34 research outputs found

    Individual antibody titres from the analyzed goats from VAPS against four pestivirus strains.

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    <p>Antibody titres of 35 goats from VAPS against one <i>Bovine viral diarrhoea virus</i> (BVDV) strain of type 1 (BVDV-NADL), two <i>Border disease virus</i> (BDV) strains of type 4 (BDV-Esp97 and -Aran-1) and one BDV strain of type 1 (BDV-137/4). Neutralizing antibody titres are expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution that neutralized 100 tissue culture infective doses (100 TCID<sub>50</sub>) in all cultures.</p

    Individual antibody titres from the analyzed red, fallow and roe deer and mouflon against five pestivirus strains.

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    <p>Individual antibody titres of positive red, fallow and roe deer and mouflon against one <i>Bovine viral diarrhoea virus</i> (BVDV) strain of type 1 (BVDV-NADL), three <i>Border disease virus</i> (BDV) strains of type 4 (BDV-Esp97, -Aran-1 and -Cadí-6) and one BDV strain of type 1 (BDV-137/4). Neutralizing antibody titres are expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution that neutralized 100 tissue culture infective doses (100 TCID<sub>50</sub>) in all cultures.</p>a<p>Sera from VAPS were tested against BDV-4 strain Aran, while sera from CAUBS were tested against BDV-4 strain Cadí-6.</p><p>VAPS = Val d’Aran and Pallars Sobirà regions.</p><p>CAUBS = Cerdanya, Alt Urgell and Berguedà regions.</p

    Significant differences between titres against different strains in sheep, goat, cattle and Pyrenean chamois in the two study areas.

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    <p>Significant differences between pairwise comparisons in titres against five pestivirus strains (one <i>Bovine viral diarrhoea virus</i> (BVDV) strain of type 1 (BVDV-NADL), three <i>Border disease virus</i> (BDV) strains of type 4 (BDV-Esp97, -Aran-1 and -Cadí-6) and one BDV strain of type 1 (BDV-137/4)) in sheep, goat, cattle and Pyrenean chamois in the two study areas.</p><p>S = Sheep.</p><p>G = Goat.</p><p>Ca = Cattle.</p><p>Ch = Chamois.</p>a<p>Sera from VAPS were tested against BDV-4-Aran-1, while sera from CAUBS were tested against BDV-4-Cadí-6.</p

    Distribution of wild ruminant samples by year and species.

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    <p>n = number of tested animals.</p><p>VAPS = Val d’Aran and Pallars Sobirà regions.</p><p>CAUBS = Cerdanya, Alt Urgell and Berguedà regions.</p

    Unrooted neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree based on the 5′UTR sequence among pestiviruses.

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    <p>The strains detected in six chamois (ARAN-9, -10, -11.-12, -13, and -14) showed genetic identity and subsequently the analysis was performed only with one sequence (ARAN-9). The detected strains cluster with other chamois viruses isolated in the bordering NHR of Alt Pallars-Aran (ARAN-1, and -2). The numbers on the branches indicate the bootstrap values (in percentage; 1,000 replicates). Sequences of strains were taken from Gen Bank with following accession numbers: ARAN-9 (HE818617), ARAN-10 (HE818618), Aran-11 (HE818619), ARAN-12 (HE818620), ARAN-13 (HE818621), ARAN-14 (HE818622), ARAN-1 (AM765800), ARAN-2 (AM765801), Chamois-Spain02 (AY641529), FRESER 2 (FN691777), ORLUR36 (DQ898294), CERDANYA-2 (AM905931), CERDANYA-1 (AM905930), CADI-6 (AM905923), CADI-1 (AM905918), BU1-C3 (DQ361068), Espana-97 -1 (FR714860), AV (EF693984), 137/4 (U65052), Moredun (U65023), CASIMIR (AB122085), BVDV NADL (M31182). The sequence of strain FRESER-1 is not deposited in the GenBank. The scale bar represents 0.05 substitutions per nucleotide site.</p

    Prevalence of pestivirus antibodies in the analyzed species.

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    <p>Prevalence and 95% confidence interval (exact 95% binomial confidence intervals) of the pestivirus NS3 antibodies in all the analyzed species. In the Pyrenean chamois prevalence is classified according to hunting season.</p><p>CI = Confidence interval.</p><p>n = number of tested animals.</p><p>ND = not done.</p><p>VAPS = Val d’Aran and Pallars Sobirà regions.</p><p>CAUBS = Cerdanya, Alt Urgell and Berguedà regions.</p

    Study area.

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    <p>Eleven study sites, grouped into four study areas in Southern Chile, between latitude 39°-45° S. Area 1, represents an Andean foothill ecosystem (1:Liquiñe, 2:Neltume, 3:Choshuenco, 4:Todos los Santos); area 2, represents a marine coastal ecosystem (5:Maullín, 7:Puyuhuapi, 8:Puerto Cisnes, 9:Rio-Cisnes); area 3, represents Southern Andean mountain valleys (6:Palena, 10:Rio-Cisnes-Alto); area 4, represents an island (11:Magdalena Island). Red: High degree of presence human-domestic cat. Orange: Medium degree of presence human-domestic cat. Green: Low degree of presence human-domestic cat.</p

    Effects of landscape variables on seroprevalence.

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    <p>A) Observed seroprevalence in mink and otter by study site. B) Observed seroprevalence by degree of presence of domestic cat. C) Observed seroprevalence by habitat. * Number above bars indicate sample size. Y axis show mean seroprevalence.</p

    Variable importance analysis performed using random forest.

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    <p>The set of four categorical variables (age, species, habitat type, sex) and two continuous variables (human presence and cat density) used for classification the seropositivity to <i>Toxoplasma gondii</i>. Variables are ordered by their importance from top to bottom as estimated by the random forest model and denoted using an Gini index ranging from 0 to 100.</p