artistic performances and in deep therapeutic encounters. We are referring to a state of consciousness is often described by performers as “the zone.” This is a state in which individuals or groups function at an extraordinary level of perception and coordination; or a state in which therapists develop a deep connection with their clients’ repressed feelings or traumatic memories. Here we suggest possible mechanisms for Freud’s “conversion disorders” based on the concept that there are two or more interconnected systems that can sense and respond to the environment and that can also convert repressed emotions into chronic muscle tension or other somatic issues. One connection between sensation and action is the well-established neurophysiological mechanism and another involves semiconduction through the living matrix. This is one type of “hardware” system that functions more or less in parallel to the nervous system and possibly in concert with the “wetware” or biochemical systems described by Dennis Bray (2009). It is proposed that one aspect of the unconscious —its capacity to absorb and process vast amounts of sensory information—involves rapid signal processing through a combination of ultra-fast biological processes that are present in all cells and tissues, including but not limited to neurons. Semi-conduction, wetware, electromagneticphotonic communications and quantum coherence are examples of such processes


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    Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons

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    Environmental medicine generally addresses environmental factors with a negative impact on human health. However, emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth. Modern lifestyle separates humans from such contact. The research suggests that this disconnect may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness. Reconnection with the Earth's electrons has been found to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being. Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the body. This paper reviews the earthing research and the potential of earthing as a simple and easily accessed global modality of significant clinical importance

    Illnesses in technologically advanced societies due to lack of grounding (earthing)Perspective

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    The research on grounding or earthing summarized here is providing valuable clues about why chronic and autoimmune diseases are rampant, simple and reliable help for those with these health issues, and promising paths forward. During the period when this research was getting started, approximately 2000 to the present, scientists from around the world were establishing connections between inflammation and virtually all chronic diseases (Table 1) using the c-reactive protein assay developed by Ridker and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School. This article reviews Earthing, a safe therapy that optimizes (balances) each person's unique physiological functions; and that provides relief from the major diseases of the aging population; and that may slow the aging process itself. This statement is made because of the recognition that cumulative damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS), sometimes referred to as free radicals, is one of the most widely studied theories of the cause of aging. Because the continuous semiconducting fabric of the body reaches into every part of the body, including the interiors of all cells and their nuclei, mobile electrons in the grounded or earthed person are thought to be capable of rapidly neutralizing ROS produced by oxidative metabolism taking place in every cell and tissue

    Can Electrons Act as Antioxidants? A Review and Commentary

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    ABSTRACT A previous study demonstrated that connecting the human body to the earth during sleep (earthing) normalizes the daily cortisol rhythm and improves sleep. A variety of other benefits were reported, including reductions in pain and inflammation. Subsequent studies have confirmed these earlier findings and documented virtually immediate physiologic and clinical effects of grounding or earthing the body. It is well established, though not widely known, that the surface of the earth possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons as a consequence of a global atmospheric electron circuit. Wearing shoes with insulating soles and/or sleeping in beds that are isolated from the electrical ground plane of the earth have disconnected most people from the earth's electrical rhythms and free electrons. The most reasonable hypothesis to explain the beneficial effects of earthing is that a direct earth connection enables both diurnal electrical rhythms and free electrons to flow from the earth to the body. It is proposed that the earth's diurnal electrical rhythms set the biological clocks for hormones that regulate sleep and activity. It is also suggested that free electrons from the earth neutralize the positively charged free radicals that are the hallmark of chronic inflammation. A relationship between cortisol and inflammation was established in the pioneering work of H. Selye published in the 1950s. Current biomedical research has led to an inflammation hypothesis that is establishing chronic inflammation as the culprit behind almost every modern chronic illness. The research summarized here and in subsequent reports provides a basis for a number of earthing technologies that restore and maintain natural electrical contact between the human body and the earth throughout the day and night in situations where going barefoot on the earth is impractical. It is proposed that free or mobile electrons from the earth can resolve chronic inflammation by serving as natural antioxidants. 95