23 research outputs found

    BRCA1 Expression is an Important Biomarker for Chemosensitivity: Suppression of BRCA1 Increases the Apoptosis via Up-regulation of p53 and p21 During Cisplatin Treatment in Ovarian Cancer Cells

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    BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor which plays a crucial role in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks, and its abnormality is responsible for hereditary ovarian cancer syndrome. It has recently been reported that reduced expression of BRCA1 is also common in sporadic ovarian carcinoma via its promoter hypermethylation, and that ovarian carcinoma patients negative for BRCA1 expression showed favorable prognosis. To address if BRCA1 expression plays a role in the chemotherapeutic response, we analyzed the effect of BRCA1 suppression on the sensitivity to cisplatin and paclitaxel in ovarian cancer cells. Specific siRNA for BRCA1 gene was transfected into 3 ovarian cancer cell lines with various p53 status. Reduced expression of BRCA1 by transfection of BRCA1-siRNA resulted in a 5.3-fold increase in sensitivity to cisplatin in p53-wild A2780 cells, but not in p53-mutated A2780/CDDP and p53-deleted SKOV3 cells. Regarding the sensitivity to paclitaxel, BRCA1 suppression caused no significant changes in all the 3 cell lines. For ionizing radiation sensitivity, BRCA1 suppression also showed a significant higher sensitivity in A2780 cells. Growth curve and cell cycle analyses showed no significant differences between BRCA1-siRNA-transfected A2780 cells and control cells. However, cisplatin treatment under suppression of BRCA1 showed a significantly increased apoptosis along with up-regulation of p53 and p21 in A2780 cells. Accordingly, reduced expression of BRCA1 enhances the cisplatin sensitivity and apoptosis via up-regulation of p53 and p21, but does not affect the paclitaxel sensitivity. Expression of BRCA1 might be an important biomarker for cisplatin resistance in ovarian carcinoma

    Predicting the Route of Delivery in Women with Low-Lying Placenta Using Transvaginal Ultrasonography: Significance of Placental Migration and Marginal Sinus

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    Background/Aims: To examine the significance of placental migration and the presence of a placental marginal sinus to predict the eventual route of delivery in low-lying placenta. Methods: 49 women with a low-lying placenta after 30 weeks' gestation were studied. The distance between the internal os and leading edge of the placenta was measured weekly using transvaginal ultrasonography until 37 weeks' gestation. The relationship between the rate of placental migration, the presence of a placental marginal sinus and the eventual mode of delivery was investigated. Results: Although the cesarean section rate was 56.3% (9/16) in the 'slow' migration (0-2.0 mm/week) group, no patient (0/33) in the 'fast' (>2.0 mm/week) migration group underwent a cesarean section (p<0.01). The cesarean section rate was 71.4% (5/7) in patients with a placental marginal sinus, significantly greater than the rate of 9.5% (4/42) in patients without a marginal sinus (p<0.01). Conclusion:A decreased rate of placental migration until 37 weeks' gestation and the presence of a placental marginal sinus were associated with subsequent cesarean delivery because of antepartum vaginal bleeding. These parameters may be useful for predicting the route of delivery in women with a low-lying placenta.ArticleGYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATION. 73(3):217-222 (2012)journal articl

    Fetal Goitrous Hypothyroidism due to Maternal Thyroid Stimulation-Blocking Antibody: A Case Report

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    Most fetal goitrous hypothyroidisms are reportedly caused by the maternal use of an antithyroid drug or fetal dyshormonogenesis. However, fetal goitrous hypothyroidism due to the transplacental passage of maternal thyroid stimulation-blocking antibody (TSBAb) is extremely rare. A woman at 28 weeks of gestation was found to have a fetal goiter by ultrasonography. Because the maternal serum showed hypothyroidism with an elevated titer of TSBAb, levothyroxine sodium was administered. The patient delivered a male infant, 3,412 g, with a goiter at term. Umbilical blood revealed primary hypothyroidism with increased TSBAb, and the infant was given levothyroxine sodium. After a month, neonatal thyroid function and TSBAb levels became normal. Attention should be paid to possible fetal hypothyroidism when a fetal goiter is observed to avoid impaired mental development of the neonate.ArticleFETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY. 28(4):220-224 (2010)journal articl

    Predicting the Route of Delivery in Women with Low-Lying Placenta Using Transvaginal Ultrasonography: Significance of Placental Migration and Marginal Sinus

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    Background/Aims: To examine the significance of placental migration and the presence of a placental marginal sinus to predict the eventual route of delivery in low-lying placenta. Methods: 49 women with a low-lying placenta after 30 weeks' gestation were studied. The distance between the internal os and leading edge of the placenta was measured weekly using transvaginal ultrasonography until 37 weeks' gestation. The relationship between the rate of placental migration, the presence of a placental marginal sinus and the eventual mode of delivery was investigated. Results: Although the cesarean section rate was 56.3% (9/16) in the 'slow' migration (0-2.0 mm/week) group, no patient (0/33) in the 'fast' (>2.0 mm/week) migration group underwent a cesarean section (p<0.01). The cesarean section rate was 71.4% (5/7) in patients with a placental marginal sinus, significantly greater than the rate of 9.5% (4/42) in patients without a marginal sinus (p<0.01). Conclusion:A decreased rate of placental migration until 37 weeks' gestation and the presence of a placental marginal sinus were associated with subsequent cesarean delivery because of antepartum vaginal bleeding. These parameters may be useful for predicting the route of delivery in women with a low-lying placenta.ArticleGYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATION. 73(3):217-222 (2012)journal articl

    Fetal Goitrous Hypothyroidism due to Maternal Thyroid Stimulation-Blocking Antibody: A Case Report

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    Most fetal goitrous hypothyroidisms are reportedly caused by the maternal use of an antithyroid drug or fetal dyshormonogenesis. However, fetal goitrous hypothyroidism due to the transplacental passage of maternal thyroid stimulation-blocking antibody (TSBAb) is extremely rare. A woman at 28 weeks of gestation was found to have a fetal goiter by ultrasonography. Because the maternal serum showed hypothyroidism with an elevated titer of TSBAb, levothyroxine sodium was administered. The patient delivered a male infant, 3,412 g, with a goiter at term. Umbilical blood revealed primary hypothyroidism with increased TSBAb, and the infant was given levothyroxine sodium. After a month, neonatal thyroid function and TSBAb levels became normal. Attention should be paid to possible fetal hypothyroidism when a fetal goiter is observed to avoid impaired mental development of the neonate.ArticleFETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY. 28(4):220-224 (2010)journal articl

    Identification of a high incidence region for retroviral vector integration near exon 1 of the LMO2 locus

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    Therapeutic retroviral vector integration near the oncogene LMO2 is thought to be a cause of leukemia in X-SCID gene therapy trials. However, no published studies have evaluated the frequency of vector integrations near exon 1 of the LMO2 locus. We identified a high incidence region (HIR) of vector integration using PCR techniques in the upstream region close to the LMO2 transcription start site in the TPA-Mat T cell line. The integration frequency of the HIR was one per 4.46 × 10(4 )cells. This HIR was also found in Jurkat T cells but was absent from HeLa cells. Furthermore, using human cord blood-derived CD34(+ )cells we identified a HIR in a similar region as the TPA-Mat T cell line. One of the X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) patients that developed leukemia after gene therapy had a vector integration site in this HIR. Therefore, the descriptions of the location and the integration frequency of the HIR presented here may help us to better understand vector-induced leukemogenesis

    Source of Nitrous Oxide Emissions during the Cow Manure Composting Process as Revealed by Isotopomer Analysis of and amoA Abundance in Betaproteobacterial Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria▿ †

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    A molecular analysis of betaproteobacterial ammonia oxidizers and a N2O isotopomer analysis were conducted to study the sources of N2O emissions during the cow manure composting process. Much NO2−-N and NO3−-N and the Nitrosomonas europaea-like amoA gene were detected at the surface, especially at the top of the composting pile, suggesting that these ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) significantly contribute to the nitrification which occurs at the surface layer of compost piles. However, the 15N site preference within the asymmetric N2O molecule (SP = δ15Nα − δ15Nβ, where 15Nα and 15Nβ represent the 15N/14N ratios at the center and end sites of the nitrogen atoms, respectively) indicated that the source of N2O emissions just after the compost was turned originated mainly from the denitrification process. Based on these results, the reduction of accumulated NO2−-N or NO3−-N after turning was identified as the main source of N2O emissions. The site preference and bulk δ15N results also indicate that the rate of N2O reduction was relatively low, and an increased value for the site preference indicates that the nitrification which occurred mainly in the surface layer of the pile partially contributed to N2O emissions between the turnings

    Tuning the Solution Viscosity of Ionic-Liquid-Based Polyelectrolytes with Solvent Dielectric Constants via the Counterion Condensation

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    Ionic-liquid-based polyelectrolytes, or polymerized ionic liquids (PILs), are a special class of polyelectrolytes having advantageous properties of ionic liquids. Previous studies have found that the electrostatic interaction and therefore the number of dissociated counterions govern the conformation and dynamics of PIL chains in solutions. Herein, we investigate the effect of the solvent dielectric constant εr on the effective charge fraction feff for a model PIL, poly(1-butyl-3-vinylimidazolium bis(trifluoro­methane­sulfonyl)imide) (PC4-TFSI), by measuring the shear viscosity of the PC4-TFSI in a series of non-ionic good solvents with dielectric constants ranging from 7.9 for tetrahydrofuran to 178 for N-methylformamide. For a given molar concentration cp of PC4-TFSI monomers, the specific viscosity ηsp decreases monotonically with decreasing εr. In the semidilute unentangled regime, the dependence of ηsp on cp in solvents at high εr follows the scaling law of ηsp (∝ cp0.5) for salt-free polyelectrolytes in good solvents, but its scaling relationship gradually shifts toward the scaling law of ηsp (∝ cp1.3) for charge neutral polymers in good solvents as εr is decreased. Moreover, the cp dependence of ηsp in solvents having different εr falls onto a single curve by adding an ionic liquid as salt ions to screen the charges on PC4-TFSI chains. These results indicate that the effective charge fraction on PC4-TFSI chains decreases with decreasing εr, in good agreement with the predicted trend by the Manning counterion condensation model. As a result, we demonstrate that the counterion condensation takes place in PIL solutions, indicating an ability to control the properties of PIL solutions simply by changing the solvent dielectric constant. Because PILs have recently attracted significant attention with a wide range of applications for batteries, molecular separations, and antimicrobial, our results can provide useful information about the rheological properties of PIL solutions, optimizing processing operations for PILs and thus PIL-based material design with improved system performance