250 research outputs found

    Riemannian Geometry of Functional Connectivity Matrices for Multi-Site Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Data Harmonization

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    Riemannian geometry; Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; Functional connectivityGeometria riemanniana; Trastorn per dèficit d'atenció/hiperactivitat; Connectivitat funcionalGeometría riemanniana; Trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad; Conectividad funcionalThe use of multi-site datasets in neuroimaging provides neuroscientists with more statistical power to perform their analyses. However, it has been shown that the imaging-site introduces variability in the data that cannot be attributed to biological sources. In this work, we show that functional connectivity matrices derived from resting-state multi-site data contain a significant imaging-site bias. To this aim, we exploited the fact that functional connectivity matrices belong to the manifold of symmetric positive-definite (SPD) matrices, making it possible to operate on them with Riemannian geometry. We hereby propose a geometry-aware harmonization approach, Rigid Log-Euclidean Translation, that accounts for this site bias. Moreover, we adapted other Riemannian-geometric methods designed for other domain adaptation tasks and compared them to our proposal. Based on our results, Rigid Log-Euclidean Translation of multi-site functional connectivity matrices seems to be among the studied methods the most suitable in a clinical setting. This represents an advance with respect to previous functional connectivity data harmonization approaches, which do not respect the geometric constraints imposed by the underlying structure of the manifold. In particular, when applying our proposed method to data from the ADHD-200 dataset, a multi-site dataset built for the study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, we obtained results that display a remarkable correlation with established pathophysiological findings and, therefore, represent a substantial improvement when compared to the non-harmonization analysis. Thus, we present evidence supporting that harmonization should be extended to other functional neuroimaging datasets and provide a simple geometric method to address it

    Image-based estimation of myocardial acceleration using TDFFD: a phantom study

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose to estimate myocardial acceleration using a temporal di↵eomorphic free-form deformation (TDFFD) algorithm. The use of TDFFD has the advantage of providing B-spline parameterized velocities, thus temporally smooth, which is an asset for the computation of acceleration. The method is tested on 3D+t echocar-diographic sequences from a realistic physical heart phantom, in which ground truth displacement is known in some regions. Peak endocardial acceleration (PEA) error was 20.4%, the main hypothesis for error being the low temporal resolution of the sequences. The allure of the acceleration profile was reasonably preserved. Our method suggests a non-invasive technique to measure cardiac acceleration that may be used to improve the monitoring of cardiac mechanics and consecutive therapy planning

    Evaluation of cinematic volume rendering open-source and commercial solutions for the exploration of congenital heart data

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    Detailed anatomical information is essential to optimize medical decisions for surgical and pre-operative planning in patients with congenital heart disease. The visualization techniques commonly used in clinical routine for the exploration of complex cardiac data are based on multi-planar reformations, maximum intensity projection, and volume rendering, which rely on basic lighting models prone to image distortion. On the other hand, cinematic rendering (CR), a three-dimensional visualization technique based on physically-based rendering methods, can create volumetric images with high fidelity. However, there are a lot of parameters involved in CR that affect the visualization results, thus being dependent on the user's experience and requiring detailed evaluation protocols to compare available solutions. In this study, we have analyzed the impact of the most relevant parameters in a CR pipeline developed in the open-source version of the MeVisLab framework for the visualization of the heart anatomy of three congenital patients and two adults from CT images. The resulting visualizations were compared to a commercial tool used in the clinics with a questionnaire filled in by clinical users, providing similar definitions of structures, depth perception, texture appearance, realism, and diagnostic ability.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Mind the gap: quantification of incomplete ablation patterns after pulmonary vein isolation using minimum path search

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    Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) is a common procedure for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). A successful isolation produces a continuous lesion (scar) completely encircling the veins that stops activation waves from propagating to the atrial body. Unfortunately, the encircling lesion is often incomplete, becoming a combination of scar and gaps of healthy tissue. These gaps are potential causes of AF recurrence, which requires a redo of the isolation procedure. Late-gadolinium enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance (LGE-CMR) is a non-invasive method that may also be used to detect gaps, but it is currently a time-consuming process, prone to high inter-observer variability. In this paper, we present a method to semi-automatically identify and quantify ablation gaps. Gap quantification is performed through minimum path search in a graph where every node is a scar patch and the edges are the geodesic distances between patches. We propose the Relative Gap Measure (RGM) to estimate the percentage of gap around a vein, which is defined as the ratio of the overall gap length and the total length of the path that encircles the vein. Additionally, an advanced version of the RGM has been developed to integrate gap quantification estimates from different scar segmentation techniques into a single figure-of-merit. Population-based statistical and regional analysis of gap distribution was performed using a standardised parcellation of the left atrium. We have evaluated our method on synthetic and clinical data from 50 AF patients who underwent PVI with radiofrequency ablation. The population-based analysis concluded that the left superior PV is more prone to lesion gaps while the left inferior PV tends to have less gaps (p<0.05 in both cases), in the processed data. This type of information can be very useful for the optimization and objective assessment of PVI interventions

    A radiomics approach to analyze cardiac alterations in hypertension

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    Hypertension is a medical condition that is well-established as a risk factor for many major diseases. For example, it can cause alterations in the cardiac structure and function over time that can lead to heart related morbidity and mortality. However, at the subclinical stage, these changes are subtle and cannot be easily captured using conventional cardiovascular indices calculated from clinical cardiac imaging. In this paper, we describe a radiomics approach for identifying intermediate imaging phenotypes associated with hypertension. The method combines feature selection and machine learning techniques to identify the most subtle as well as complex structural and tissue changes in hypertensive subgroups as compared to healthy individuals. Validation based on a sample of asymptomatic hearts that include both hypertensive and non-hypertensive cases demonstrate that the proposed radiomics model is capable of detecting intensity and textural changes well beyond the capabilities of conventional imaging phenotypes, indicating its potential for improved understanding of the longitudinal effects of hypertension on cardiovascular health and disease

    Biophysics-based statistical learning: Application to heart and brain interactions

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    International audienceInitiatives such as the UK Biobank provide joint cardiac and brain imaging information for thousands of individuals, representing a unique opportunity to study the relationship between heart and brain. Most of research on large multimodal databases has been focusing on studying the associations among the available measurements by means of univariate and multivariate association models. However, these approaches do not provide insights about the underlying mechanisms and are often hampered by the lack of prior knowledge on the physiological relationships between measurements. For instance, important indices of the cardiovascular function, such as cardiac contractility, cannot be measured in-vivo. While these non-observable parameters can be estimated by means of biophysical models, their personalisation is generally an ill-posed problem, often lacking critical data and only applied to small datasets. Therefore, to jointly study brain and heart, we propose an approach in which the parameter personalisation of a lumped cardiovascular model is constrained by the statistical relationships observed between model parameters and brain-volumetric indices extracted from imaging, i.e. ventricles or white matter hyperintensities volumes, and clinical information such as age or body surface area. We explored the plausibility of the learnt relationships by inferring the model parameters conditioned on the absence of part of the target clinical features, applying this framework in a cohort of more than 3 000 subjects and in a pathological subgroup of 59 subjects diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Our results demonstrate the impact of such external features in the cardiovascular model personalisation by learning more informative parameter-space constraints. Moreover, physiologically plausible mechanisms are captured through these personalised models as well as significant differences associated to specific clinical conditions

    3D nonlinear PET-CT image registration algorithm with constrained Free-Form Deformations

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    International audienceThis paper presents a 3D nonlinear PET-CT image registration method guided by a B-Spline Free-Form Deformations (FFD) model, dedicated to thoracic and abdominal regions. It is divided into two stages: one FFD-based registration of structures that can be identified in both images; and a whole-image intensity registration step constrained by the FFD computed during the first step. Different similarity criteria have been adopted for both stages: Root Mean Square (RMS) to register recognized structures and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) for optimizing the whole-image intensity stage. Structure segmentation is performed according to a hierarchical procedure, where the extraction of a given structure is driven by information derived from a simpler one. This information is composed of spatial constraints and expressed by the means of regions of interest, in which a 3D simplex mesh deformable model based method is applied. The results have been very positively evaluated by three medical experts

    Design and evaluation of an antenna applicator for a microwave colonoscopy system

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a design of a compact antenna applicator for a microwave colonoscopy system. Although colonoscopy is the most effective method for colorectal cancer detection, it suffers from important visualization restrictions that limit its performance. We recently reported that the contrast between healthy mucosa and cancer was 30%-100% for the relative permittivity and conductivity, respectively, at 8 GHz, and the complex permittivity increased proportionally to the degeneration rate of polyps (cancer precursors). The applicator is designed as a compact cylindrical array of eight antennas attached at the tip of a conventional colonoscope. The design presented here is a proof-of-concept applicator composed by one transmitting and one receiving cavity-backed U-shaped slot antenna elements fed by an L-shaped microstrip line. The antennas are low profile and present a high isolation at 8 GHz. The antenna performance is assessed with simulations and experimentally with a phantom composed by different liquids.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft