13 research outputs found

    Sm-p80-based schistosomiasis vaccine mediated epistatic interactions identified potential immune signatures for vaccine efficacy in mice and baboons.

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    Schistosomiasis is a neglected parasitic disease of major public health concern as it affects over 250 million people in developing countries. Currently there is no licensed vaccine available against schistosomiasis. The Schistosoma mansoni calpain protein, Sm-p80, is a leading vaccine candidate now ready to move to clinical trials. In order to better assess Sm-p80 vaccine immunogenicity; here we used a systems biology approach employing RNA-sequencing to identify gene signatures and epistatic interactions following Sm-p80 vaccination in mouse and baboon models that may predict vaccine efficacy. Recombinant Sm-p80 + CpG-oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) vaccine formulation induced both cellular and humoral immunity genes with a predominant TH1 response as well as TH2 and TH17 gene signatures. Early gene responses and gene-network interactions in mice immunized with rSm-p80 + ODN appear to be initiated through TLR4 signaling. CSF genes, S100A alarmin genes and TNFRSF genes appear to be a signature of vaccine immunogenicity/efficacy as identified by their participation in gene network interactions in both mice and baboons. These gene families may provide a basis for predicting desirable outcomes for vaccines against schistosomiasis leading to a better understanding of the immune system response to vaccination

    Workflow schematic to evaluate Sm-p80 vaccine efficacy in mouse and baboon models.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Experimental design to evaluate five Sm-p80 vaccine formulations for protection against <i>Schistosoma mansoni</i> challenge using transcriptomics. Thirty mice for each vaccination strategy (n = 15 for control and experimental) were immunized with DNA based vaccine (VR1020-Sm-p80); prime-boost approach (primed with DNA vaccine pcDNA3-Sm-p80 and boosted with recombinant Sm-p80 in ODN adjuvant); or with recombinant protein based vaccine (rSm-p80) in different adjuvants (alum, ODN, or GLA). Vaccinated control animals received empty DNA vector or adjuvant alone. All vaccinated animals received two booster immunizations prior to challenge infection with <i>S</i>. <i>mansoni</i>. For control challenge mice, naïve animals were infected with <i>S</i>. <i>mansoni</i> (not shown in figure). Eight weeks post-infection, animals were euthanized and necropsied to assess worm burden protection and tissue collection. Splenocytes from individual mice were pooled for RNA extraction and construction of cDNA libraries for high-throughput sequencing. Bioinformatics and transcriptomics allowed Sm-p80 vaccine formulations comparisons to identify signature molecules and network pathways. <b>(B)</b> Experimental design to identify early-gene signatures during the immune response to rSm-p80 + ODN vaccine. Experimental mice (n = 20) were immunized with rSm-80 + ODN while control mice were injected with ODN alone (n = 20). Five animals per group were euthanized at 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days, and 21 days post-immunization. Splenocyte RNA was isolated and individual mouse cDNA libraries constructed for high-throughput sequencing. Bioinformatics analysis identified gene-networks during the immune response over time to vaccination with rSm-p80 + ODN. <b>(C)</b> Experimental design to assess rSm-p80 + ODN vaccine efficacy in a non-human primate model using transcriptomics. Baboons immunized with rSm-p80 + ODN (n = 8) or adjuvant alone (n = 8) received two booster vaccinations at four week intervals each. Prior to <i>S</i>. <i>mansoni</i> challenge infection (week 12), peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected to establish a baseline immune signature (distinguish between vaccinated and control). Eight weeks post-infection (week 20) animals were euthanized and necropsied to assess worm burden. Individual tissue samples (PBMCs, spleens, and mesenteric lymph nodes) from each baboon were processed for RNA extraction and library preparation for sequencing. Data analysis identified Sm-p80 induced baboon tissue specific gene networks.</p

    Gene networks in baboon PBMCs and secondary lymphoid tissues after rSm-p80 + ODN vaccination and S. <i>mansoni</i> challenge.

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    <p>Gene ontology classification identified genes related to an immune system process for each tissue. Immune system process genes were imported into IPA to connect molecules and identify biological activities triggered by the gene networks. Immune system functions were mapped to identify the overall interactions and predicted activation states (activated = orange, inhibited = blue). Differences in expression values among individual genes are color coded (red = increased, blue = decreased fold change).</p

    Transcriptomic comparison for five different Sm-p80 vaccine formulations.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Distribution of differentially expressed mouse splenocyte genes (y axis) according to ontology classification for mice immunized with different Sm-p80 vaccine formulations and challenged with <i>S</i>. <i>mansoni</i> compared to control challenge in naïve mice (x axis). <b>(B)</b> Comparative levels of differentially expressed genes between formulations. <b>(C)</b> Heat map for relative gene expression values of 59 common genes (rows) comparing <i>S</i>. <i>mansoni</i> challenged and Sm-p80 formulations (columns). Identified genes were statistically significant (<i>P</i> < 0.01, Student’s <i>t</i>-test and greater than 2-fold change with fold change in Log<sub>2</sub>). <b>(D)</b>. Heat map showing expression differences of 24 identified genes (rows) unique for Sm-p80 formulations (columns). <b>(E)</b> Circular visualization (CIRCOS) plot showing shared canonical pathways across vaccine formulations and control challenged mice. Significant canonical pathways (<i>P</i>-value <0.05, right-tailed Fisher Exact Test) were identified and compared across each condition.</p

    Early gene signatures of immune response to recombinant Sm-p80 + ODN vaccination in mice.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Differences in DEGs and immune system related mapped genes (y axis) across time-points (x axis) for mouse splenocytes. <b>(B)</b> Venn diagram depicting the number and percentage of significant differentially expressed genes (<i>P</i> <0.01) at 24 hours (blue), 48 hours (yellow), 7 days (red), or 21 days (green) post-vaccination are shown. Genes that are common to multiple time points are shown by the overlap. <b>(C)</b> Heat map analysis for 5 differentially expressed splenocyte genes (rows) common to all time points examined from 24 hours to 21 days (columns) post-rSm-p80 immunization. <b>(D)</b> Immune system related networks derived from RNA transcripts at each time-point post-rSm-p80 + ODN immunization. Differentially expressed genes identified at each time point were imported into IPA, and the list of genes identified from top regulator effects were selected for molecular network interactions. The overall interaction of each network is described as different biological processes at each time point. Differences in expression values are represented as red for higher fold change or blue lower fold change.</p

    Gene signatures identified rSm-p80 + ODN immunized mice in an independent blinded study.

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    <p>Ten mice were blindly immunized with either rSm-p80 + ODN or ODN alone. One-day post-immunization spleens were dissected and RNA isolated to prepare cDNA. Quantitative RT-PCR expression levels of selected genes identified with 80% accuracy the immunization given for each mouse. Relative fold change of <i>CSF2</i>, <i>HEBP1</i>, <i>S100A8</i>, <i>STAT1</i>, and <i>TLR4</i> for each mouse. Values represent the average of triplicate PCR experiments normalized to corresponding expression value of each gene and <i>GAPDH</i> from a naïve mouse. Cutoff value for each gene was assigned based on top 50 percentile for each gene; mice were assigned as control (blue) or experimental (red). The overall gene pattern of the 5 genes was used to predict each mouse as control or experimental; 8 out of 10 mice were correctly identified.</p

    Molecular signatures of immune responses to vaccination with rSm-p80 + ODN compared to wild type <i>Schistosoma mansoni</i> infection.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Top 25 identified canonical pathways. Predicted activation status (z-score) for a given pathway is represented as red (activation) or blue (inhibition). <b>(B)</b> Top 50 identified upstream regulators with predicted z-score of activation. <b>(C)</b> Venn diagram of shared genes across datasets.</p