18 research outputs found

    Turbulent meson condensation in quark deconfinement

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    In a QCD-like strongly coupled gauge theory at large Nc , using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we find that heavy quark deconfinement is accompanied by a coherent condensation of higher meson resonances. This is revealed in non-equilibrium deconfinement transitions triggered by static, as well as quenched electric fields even below the Schwinger limit. There, we observe a “turbulent” energy flow to higher meson modes, which finally results in the quark deconfinement. Our observation is consistent with seeing deconfinement as a condensation of long QCD strings

    Electric field quench in AdS/CFT

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    An electric field quench, a suddenly applied electric field, can induce nontrivial dynamics in confining systems which may lead to thermalization as well as a deconfinement transition. In order to analyze this nonequilibrium transitions, we use the AdS/CFT correspondence for N = 2 N=2 \mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetric QCD that has a confining meson sector. We find that the electric field quench causes the deconfinement transition even when the magnitude of the applied electric field is smaller than the critical value for the static case (which is the QCD Schwinger limit for quark-antiquark pair creation). The time dependence is crucial for this phenomenon, and the gravity dual explains it as an oscillation of a D-brane in the bulk AdS spacetime. Interestingly, the deconfinement time takes only discrete values as a function of the magnitude of the electric field. We advocate that the new deconfinement phenomenon is analogous to the exciton Mott transition

    Stationary black holes: large D analysis

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    We consider the effective theory of large D stationary black holes. By solving the Einstein equations with a cosmological constant using the 1 /D expansion in near zone of the black hole we obtain the effective equation for the stationary black hole. The effective equation describes the Myers-Perry black hole, bumpy black holes and, possibly, the black ring solution as its solutions. In this effective theory the black hole is represented as an embedded membrane in the background, e.g., Minkowski or Anti-de Sitter spacetime and its mean curvature is given by the surface gravity redshifted by the background gravitational field and the local Lorentz boost. The local Lorentz boost property of the effective equation is observed also in the metric itself. In fact we show that the leading order metric of the Einstein equation in the 1 /D expansion is generically regarded as a Lorentz boosted Schwarzschild black hole. We apply this Lorentz boost property of the stationary black hole solution to solve perturbation equations. As a result we obtain an analytic formula for quasinormal modes of the singly rotating Myers-Perry black hole in the 1 /D expansion

    Superconformal Chern-Simons partition functions of affine D-type quiver from Fermi gas

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    We consider the partition function of the superconformal Chern-Simons theories with the quiver diagram being the affine D-type Dynkin diagram. Rewriting the partition function into that of a Fermi gas system, we show that the perturbative expansions in 1 /N are summed up to an Airy function, as in the ABJM theory or more generally the theories of the affine A-type quiver. As a corollary, this provides a proof for the previous proposal in the large N limit. For special values of the Chern-Simons levels, we further identify three species of the membrane instantons and also conjecture an exact expression of the overall constant, which corresponds to the constant map in the topological string theory

    Is the 126 GeV Higgs boson mass calculable in gauge–Higgs unification?

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    We address the question of whether the recently observed Higgs mass GeV, of the order of the weak scale , is calculable as a finite value in the scenario of gauge–Higgs unification. In the scenario formulated on a flat five-dimensional space-time, the Higgs mass is calculable, being protected under the quantum correction by gauge invariance, though the predicted Higgs mass is generally too small compared with . In the six-dimensional SU(3) model, however, a suitable orbifolding is known to lead to a mass of the order of : at the tree level, which has some similarity to the corresponding prediction by the minimal supersymmetric standard model, . We demonstrate first by a general argument and secondly by explicit calculations that, even though the quantum correction to the quartic self-coupling of the Higgs field is UV-divergent, its deviation from that of is calculable, and therefore two observables, and , are both calculable in the gauge–Higgs unification scenario. The implication of the precise value 126 GeV to the compactification scale and the bulk mass of the matter field in our model is also discussed

    One-loop radiative correction to KaluzaKlein masses in S 2 / Z 2 universal extra-dimensional model

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    We investigate a radiative correction to the masses of KaluzaKlein (KK) modes in a universal extra-dimensional model defined on a six-dimensional spacetime with extra space as a two-sphere orbifold . We first define the Feynman rules which are necessary for the calculation. We then calculate the one-loop diagrams which contribute to the radiative corrections to the KK masses, and obtain one-loop corrections to masses for fermions, gauge bosons, and scalar bosons. We estimate the one-loop corrections to KK masses for the first KK modes of standard model particles as a function of momentum cut-off scale, and we determine the lightest KK particle which would be a promising candidate for dark matter

    Dynamical meson melting in holography

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    We discuss mesons in thermalizing gluon backgrounds in the N \mathcal{N} = 2 super-symmetric QCD using the gravity dual. We numerically compute the dynamics of a probe D7-brane in the Vaidya-AdS geometry that corresponds to a D3-brane background thermalizing from zero to finite temperatures by energy injection. In static backgrounds, it has been known that there are two kinds of brane embeddings where the brane intersects the black hole or not. They correspond to the phases with melted or stable mesons. In our dynamical setup, we obtain three cases depending on final temperatures and injection time scales. The brane stays outside of the black hole horizon when the final temperature is low, while it intersects the horizon and settles down to the static equilibrium state when the final temperature is high. Between these two cases, we find the overeager case where the brane dynamically intersects the horizon although the final temperature is not high enough for a static brane to intersect the horizon. The interpretation of this phenomenon in the dual field theory is meson melting due to non-thermal effects caused by rapid energy injection. In addition, we comment on the late time evolution of the brane and a possibility of its reconnection

    Quasinormal modes of (anti-)de Sitter black holes in the 1 /D expansion

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    We use the inverse-dimensional expansion to compute analytically the frequencies of a set of quasinormal modes of static black holes of Einstein-(Anti-)de Sitter gravity, including the cases of spherical, planar or hyperbolic horizons. The modes we study are decoupled modes localized in the near-horizon region, which are the ones that capture physics peculiar to each black hole (such as their instabilities), and which in large black holes contain hydrodynamic behavior. Our results also give the unstable Gregory-Laflamme frequencies of Ricci-flat black branes to two orders higher in 1 /D than previous calculations. We discuss the limits on the accuracy of these results due to the asymptotic but not convergent character of the 1 /D expansion, which is due to the violation of the decoupling condition at finite D . Finally, we compare the frequencies for AdS black branes to calculations in the hydrodynamic expansion in powers of the momentum k . Our results extend up to k 9 for the sound mode and to k 8 for the shear mode

    Effective theory of black holes in the 1/D expansion

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    The gravitational field of a black hole is strongly localized near its horizon when the number of dimensions D is very large. In this limit, we can effectively replace the black hole with a surface in a background geometry (e.g. Minkowski or Anti-deSitter space). The Einstein equations determine the effective equations that this ‘black hole surface’ (or membrane) must satisfy. We obtain them up to next-to-leading order in 1/ D for static black holes of the Einstein-(A)dS theory. To leading order, and also to next order in Minkowski backgrounds, the equations of the effective theory are the same as soap-film equations, possibly up to a redshift factor. In particular, the Schwarzschild black hole is recovered as a spherical soap bubble. Less trivially, we find solutions for ‘black droplets’, i.e. black holes localized at the boundary of AdS, and for non-uniform black strings

    Decoupling and non-decoupling dynamics of large D black holes

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    The limit of large number of dimensions localizes the gravitational field of a black hole in a well-defined region near the horizon. The perturbative dynamics of the black hole can then be characterized in terms of states in the near-horizon geometry. We investigate this by computing the spectrum of quasinormal modes of the Schwarzschild black hole in the 1 /D expansion, which we find splits into two classes. Most modes are non-decoupled modes : non-normalizable states of the near-horizon geometry that straddle between the near-horizon zone and the asymptotic zone. They have frequency of order D/r 0 (with r 0 the horizon radius), and are also present in a large class of other black holes. There also exist a much smaller number of decoupled modes : normalizable states of the near-horizon geometry that are strongly suppressed in the asymptotic region. They have frequency of order 1 /r 0 , and are specific of each black hole. Our results for their frequencies are in excellent agreement with numerical calculations, in some cases even in D = 4