17 research outputs found

    Aplicación de una herramienta informática online para generar aumento de conocimientos y habilidades en procedimientos de enfermería relacionados con la realización de vendajes en pacientes traumatológicos

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    Objetivos: 1. Evaluar el efecto de una formación online en la mejora de conocimientos y habilidades de alumnos de enfermería de cuarto curso, en comparación con la realizada de forma convencional. 2. Estimar la variación de conocimientos, pre-post intervención, de los alumnos de cuarto de enfermería sobre las diferentes técnicas de vendaje.3.Comprobar si la formación online permite la adquisición de habilidades (skills), en comparación con la formación convencional.Metodología: Estudio cuasiexperimental con 3 grupos paralelos (experimental, control habitual, control seminario habitual). La población diana son los alumnos de 4º grado en Enfermería, que cursan sus estudios en la Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología (FEFP) de la UCM. Se utiliza una plataforma on-line como medio formativo (Elsevier Clinical Skills. Resultados: La formación llevada a cabo se posiciona como un método eficaz para la adquisición de conocimientos. Este tipo de metodologías no presenciales, suponen un importante ahorro económico. Además, esta metodología virtual consigue mejorar los conocimientos en la materia estudiada y adquirir habilidades de la misma de una forma más cómoda, barata, accesible y flexible

    Assessment of a New Lateral Cushioned Casting Orthosis: Effects on Peroneus Longus Muscle Electromyographic Activity During Running

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    Background: Classical medial wedge (CMW) orthoses have been prescribed to treat overpronation foot pathologies in runners. The effects of a novel supination orthosis (NSO) on the surface electromyography (EMG) activity of the peroneus longus (PL) muscle during a complete cycle of running have yet to be tested. Purpose/Hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to compare the EMG activity of the PL in participants wearing CMW orthoses and NSOs versus neutral running shoes (NRS) during a full cycle of running gait. It was hypothesized that the PL muscle activity would be lower for the NSO compared with CMW or NRS. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Included were 31 healthy recreational runners of both sexes (14 male and 17 female; mean age, 38.58 ± 4.02 years) with a neutral Foot Posture Index and standard rearfoot-strike pattern. Participants ran on a treadmill at 9 km/h while wearing NSO (3-, 6-, and 9-mm thicknesses), CMW (3-, 6-, and 9-mm thicknesses), and NRS, for a total of 7 different conditions randomly selected, while the EMG signal activity of the PL was recorded for 30 seconds. Each trial was recorded 3 times, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to test reliability of the measurements was calculated. The Wilcoxon pair to pair nonparametric test with Bonferroni correction was performed to analyze differences among the conditions. Results: The reliability of all assessments was almost perfect (ICC, >0.81). For both the CMW and NSO, regardless of thickness, the PL activity was statistically significantly lower compared with the NRS (P < .05 for all). For all CMW thicknesses, the PL activity was lower compared with the respective NSO thicknesses, with the 3-mm thickness having the largest difference (CMW3mm, 18.63 ± 4.64 vs NSO3mm, 20.78 ± 4.99 mV; P < .001). Conclusion: Both CMW and NSO produced reduced EMG activity of the PL muscle; therefore, they can be prescribed to treat overpronation pathologies without associated PL strain concerns. In addition, the NSO saved the enhancement material placed on the medial-rear side of CMW, making it easier to wear sports shoes. Clinical Relevance: Knowing the safety of CMW and NSO will aid in understanding treatments for overpronation pathologies

    Análisis de la influencia de la pandemia por el virus SARS-CoV-2 sobre la tasa de bacteriemia en catéteres venosos tunelizados en una unidad de hemodiálisis

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    Antecedentes: La infección relacionada con catéter venoso central (CVC) está asociada a una elevada morbimortalidad y se ha relacionado con la bacteriemia asociada a CVC, disfunciones de catéter, la manipulación y las medidas higiénicas tomadas durante la misma. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la tasa de bacteriemia entre los años 2019 y 2020, primer año de pandemia por el virus SARS-CoV-2, en una unidad de hemodiálisis de un hospital de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Material y Método: Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio observacional retrospectivo transversal en el que se compararon datos relativos a la manipulación y al funcionamiento del catéter, y tasa de bacteriemias relacionadas con el catéter entre los años 2019 y 2020 a través de la base de datos de la unidad. Resultados: En 2019 se incluyeron 35 pacientes, que presentaron una tasa de bacteriemia de 1,42/1000 días de catéter y 29 pacientes en 2020, con una tasa de bacteriemia de 1,82/1000 días de catéter, no encontrándose diferencias significativas (p=0,54), no encontrando un riesgo de bacteriemia incrementado o disminuido durante el primer año de pandemia producida por el virus SARS-CoV-2. Conclusiones: Como principal conclusión de este estudio, podemos afirmar que no se ha evidenciado que la llegada de la pandemia producida por la enfermedad del coronavirus y las medidas adoptadas frente al virus SARS-CoV-2, tanto organizacionales como de prevención, sean un factor de riesgo o protección respecto a la tasa de bacteriemia, probablemente debido al bajo número de eventos encontrados

    Morton’s Extension on Hallux Rigidus Pathology

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    Study design, case-control study: Background, Morton’s extension (ME) is a kind of orthotic that has been used as a conservative treatment of painful hallux rigidus (HR) osteoarthritis, but only their effects on first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ) mobility and position in healthy subjects have been studied, but not on its applied pulled tension forces neither in subjects with HR. Objectives: This study sought to understand how ME’s orthotics with three different thicknesses could influence the kinematic first MPJ by measuring hallux dorsiflexion using Jack’s test and a digital algometer with a rigid strip anchored to the iron hook’s extremity and comparing subjects with healthy first MPJ mobility to those with HR.We aimed to clarify whether tension values were different between healthy and HR subjects. Methods: Fifty-eight subjects were selected, of whom thirty were included in the case group according to HR criteria and twenty-eight were included in the control group. A digital algometer (FPX®® 25,Wagner Instruments®®, Greenwich, CT, USA) was used to assess the pulled tension values (kgf) of the first MPJ during Jack’s test. Results: The pulled tension values were highly reliable (ICC > 0.963). There were no statistically significant differences between the pulled tension values for the different ME conditions in the case (p = 0.969) or control (p = 0.718) groups. However, as it’s expected, there were statistically significant differences comparing all pulled tension values between case and control group subjects (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Different ME’s thicknesses had no influence on the pulled effort applied during the dorsiflexion Jack’s test between the healthy and HR groups; therefore, it can be prescribed without joint-care danger. In addition, it is proven that there is greater resistance to performing Jack’s test in the HR group than in the healthy group, regardless of ME’s orthotics. Furthermore, it is shown that the digital algometer device is a valid tool to detect the first MPJ restriction and is more reliable than other tests

    Implementación de la Simulación Clínica como método de aprendizaje, evaluación y análisis de puntos de mejora para alumnos de 4º curso del Grado de Enfermería en el contexto de los seminarios de Enfermería Clínica III

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    EL proyecto trata de la implementación de la metodología formativa de la "Simulación Clínica" en el contexto de la asignatira "Enfermería Clínica III". Esta metodología permite un aprendizaje no solo teórico, si no desarrollar competencias prácticas en cuanto habilidades técnicas y no técnicas. El resultado del proyecto es positivo, ya que se consigue implementar dicha metodología con unos resultados bastante buenos y una satisfacción general por parte de los alumnos muy elevada

    Desarrollo de competencias clínicas mediante Simulación Virtual en alumnos de último curso del Grado de Enfermería en tiempos de COVID-19

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    Durante la pandemia Covid-19, la comunidad universitaria se ha visto obligada a reconducir toda la docencia. Con la intención de poder evaluar nuevas herramientas de aprendizaje, que mejoren conocimientos y desarrollen competencias relacionados con los cuidados de enfermería, se realizó un amplio rastreo de herramientas que pudieran ser adecuadas para la formación práctica de nuestros estudiantes. En esta búsqueda, se encontraron diferentes opciones, destacando especialmente la plataforma vSim® For Nursing. La relevancia de esta herramienta se basa en su formato online y la posibilidad de adaptación de toda su metodología a distancia, lo que disminuye el riesgo de contagios por Covid-19. Por ello, nos propusimos como objetivo general: Evaluar la adquisición de competencias clínicas mediante una plataforma de simulación virtual en el último curso del Grado de Enfermería. Los resultados de la utilización de la herramienta fueron óptima. Mejoraron los conocimientos, se incrementaron habilidades clínicas y la satisfacción fue elevada por parte de los participantes

    Virtual Simulation for Last-Year Nursing Graduate Students in Times of Covid-19: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to adapt university health-education. Virtual simulation has been proposed to be a suitable tool. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on nursing students in the final year. The virtual simulation platform vSim® was used. Improvements in knowledge, skills during simulation, satisfaction and selfconfidence obtained through the training provided were analyzed, as well as satisfaction with the platform. Results: Prepost training knowledge improved. Skill acquisition improved between the first and last attempts in all cases. The levels of selfconfidence and satisfaction with the training and the platform used were high. Conclusions: The vSim® was a useful solution during the pandemic. Knowledge improved and high selfconfidence was obtaine

    Validation of the Barthel Index as a Predictor of In-Hospital Mortality among COVID-19 Patients

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    In order to predict the high mortality due to COVID-19, simple, useful and remote instruments are required. To assess the validity of the baseline Barthel Index score as a predictor of in-hospital mortality among COVID-19 patients, a validation study of a clinical prediction tool in a cohort of patients with COVID-19 was conducted. The primary variable was mortality and the Barthel Index was the main explanatory variable. Demographic, clinical and laboratory variables were collected. Other mortality predictor scores were also assessed: Pneumonia Severity Index, CURB-65 and A-DROP. The Receiver Operating Characteristic Area under the Curve (ROC AUC), sensitivity and specificity were calculated for both the Barthel Index and the other predictor scores. An analysis of the association between the main variables was conducted, adjusting by means of three multivariate models. Three hundred and twelve patients were studied. Mortality was 16.4%. A mortality Odds Ratio (OR) of 5.95 was associated with patients with a Barthel Index ≤ 90. The model number 3 was developed to predict in-hospital mortality before COVID-19 infection occurs. It exhibits an OR of 3.44, a ROC AUC of 0.792, a sensitivity of 74.5% and a specificity of 73.9%. The Baseline Barthel Index proved useful in our population as a predictor of in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19