4 research outputs found

    Food Insecurity and Human Development Predict Colorectal Cancer Incidence in Colombia: An Ecological Study

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    Introduction: Food insecurity (FI) has been associated with the generation of chronic disease and as a barrier in the treatment of cancer. Food insecurity leads to nutrient-poor diets, including dietary fiber. Colon cancer in Colombia is the third cause of death and its incidence is increasing. Objective: The objective was to establish the degree of association between food insecurity and the incidence rate of colorectal cancer x 100.000 inhabitants. Methods: Ecological study carried out with information that measure the level of human, social and economic development in the territory of the 33 geodemographic units that make up Colombia. Using multiple linear regressions with colorectal cancer as the dependent variable, food insecurity as the main explanatory and other variables of the context, we established the relationship between food insecurity and colorectal cancer and predictive equations of colorectal cancer. The goodness of fit in the models was the coefficient of determination (R2) and the Bland and Alman method. Results: Food insecurity is related in an inverse manner, and the human development Index is directly related to colorectal cancer. Two equations predict colorectal cancer with precision; Men, [colorectal-cancer = -6.38 + -0.25 * food-insecurity + 35.5 * human development Index]. Women, [colorectal-cancer = 6.47 + -0.23 * food-insecurity + 19.1* human development index]. The average difference between colorectal cancer observed versus the estimated, was -0.00 in men (95% CI: -3.13 to 3.13), and in women of -0.00 (95% CI: -4.08 to 4.08). Conclusion: Food insecurity may be in the causal pathway of colorectal cancer. Food insecurity and the human development Index predict colorectal cancer.Introducci贸n. La inseguridad alimentaria (INSA) ha sido asociada a la generaci贸n de enfermedad cr贸nica y como barrera en el tratamiento del c谩ncer. Ante la ausencia de estudios, establecimos a nivel ecol贸gico la relaci贸n entre INSA y la tasa de incidencia de c谩ncer de colon, recto y ano x 100.000 habitantes (ICCRA). Objetivo. El objetivo fue establecer el grado de asociaci贸n entre la inseguridad alimentaria y la tasa de incidencia de c谩ncer colorrectal x 100.000 habitantes. M茅todos y Materiales. Estudio ecol贸gico realizado con informaci贸n secundaria que producen regularmente las agencias del estado y que miden el nivel de desarrollo humano, social y econ贸mico en el territorio en las 33 unidades geodemogr谩ficas que conforman a Colombia. Utilizando regresi贸n lineal m煤ltiple con la ICCRA como la variable dependiente, la INSA como principal explicatoria y otras variables del contexto, establecimos la relaci贸n entre INSA y la ICCRA y ecuaciones predictivas de la ICCRA por sexo. La bondad de ajuste en los modelos se garantiz贸 mediante el coeficiente de determinaci贸n (R2) y el m茅todo de Bland y Almant. Resultados. La INSA se relaciona de manera inversa y el IDH de manera directa con la ICCRA. Dos ecuaciones predicen la ICCRA; En hombres, [ICCRA=-6,38+-0,25*INSA+35,5*IDH]. En Mujeres, [ICCRA=6,47+-0,23*INSA+19,1*IDH]. El coeficiente de determinaci贸n R2 (%) en hombres es de 88 y en mujeres de 72. La diferencia media entre ICCRA observada versus la estimada fue de -0,00 en hombres (IC95%: -3,13 a 3,13), y en mujeres de -0,00 (IC95%: -4,08 a 4,08). Conclusi贸n. La INSA puede estar en la v铆a causal de la ICCRA. La INSA y el IDH predicen con precisi贸n la ICCRA. Results: Food insecurity is related in an inverse manner, and the human development Index is directly related to colorectal cancer. Two equations predict colorectal cancer with precision; Men, [colorectal-cancer = -6.38 + -0.25 * food-insecurity + 35.5 * human development Index]. Women, [colorectal-cancer = 6.47 + -0.23 * food-insecurity + 19.1* human development index]. The average difference between colorectal cancer observed versus the estimated, was -0.00 in men (95% CI: -3.13 to 3.13), and in women of -0.00 (95% CI: -4.08 to 4.08). Conclusion: Food insecurity may be in the causal pathway of colorectal cancer. Food insecurity and the human development Index predict colorectal cancer.Introducci贸n. La inseguridad alimentaria (INSA) ha sido asociada a la generaci贸n de enfermedad cr贸nica y como barrera en el tratamiento del c谩ncer. Ante la ausencia de estudios, establecimos a nivel ecol贸gico la relaci贸n entre INSA y la tasa de incidencia de c谩ncer de colon, recto y ano x 100.000 habitantes (ICCRA). Objetivo. El objetivo fue establecer el grado de asociaci贸n entre la inseguridad alimentaria y la tasa de incidencia de c谩ncer colorrectal x 100.000 habitantes. M茅todos y Materiales. Estudio ecol贸gico realizado con informaci贸n secundaria que producen regularmente las agencias del estado y que miden el nivel de desarrollo humano, social y econ贸mico en el territorio en las 33 unidades geodemogr谩ficas que conforman a Colombia. Utilizando regresi贸n lineal m煤ltiple con la ICCRA como la variable dependiente, la INSA como principal explicatoria y otras variables del contexto, establecimos la relaci贸n entre INSA y la ICCRA y ecuaciones predictivas de la ICCRA por sexo. La bondad de ajuste en los modelos se garantiz贸 mediante el coeficiente de determinaci贸n (R2) y el m茅todo de Bland y Almant. Resultados. La INSA se relaciona de manera inversa y el IDH de manera directa con la ICCRA. Dos ecuaciones predicen la ICCRA; En hombres, [ICCRA=-6,38+-0,25*INSA+35,5*IDH]. En Mujeres, [ICCRA=6,47+-0,23*INSA+19,1*IDH]. El coeficiente de determinaci贸n R2 (%) en hombres es de 88 y en mujeres de 72. La diferencia media entre ICCRA observada versus la estimada fue de -0,00 en hombres (IC95%: -3,13 a 3,13), y en mujeres de -0,00 (IC95%: -4,08 a 4,08). Conclusi贸n. La INSA puede estar en la v铆a causal de la ICCRA. La INSA y el IDH predicen con precisi贸n la ICCRA. Results: Food insecurity is related in an inverse manner, and the human development Index is directly related to colorectal cancer. Two equations predict colorectal cancer with precision; Men, [colorectal-cancer = -6.38 + -0.25 * food-insecurity + 35.5 * human development Index]. Women, [colorectal-cancer = 6.47 + -0.23 * food-insecurity + 19.1* human development index]. The average difference between colorectal cancer observed versus the estimated, was -0.00 in men (95% CI: -3.13 to 3.13), and in women of -0.00 (95% CI: -4.08 to 4.08). Conclusion: Food insecurity may be in the causal pathway of colorectal cancer. Food insecurity and the human development Index predict colorectal cancer

    Food insecurity and human development predict colorectal cancer incidence in Colombia: an ecological study

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    Introduction: food insecurity (FI) has been associated with the generation of chronic disease and as a barrier in the treatment of cancer. Food insecurity leads to nutrient-poor diets, including dietary fiber. Colon cancer in Colombia is the third cause of death and its incidence is increasing. Objective: the objective was to establish the degree of association between food insecurity and the incidence rate of colorectal cancer x 100.000 inhabitants. Methods: ecological study carried out with information that measure the level of human, social and economic development in the territory of the 24 geodemographic units that make up Colombia. Using multiple linear regressions with colorectal cancer as the dependent variable, food insecurity as the main explanatory and other variables of the context, we established the relationship between food insecurity and colorectal cancer and predictive equations of colorectal cancer. The goodness of fit in the models was the coefficient of determination (R2) and the Bland and Alman method. Results: food insecurity is related in an inverse manner, and the human development Index is directly related to colorectal cancer. Two equations predict colorectal cancer with precision; Men, [colorectal-cancer = -6.38 + -0.25 * food-insecurity + 35.5 * human development Index]. Women, [colorectal-cancer = 6.47 + -0.23 * food-insecurity + 19.1* human development index]. The average difference between colorectal cancer observed versus the estimated, was -0.00 in men (95% CI: -3.13 to 3.13), and in women of -0.00 (95% CI: -4.08 to 4.08). Conclusion: food insecurity may be in the causal pathway of colorectal cancer. Food insecurity and the human development Index predict colorectal cancer.Introducci贸n: la inseguridad alimentaria (INSA) ha sido asociada a la generaci贸n de enfermedad cr贸nica y como barrera en el tratamiento del c谩ncer. Ante la ausencia de estudios, establecimos a nivel ecol贸gico la relaci贸n entre INSA y la tasa de incidencia de c谩ncer de colon, recto y ano x 100.000 habitantes (ICCRA). Objetivo: el objetivo fue establecer el grado de asociaci贸n entre la inseguridad alimentaria y la tasa de incidencia de c谩ncer colorrectal x 100.000 habitantes. Materialesy m茅todos: estudio ecol贸gico realizado con informaci贸n secundaria que producen regularmente las agencias del estado y que miden el nivel de desarrollo humano, social y econ贸mico en el territorio en las 33 unidades geodemogr谩ficas que conforman a Colombia. Utilizando regresi贸n lineal m煤ltiple con la ICCRA como la variable dependiente, la INSA como principal explicatoria y otras variables del contexto, establecimos la relaci贸n entre INSA y la ICCRA y ecuaciones predictivas de la ICCRA por sexo. La bondad de ajuste en los modelos se garantiz贸 mediante el coeficiente de determinaci贸n (R2) y el m茅todo de Bland y Almant. Resultados: la INSA se relaciona de manera inversa y el IDH de manera directa con la ICCRA. Dos ecuaciones predicen la ICCRA; En hombres, [ICCRA=-6,38+-0,25*INSA+35,5*IDH]. En Mujeres, [ICCRA=6,47+-0,23*INSA+19,1*IDH]. El coeficiente de determinaci贸n R2 (%) en hombres es de 88 y en mujeres de 72. La diferencia media entre ICCRA observada versus la estimada fue de -0,00 en hombres (IC95 %: -3,13 a 3,13), y en mujeres de -0,00 (IC95 %: -4,08 a 4,08). Conclusi贸n: la INSA puede estar en la v铆a causal de la ICCRA. La INSA y el IDH predicen con precisi贸n la ICCRA

    Intake of soft drinks and sugar sweetened beverages by Colombian children and adolescents

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    Abstract Objectives: to describe the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in Colombia, South America and variables associated with this consumption. Methods: based on the Food Frequency Questionnaire applied in the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation of Colombia (2010), the prevalence and frequency/day of the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages by 10,070 subjects between 5 and 17 years old was estimated. Results: the prevalence of sugar sweetened beverages consumption in subjects between 5 and 17 years old was 85.3%, and the average frequency of consumption was 0.71 times/day. The relationship between age and the prevalence of consumption displayed a J form, and the association with frequency in times/day was linear. The highest consumption occurred at 16 years of age, with a prevalence of 90.4% and an average frequency of 0.83 times/day. Overweight and obesity were not associated with consumption (p>0.05). Conclusions: the prevalence and average frequency of consumption were positively associated with age, wealth, and level of urbanism and conversely associated with education and household food security. Children with stunting have a reduced prevalence but increased frequency of consumption. The consumption of sweetened-beverages is an expression of the stage of nutritional and food transitions