746 research outputs found

    Non-thermal Leptogenesis and a Prediction of Inflaton Mass in a Supersymmetric SO(10) Model

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    The gravitino problem gives a severe constraint on the thermal leptogenesis scenario. This problem leads us to consider some alternatives to it if we try to keep the gravitino mass around the weak scale m3/2100m_{3/2} \sim 100 GeV. We consider, in this paper, the non-thermal leptogenesis scenario in the framework of a minimal supersymmetric SO(10) model. Even if we start with the same minimal SO(10) model, we have different predictions for low-energy phenomenologies dependent on the types of seesaw mechanism. This is the case for leptogenesis: it is shown that the type-I see-saw model gives a consistent scenario for the non-thermal leptogenesis but not for type-II. The predicted inflaton mass needed to produce the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe is found to be MI5×1011M_I \sim 5 \times 10^{11} GeV for the reheating temperature TR=106T_R = 10^6 GeV.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; the version to appear in JCA

    Examining the associations between oral health and social isolation: A cross-national comparative study between Japan and England.

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    In Western countries, the most important part of the face in communication is the mouth, whereas it is the eyes in Asian countries; thus oral health could be more important in social interactions in Western countries. Our aim was to examine differences in the association between oral health status and social isolation among older people by comparing Japan and England. We used cross-sectional information obtained from adults aged 65+ in two ongoing prospective cohort studies: The Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES, N = 120,195) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA, N = 3,958). The dependent variable, social isolation score (SIS) was calculated from five factors (marital status, social support from children, social support from family, social support from friends, and social participation). The independent variables were self-reported number of remaining teeth (0, 1–9, 10–19, ≥20) and denture use (≥20 teeth, 10–19 teeth with denture, 10–19 teeth without denture, 0–9 teeth with denture, 0–9 teeth without denture), while the covariates in the model were: sex, age, educational attainment, self-rated health, number of comorbidities, household annual equivalized income, mental health status, daily living activities, and smoking status. We examined associations between oral health status and SIS by applying an ordered logit model by country. Compared to England, more Japanese participants were socially isolated (1.4% vs. 5.8%), but fewer were edentulous (13.1% vs. 7.7%). In both countries, poorer oral health further increased the odds of being socially isolated. Pooled analysis of the ordered logit model with an interaction term showed that the association of number of remaining teeth with SIS was stronger in edentulous participants and in England (odds ratio = 1.50, 95% Confidence interval:1.26–1.80). In both countries, oral health was associated with social isolation; this association could be stronger in England than in Japan

    Spin Transport in Two Dimensional Hopping Systems

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    A two dimensional hopping system with Rashba spin-orbit interaction is considered. Our main interest is concerned with the evolution of the spin degree of freedom of the electrons. We derive the rate equations governing the evolution of the charge density and spin polarization of this system in the Markovian limit in one-particle approximation. If only two-site hopping events are taken into account, the evolution of the charge density and of the spin polarization is found to be decoupled. A critical electric field is found, above which oscillations are superimposed on the temporal decay of the total polarization. A coupling between charge density and spin polarization occurs on the level of three-site hopping events. The coupling terms are identified as the anomalous Hall effect and the recently proposed spin Hall effect. Thus, an unpolarized charge current through a sheet of finite width leads to a transversal spin accumulation in our model system.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Reversible Dimerization/Polymerization of a Janus Diradical Producing Labile CC Bonds and Giant Chromism

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    En esta comunicación se presenta el estudio espectroscópico y téorico de la dimerización/oligomerización reversible de un birradical derivado de naftoditiofeno el cual en su forma monomérica presenta una intenso color azul mientras que al agregar se muestra incoloro, siendo éstas formas intercambiables gracias a la aplicación de estímulos débiles como presión o temperatura.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Polaron effects in electron channels on a helium film

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    Using the Feynman path-integral formalism we study the polaron effects in quantum wires above a liquid helium film. The electron interacts with two-dimensional (2D) surface phonons, i.e. ripplons, and is confined in one dimension (1D) by an harmonic potential. The obtained results are valid for arbitrary temperature (TT), electron-phonon coupling strength (α\alpha ), and lateral confinement (ω0\omega_{0}). Analytical and numerical results are obtained for limiting cases of TT, α\alpha , and ω0\omega_{0}. We found the surprising result that reducing the electron motion from 2D to quasi-1D makes the self-trapping transition more continuous.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Photochemistry of Furyl- and Thienyldiazomethanes: Spectroscopic Characterization of Triplet 3-Thienylcarbene

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    Photolysis (λ \u3e 543 nm) of 3-thienyldiazomethane (1), matrix isolated in Ar or N2 at 10 K, yields triplet 3-thienylcarbene (13) and α-thial-methylenecyclopropene (9). Carbene 13 was characterized by IR, UV/vis, and EPR spectroscopy. The conformational isomers of 3-thienylcarbene (s-E and s-Z) exhibit an unusually large difference in zero-field splitting parameters in the triplet EPR spectrum (|D/hc| = 0.508 cm–1, |E/hc| = 0.0554 cm–1; |D/hc| = 0.579 cm–1, |E/hc| = 0.0315 cm–1). Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) calculations reveal substantially differing spin densities in the 3-thienyl ring at the positions adjacent to the carbene center, which is one factor contributing to the large difference in D values. NBO calculations also reveal a stabilizing interaction between the sp orbital of the carbene carbon in the s-Z rotamer of 13 and the antibonding σ orbital between sulfur and the neighboring carbon—an interaction that is not observed in the s-E rotamer of 13. In contrast to the EPR spectra, the electronic absorption spectra of the rotamers of triplet 3-thienylcarbene (13) are indistinguishable under our experimental conditions. The carbene exhibits a weak electronic absorption in the visible spectrum (λmax = 467 nm) that is characteristic of triplet arylcarbenes. Although studies of 2-thienyldiazomethane (2), 3-furyldiazomethane (3), or 2-furyldiazomethane (4) provided further insight into the photochemical interconversions among C5H4S or C5H4O isomers, these studies did not lead to the spectroscopic detection of the corresponding triplet carbenes (2-thienylcarbene (11), 3-furylcarbene (23), or 2-furylcarbene (22), respectively)

    Surface-initiated growth of copper using isonicotinic acid-functionalized aluminum oxide surfaces

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    Isonicotinate self-assembled monolayers (SAM) were prepared on alumina surfaces (A) using isonicotinic acid (iNA). These functionalized layers (iNA-A) were used for the seeded growth of copper films (Cu-iNA-A) by hydrazine hydrate-initiated electroless deposition. The films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and advancing contact angle measurements. The films are Cu0 but with surface oxidation, and show a faceted morphology, which is more textured (Rq = 460 ± 90 nm) compared to the SAM (Rq = 2.8 ± 0.5 nm). In contrast, growth of copper films by SnCl2/PdCl2 catalyzed electroless deposition, using formaldehyde (CH2O) as the reducing agent, shows a nodular morphology on top of a relatively smooth surface. No copper films are observed in the absence of the isonicotinate SAM. The binding of Cu2+ to the iNA is proposed to facilitate reduction to Cu0 and create the seed for subsequent growth. The films show good adhesion to the functionalized surface